Friday, June 1, 2012

Your Reading From Me...

Your Reading from me...

A Reading from me...

Is unfailingly showing and proving to be one of, if not the, single most profoundly empowering, enlightening, liberating, transformational, and life-enhancing communications people have ever received, and, most importantly, your Reading from me IS ALL ABOUT YOU!

On a Personal, Psychological, and Emotional/Spiritual level...

Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, what your unique roles are in this life, what makes you different, what makes you uniquely and distinctly original, the secrets to becoming self-aware of and accessing your own personal power, how to correctly express your inner and outer authority in your life right now, what your hidden potentials are, what defines you, where the greatest meaning is to be found in your life, what your purpose is in this life, your correct way of going directly into expressing what your true identity is, the sources of as well as what are your correct strategies for eliminating the unnecessary stress and resistance in your life; the unique design of your brain, body, and mind, your particular cognition, and the reasons why you think, speak, behave, and react the way you do in response to the triggers of different pressures, stresses, people, circumstances, and settings; the sources and solutions of and for your inner and outer conflicts; what your specific fears are and how to make them your allies, your correct strategies for effectively and successfully navigating emotional conditions and situations; the root causes of, