Sunday, December 2, 2012

MOre on Acceptance & Relationships ~ BHoli

MOre on Acceptance & Relationships ~ BHoli 

" How can one expand upon that which one knows not the full extent of? How long does it take for one to get to know oneself? How long does it take for the other to get to know his or her self?  Are these lengths of time ever the same?  How long does it take one that knows oneself to get to know the other? How long does it take one to get to know the other before knowing his or self? How far apart or how close is knowing and being oneself?  When comes understanding oneself, understanding the other, and understanding what they become together? By law it takes at least 7 years to get to know the other.  Do you yet see how acceptance is the way?" BHoli 

"If you love someone you honor them first by accepting their limitations." BHoli


"If you love someone you honor them first by accepting their limitations." BHoli 

Limitless means without a limit, doesn't it? What has no limit essentially has no end and what has no end is infinite, is it not? See the word I-N-F-I-N-I-T-E? Can you see, in finite? What is finite has a limit, no? So, that which is forever exists within that which has a limit and that which has a limit is form such as the Body.  I Am not the body, I Am the passenger in the body and therefore there are limitations.  The first limitation of the body is the space that it occupies and so the 1st thing I honor is that everyone, including me, deserves at least 3FT, why? The Aura extends from the sternum, 3ft, in every direction, so I accept their limitations and that's love. Without the Body there is no life! No experience! Nothing! No-thing.  The Body has a very delicate balance that allows it to exist.  Too much of anything can do or undo anything for that is the nature of form and the Body is the conscious expression of that principle of form.  Honor your form principle, temple, your vessel,  by accepting it's limitations and it will honor you by supporting your potential to be IN-FINITE. 

You have your limits of who and what you can take, will take, won't take from an Other, don't you? Everyone has limits and need honor them.  In fact, have my limits for everything accept one thing which is nothing because nothing is no thing 

Friday, November 30, 2012

"What Time Is It?" By Brian J. Holiday-El

What time is it? By Brian J. Holiday-El aka TiB! aka BHoli 

"As the Game of life progresses, eventually all hands are turned up!  Just as leaves fall in autumn, and flowers bloom in spring, true colors eventually show; BUT, this is a process only the consistent can witness!  We are who we are!  You are who you are!  Only in being YOURself can you ever make the joys of consistency, reliability, respond and responsibility your own!  Think of it, if you're not this or that, can you ever be consistent or find consistency in them?   An elephant can ride a tricycle but for how long? Your Soul, you true self is just like the Sun; timely, on time, every time, and tirelessly timeless!  You'll only uniquely perceive as much of it's light as you're in a position to, from exactly where you are, exactly as you are, for as long as you are who, what, and where you are.  

Human beings experience the hours of the day and seasons of the years and cycles of the ages based upon their predisposition to the movements of the Sun.  So, we consciously or unconsciously plan our days according to the Sun and in that there's an unspoken and unquestioned universal trust in it's destiny, trajectory, and it's chronology.  You trust it's chronology because you are a witness to its mechanical dependability.  You know, that come, rain, hail, sleet, or snow, if you're alive, the Sun will be where it is scheduled to be, daily, monthly, and yearly for all eternity!  Your Soul is no different!  Your personality is no different!  Your uniqueness is not different! 

At the same time, the awakeness and awareness required to develop the sight necessary to see the light that is in you and is you, for many a soul, has been completely lost, so, just like the sentence serving prisoner in the darkness and isolation of solitary confinement for an extended period loses all track of time, when vanquished of it's capacity to watch by its attachment to the illusion of control, the mind forgets its place and the consciousness forgets itself.  Is this not a restless sleep and a sleepless dream? 

How does one awaken that knows not that he or she is asleep?  *Listen.  The sentence serving prisoner in darkness is actually much freer than the man sound asleep in a slumber he has no memory of slipping, off, away, and into the depths of, because the prisoner remembers the light of day but has lost track of its time, but the somnambulating soul knows not the light or the time of day! 

How does one awaken? *Listen 

I see, imprisoned dreamers, dreams imprisoned, prisoners to dreams, and  prisoners all dreaming of being free! 

How does one awaken? 

The sentence serving prisoner isolated in solitary confinement and the sleepless, restless, slumbering soul in a dreamless dream awakens the same way: By Answering to the sound of one's name being called!  And what's the 1st two-part question of one free and awake? DATE & TIME Please?" BHoli 


What times is it? 


Wake up! 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Round One Fight" Brian Holiday-El By Design

Let's Go!

"Round 1 Fight! 

The energy of STRUGGLE slash turmoil is in the air! Can you feel it? Ohh the STUBBORNNESS! This is the energy of the FIGHTER and the GAME PLAYER!  Count the number of conflict-related sightings you see!  The name of the game is Empowerment!!!!  The struggle is to know, and for those with this definition, the struggle is the only way to know and the struggle is for life!  Can you feel the tension??? Can feel the opposition?  This is a difficult energy but it's healthy at the same time! 


Capricorns born December 2nd through the 8th, give or take a day depending on year, and Cancers born July 1st through the 7th, give or take a day depending on the year, carry this design of The Fighter: While Scorpios  born between October 25th through to November 1st, give or take a day depending on the year, and any Taurus born between April 22nd through to April 28th, give or take a day depending on the year, carry this design of The Game Player! Note: 

However, EVERYONE has this energy RIGHT NOW!  The Key Notes to this energy at this moment are TREACHERY & QUALIFICATION!  

I want you all to see how deep the conditioning and programming on this plane actually is.  This design of struggle can also be a design of turmoil!  This is where limitation meets aggression, where ignoring the intuition could cost you more than a limb!  

This energy of struggle falls on the shoulders of the Individual and listening and hearing what needs to be heard and struggling in the now to apply it, knowing which knowing is worth fighting to know based upon the knowledge of oneself!"

BHoli ~ 


Tuesday, November 27, 2012



Little known fact about B: After rising from the throes of death and out of a deep, dark coma, for the 6 months that followed, I had to learn to, breathe again, swallow again, talk again, stand again, walk again, urinate again, defecate again, bathe again, and write again. I actually taught myself how to write with my left hand, so now I can write with both. There was pain in the morning, pain in the afternoon, and pain in the evening. There was pain when I was awake and pain when I was asleep. There was pain with every breath, every step, every dream, every thought, and every tear drop. 

Here's an excerpt from my unreleased book to, inspire you, empower you, amd fuel your determination...


"Most of the faces I saw were either filled with gratitude, disbelief, or a mixture of both! My being alive after the entire ordeal with all of my wits and senses intact was awe inspiring. Some of the hospital staff seemed down right dumbfounded by the remarkable turn-of-events! What doesn't kill you really does make you stronger, and if you learn from what you go through and apply those lessons in your life, you're sure to grow wiser and more understanding from them. Over the past four years, I've played what I could remember of the events of that evening over and over again, hundreds of times in my mind, analyzing even the smallest, seemingly most insignificant details. Looking back, I've come to embrace that period of my life as an opportunity to transform adversity into fortune!

Being physically debilitated and completely immobilized made it so that all I could do was rest, think, think, and think some more. During the moments immediately following my successful bout with death, and throughout the period of my recovery, I learned to fully appreciate all of the things that are so easy to take for granted. I realized more than ever just how precious blessings like health, family, and the ability to work, help, create, and produce really are.

Reality Check

Under normal conditions, there are many things that we as people do on a day to day basis without giving them much thought; such as walking, working, using the restroom, resting, eating, bathing, running errands, holding conversations, as well as engaging in the activities associated with pursuing ambitions, goals, and objectives; however, sustaining critical life-threatening injuries, being unable to move about, and shouldering the emotional turmoil that often accompanies these, as was the case with me, made the ordinary activities extra-ordinary, and the relatively easy and simple tasks more difficult. Tragedy is the ultimate reality check and when it befalls a person, immediately, the differences between needs and wants are made more apparent. Relationships that are based on unconditional love and mutual affection, respect and appreciation versus those that are superficial, shallow, convenient, and simply based on shared interests are highlighted and their true merit and worth in life become clearer. Were you to ever find your self in a situation with circumstances similar to what mine were, you would realize just how unimportant issues that appear urgent really are. You learn anew the distinctions between noise, and sound, being understood and simply being tolerated, being loved unconditionally and being a mere consideration. Adverse circumstances will challenge you to appreciate the differences between needs and wants, living and being alive, living in the moment and living for the moment, being conscious and aware and being responsible; being hopeful and faithful versus being optimistic and idealistic, a vision versus a dream, being fulfilled versus being successful, being brave versus being proud, cost versus price, things worth pursuing versus things worth having, appreciation versus fascination, determination versus ambition, will versus desire, how strong you are when you're weak and how weak you are when you're strong: comprehending the degrees between understanding and knowing, transcending and coping, hearing and listening, possibilities and probabilities, responding and reacting, deserving and earning, regret and remorse, self-imposed limitations and societal barriers, necessary struggle and undue stress, encouraging and enabling, healing and recovering, being connected versus being attached, being resolute versus being convinced, being special versus being unique....contentment versus complacency, growth versus change, pain versus hurt, self critique versus self pity, fixations and addictions, a strategy versus a plan, recalling versus remembering, being free versus being at liberty, a right versus a privilege, a cause versus a motive, a purpose versus a reason, intuition versus instinct and a feeling versus a sensation.

When life flashed before my eyes I was forced to thoroughly take inventory of my physical, emotional, and psychological stock. While a man is at liberty to physically move about at will the issues that genuinely warrant his fullest attention, usually the issues that are most challenging, those pressing items on his much neglected running list of things he aught to do or not, often times take a back seat to the activities that are rich in immediate gratification. It's easy for him to confuse being distracted with being busy, being busy with being productive, being productive with being efficient, and being efficient with being impeccable. It's simple to float from task to task unencumbered under normal circumstances, but when a person has no choice but to remain still, there’s far less room to maneuver and avoid what the heart is bringing to mind. It is usually only when a person fully realizes what it really means to lose something that's irreplaceable, such as life, does that person begin to completely appreciate the privilege of being in possession of it and the duty and pleasure in making the best use of it. How often is the precious balance of life under-appreciated? How much of our world do we assume will be there when our attention comes back to it? Our society places the highest premium on material accumulation, but there are certain things that no amount of money can purchase. When a person loses his/her life they are gone forever from the form you know him or her as. No amount of money can bring them back to life. Bill gates may be able to purchase just about everything under the sun, but all of his billions could never buy back the life of a dearly departed soul or time. Like wise, once a persons health is irreparably damaged, there isn’t a dollar amount in the world that could restore him or her to the soundness of 'vigor, proportion and vitality.” Healing requires time and energy.

Likewise, once trust is betrayed it cannot be purchased back. The complex variations of emotions I felt were deep and wide. There were strange mixtures of betrayal, remorse, embarrassment, anger, guilt, hope, sorrow, strength, vulnerability, fear, and paranoia. My heart and mind was confronted with a melange of feeling, misunderstood, gracious, immortal, humbled, helpless, inspired, determined, encouraged, matured, pride, victimized, bewildered, amazed, grief-stricken, estranged, forlorn, displaced, mistreated, cynical: you name the emotion, I felt it.

With this confluence of intense emotional dialogue transpiring within my heart and mind, together with the inability to physically move about or engage in something that would provide some temporary relief from the torrent of warring emotions and conflicting feelings, the search for truly abiding peace was on! That it was futile to brood over the hypothetical possibilities of a bygone event, thinking what if this this and what if that, doting about what I could have or should have done differently to avoid the condition I found myself in, was increasingly obvious. It was here that I came to truly appreciate how although we may not have total control and sole determination over certain things that happens to us, what we do possess is the uncanny tenacity to decide upon and exercise how we respond to what happens within, to, and around us. No amount of pro action can undermine the invaluable ability to respond. The former is likely, but the latter is mandatory. Bed ridden, being fed through a tube, temporarily paralyzed, there wasn't much room to dodge reality. Sometimes, moving about gives the illusion of progress just as being surrounded by people offers one the semblance of being connected. Having money gives one the suggestion of choice, but the impermanent and precarious nature of all of these are viscerally brought to the fore whenever life as one has come to know, accept, and anticipate it, undergoes a radical restructuring that typically occurs when a tragedy, calamity or some sort of crisis is experienced. Yesterday was finished, though the repercussions of its events still echoes and the only thing certain about the future was that should I live to make it my present it would be new, challenging, and would require me to take the best of what I'd learned, the most valuable memories of what I’d experienced, and use them to propel me forward and onward.

Not to think or behave like a victim was the next pivotal resolution I made! Although I..." 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"I Was There. Vote!" B!

Let's Go!

"Remember the Million Family March? I didn't go alone! I personally drafted, passed, and filed the required petition with the SGA, recruited then Lieutenant now Sergeant Ted Price as chaperon and took 44 Students from NSU to DC and we were there! VOTE!  Remember Hurricane Katrina? I personally recruited two others, we borrowed a an XL2 Camera and a friend's Benz in Atl,  headed to NOLA just 3 days later and was stopped by military police in Slidell. Interviewed the people then went to Houston. Participated in organizing the first post Katrina 2nd Line AT the Astro Dome in Houston, documented 21 hours of first hand accounts and stories from Neworleanians themselves: THEN, traveled with musicians like Bill Summers while doing relief work in Pasadena, LA, San Francisco, Oakland with activists/entrepreneur Marcell Diallo and NOLA Jazz musicians such as Davelle Crawford, Kermit Ruffins, and the Hot 8 Brass Band, raising money and inspiring hope along the way. I KNOW the truth! I was THERE! Vote! When Obama first took the presidency, I campaigned in the real battlegrounds like Chessapeake, Virginia Beach, and the greater Tide Water area of Virginia. I was THERE! Vote! When I heard about Trayvon Martin, I printed shirts, raised money and actually made donations. I was THERE! VOTE!" B!!!!! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Official notice of foregoing creations.

"I, BHOLI, am officially putting the world on notice that I'm starting a conversational series of socalled predictions, but is rightly termed, Prescience, of which I have long been a staunchly professed advocate of; and the 2 series are called, Set Your Clock and Set Your Watch.  Set Your Clock is the Yang of the series and Set Your Watch is the Yin! Don't bite or I will have Justice!" BHOLI  

Monday, October 1, 2012

"The Man In The Mirror, By Design" Part 1 By Brian 'Doc' Holiday-El (BHoli) 

Let's Go!

"The Man In The Mirror, By Design" Part 1 By Brian 'Doc' Holiday-El (BHoli)

Individuals tagged in this post consists of, friends, family, clients, students, and people who've expressed interest in, or are perhaps aware enough and near-ready to begin learning, experimenting with, and living their unique designs, so, I'm going to tell you Part 1 of a brief but very true story about who and what Michael Jackson is/was by design, and, for those that have been, experimenting with strategy and authority, staying abreast and up on the daily neutrino program, forecasting, monitoring their transits, I'm going to leave a few footnotes and questions that may lead you to a greater comprehension of the mechanics governing the reasoning behind some of my observations shared here, as well as provide you all with some guidance and insight into the mechanics underlying the nature of your own unique form. My hope is that eventually the children will know, and be born, honored, taught to know and shamelessly use their Strategy and Authority in making 100% correct decisions as themselves and for themselves, 100% of the time. The direction of this world, the turning Wheel and relentless schedule of our own continuing evolution, demands making correct decisions as self and for self, to not only survive, but thrive!

Hypothetically, what if this Body Graph didn't belong to the King Of Pop. What if...say this was your newborn Son, and you asked me to analyze his design and to project what I see, based upon the mechanics of his Aura-Type, Profile, Definition, etc. What would I say?

Remember, in real life, this IS/WAS Michael Jackson's design, but, I want you to imagine that Michael Jackson is your newborn child.

So, you're in Gary Indiana, 1958. It's Friday night, you're watching the black and white Philco Predicta model television set, perhaps in the lobby of Mary's Mercy. This is the year Aritha Franklin had her first child, La Bamba was released, the 30th Academy Awards was first aired live, Nelson Mandella married Winnie, Things Fall Apart was first published; to better compete with the Soviet Union's Sputnik, the US Government established NASA. The movie, The Fly, debuted the same day your baby boy Michael was born. Unbeknown to the world, another future global music luminary was also born earlier that August, a female singer, Madonna! The world is rapidly changing, you look to the stars and say, "Ohh my Heavens! What type of life awaits my son?"

You regularly check your horoscope, finding some things true and others only vaguely so. You want to be more clear and the search for clarity reminded you of this handsome, intelligent, spiritual, brother you made the acquaintance of at Gary Public Library, where he volunteers as a literacy and math tutor for underprivileged children, while instructing them in the science of perfected decision making, using, what he once referred to as 6 Degrees Of Separation, but what he now calls, the Synthesis, and is based upon each child's precise birth date, time, and place. The children love him and he, empowers, positively impacts, and constructively transforms the people who grace his presence.

You see me and say, "B, here is my Son Michael's Body Graph. If you are in the Spirit to, guide me in what you see."


"The GHP (Global Human Population) is made up of 5 basic Aura-Types. Your Son, Michael, by design, is what is, mechanically speaking, called a Reflector (his song Man In The Mirror anyone?). He is a Reflector and Reflectors are Planetary Guardians. Statistically, they represent only 2.66% of the GHP, so, suffice is to say, Michael's Aura-Type, the way he is designed to process life and life's processes, the way the mechanics of his energy operates within his aura, though as an Aura-Type still comprising tens of millions of people, is still very much rare, a mutation if you will, compared to the 7 or so billion people that comprises the GHP.

Look at how open Michael's aura is. By design, every Aura-Type is always more open than not, but, Reflectors are the most open. We all have a little Michael in us. It is through this openness, through our openness that we are vulnerable to being conditioned away from our unique nature; our true selves.

Through the openness in his 7 open centers, his Not-Self mind is going to take in the world around him in a very very deep way and amplify it by 200%! Pay attention to what I just said because it's crucial to always bare in mind, the 200% amplifying nature of an open Center upon being activated by definition in someone else's Aura or by Transit. Through our openness we take in the other and amplify what is their definition by 200%! The openness, all of that white in his chart is not who Michael is. It is Michael's Not-Self. Look at your son's design. Michael has 7 centers undefined (white) and 2 centers defined (colored in), so, there are 7 areas where Michael is exceptionally vulnerable to conditioning (undefined-white, Centers-Gates-Channels-Lines etc), and 2 areas Michael has the unique potential to consciously experience as reliable, trustworthy, and consistent despite external conditioning.

*The color in your Body Graph IS who you are, the red and black being your prenatal and natal genetic imprinting, or unconscious and conscious minds, respectively; and, is the life force, is what's reliable, consistent, hence, Defined; and, the White is the opposite, is where we are inconsistent, unreliable, vulnerable, going to school at in this life, functioning as receptors that amplify the other by 200%, and so is undefined, and as such, become home to where the Not-Self mind exaggerates and distorts every aspect of how one experiences life. It is in the experiencing of the open centers that we potentially become, once one is aware of the nature of the conditioning taking place relative to the hierarchy of one's openness and living out the definition (color) of one's design, only when one is reactively-responsively-responsibly, and respondably, awake, alert to, and aware of the Not-Self mental conditioning anchored in our openness, might these open centers then become sources of great wisdom and eventually correctly emerge as parts of one's own Outer Authority.

The open Center in your Son Michael's design that causes me so much alarm is his Open G Center, also known as the Self Center, and is the diamond shaped center, just beneath the Throat Center. Biologically, the G Center is associated with the Liver and the Blood and experienced in life in terms of Identity (Love & Direction). It is also the location of the Magnetic Monople which holds all of us together in the illusion of our separateness. Listen to me when I tell you, Michael has a very, very, unique way he's supposed to eat, learn, rest, make decisions, live in a specific environment, and so on. You do as well, but, Michael's unique design is who this communication is about and Michael's is unique and must be honored, and, if it's not, he is going to suffer deeply the Not-Self mental amplification and distortion of the Open G Center, primarily, along with all of the other Not-Self strategies of his remaining 6 open centers! All of the things I mentioned above about the open G is where he is going to suffer if his uniqueness is not honored. He will suffer deep, deep Not-Self *Identity issues, deep Not-Self issues with *Love, deep Not-Self issues with *Direction, deeply distorting Not-Self issues with his *Blood and *Liver, amplified at 200%, to the point of distortion, to the point that he can transform completely into someone who less and less resembles his unique, true, and original self.

If his uniqueness is not honored, it is by the Not-Self themes of the Undefined G Center or Open Self Center that he could very easily, very early on, become deathly attached to a plaguing complex about not liking how he looks, not liking who he thinks he is or who he thinks he should be, who others perceive him as and on and on...and not liking where he is, and, if it's not surrendered to as Not-Self, he will go through very radical and sudden changes in all of the Open G associated phenomena. Sudden changes in his direction in life, his love interests, his identity, his blood and liver operations, amplified at 200%! He will do this because his uniqueness has not been honored, he has been conditioned away from his true self since childhood, stripped of and conditioned away from what truly defines and represents him; and, in that, Michael, through his openness, represented graphically as the white in his design, can become grossly attached to his Not-Self. Through the distortion of his open G, he can very easily suffer a life of always mentally basing all of his decisions off of an assumption that something is wrong with the wrong him. Through the neglect of his own uniqueness, he'll become mentally fixed on radically 'fixing' his "Self", his appearance, how people perceive him, his behavior, all in a effort to find out who he is so that he could find and experience true self love, but attempting to do so through the openness of his G rather than through the Definition in his Solar Plexus and Heart Center; in that order.

All of this can be offset by something very very simple and practical and it's called Strategy and Authority. Michael's Strategy and Authority is unique to him, and is based upon his precise, time of birth, date of birth, and place of birth. That's the materials of his formula for no fault living. Aside from honoring his Uniqueness as a Whole, which I'll tell you more of next time we meet, but...aside from that, as parent to this Emotionally Defined Reflector Open G baby, you can do two simple things, actually a few, but, as a parent, most importantly, is, for starters, honor his unique dietary regimen. Unique Dietary Regimen is not about wether or not to become a vegetarian or meat eater. Those are homogenized generalizations. We are unique, one-of-a-kind individuals, so we have a unique dietary regimen. Michael has a unique dietary regimen. How he's designed to eat, what he's designed to eat, when he's designed to eat, and where he's designed to eat is unique, and, if correctly done, will nourish the uniqueness of his brain, body, spirit, and mind. All of that and more is laid out plainly, logically, and practically in his Body Graph. I'll explain his unique dietary regimen in a moment. Second is, never, ever live in a place where Michael is not happy! Before you move to a place, always make sure Michael with his Open G loves it, if not, NOTHING WILL EVER WORK CORRECTLY for anyone living there and Michael can very easily shut out and shut off into his own world.

In other words, the moment he's able to express his like or dislike of how he's situated in his dwelling, his living environment, then you need to reconstitute his relationship to his living environment, or vice versa, to his liking. The moment that you ignore this is the moment that you ignore what is correct for his true nature and is an open invitation to unnecessary resistance, psychological dysfunction, and physiological deterioration of those open centers, beginning with his Open Center of the Self. He already, as a Reflector, has a nature and an Aura that is literally out of this world, so his habitat, where he lives and how he's situated in his living environment to his liking is a fundamental principle in the soundness of his overall health and well being; ignore that and invite his and the family's own undoing.

We're nearly out of time. I have to get prepared for my next group of children. We will talk again about this Reflector you have on your hands, but, I will share this about Michael before I go...

Michael entered into the world with the Sun, 70% of what defines Michael is indicated by the location of the Sun in the 'sky' and in his 'body at the moment he was born,' ... the Sun having just entered his Heart Center (Center of Ego-Will Power-Stomach), in what is called The Gate Of Aloneness (his song You Are Not Alone anyone?). Also, the Earth was in the Solar Plexus Center (Center of Emotion-Spirit), in what is called The Gate of Friendship. These two Gates form what is called the Channel of Community: a design of being a part seeking a whole. There's something very significant about this channel, what the future of it means for the collective destiny of humanity, and we'll, hopefully, talk about this later. But, Michael, in his design, has the potential to Deliver you, the family, his friends, and the entire world, like so many parts, to a Spirit of wholeness, to the identification of all of humanity, all of creation, all of nature, being one great COMMUNITY!  Michael is and will always be A Part Seeking A Whole. Though he will cherish family and friends more than he cares for his own body, and though he will care for the security of the needy, those who have no family, Michael will still feel as though he was not adequately cared for as a child and even in a crowded room amongst family and friends, he will still feel alone.

Let's talk more about who and what Michael has the Potential to be in this world. I see some very amazing yet very saddening possibilities for him. It all depends on what you do with the knowledge of his unique design. Nice seeing you again, and, whenever you're ready, just give me the formal invitation, hopefully I'm in the mood, and we can discuss his uniqueness in detail. In his Body Graph, as you can see, there's something interestingly childlike about what he has the potential to do with his voice, a potential for communicating quicker than the eye with the movement of his body, and something extraordinary with his feet, but, it's his Open G that cries out to me from within his design, perhaps because mine too is Open."

Brian Holiday-El is available for Readings (Rave {Individuals}, Composities {Partners}, Pentas {Family, Tribe, Group}, Personality, Design, and Color Transfer Analysis, Consultations, Tutorials, Courses, Self Study Materials, Public/Private Speaking, Ghost-Writing, Strategy & Authority Coaching & Training.

'Emergencies' text 908.829.7137


Readings that may fit your budget...

Decision Reading

Motivational Reading

Sphinx Reading

Rave New Election By TiB!

Before, selecting a mate, seeing your child off in marriage, jumping in the sack to make a baby, or the like, read...

"Is He A Daddy Or A Father By TiB! Here:

The Synthesis!!!

What's In A Full Reading from the TiB!?

Order My Reading How?


Love yourself!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"Transformational Life Style" By Brian Holiday-El (BHoli)

"Transformational Life Style" By Brian Holiday-El (BHoli)

"Daily I die and am reborn, knowing everlasting life is death's reward. Blood, brawn, and bones, is not all I am, but truly unsatisfied till I do all I can. I cherish the day, yet I invite the night. I hope for peace, but I'm prepared to fight. My love is blind, but my heart has sight, and the darker things seem, the more I see light. Death is the direction we head toward in life, yet, with the Holy Breath, there's resurrection and the consciousness of Christ. For many, it's just a metaphor, not words to live by, but they're just caterpillars on their way to becoming a butterfly." ~ BHoli

Readings that may fit your budget...

Decision Reading

Motivational Reading

Sphinx Reading

Rave New Election By TiB!

Before, selecting a mate, seeing your child off in marriage, jumping in the sack to make a baby, or the like, read...

"Is He A Daddy Or A Father By TiB! Here:

The Synthesis!!!

What's In A Full Reading from the TiB!?

Order My Reading How?


More On Readings...


Love yourself!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"YOUR UNIQUE PATH" By Brian Holiday-El

"YOUR UNIQUE PATH" ~ By Brian Holiday-El aka TiB!

"Your path is unique and specific to you. There is no other path that is the same as yours. It is straight, but it is perfect for you. No one can fill in your shoes, carry your cross, bare your burdens, hold your hand, walk before you, face your fears, or heal the wounds you sustain along the way. People can pray for you, or not, wish you well, or not, support you, or not, love you, or not, hate you, or not, distract you, or not, but none of them can, alter the course, shorten the distance, or pave the way for you.

Your path is YOUR PATH, so all of the achievements, both large and small, all of the rewards, both personal and public, all of the successes, both material and spiritual, all of the praise, both quiet and loud, just like your path, ALL BELONG TO YOU, and are gifts of the Spirit ! Finding your way is the hardest part, but, after that, all you have to do is place one foot in front of the other." TiB! True Guide


The Synthesis!!!

What's In A Full Reading from the TiB!?

Order My Reading How?


More On Readings...

Decision Reading

Motivational Reading

Sphinx Reading

Rave New Election By TiB!

Before, selecting a mate, seeing your child off in marriage, jumping in the sack to make a baby, or the like, read "Is He A Daddy Or A Father By TiB! Here:

Love yourself!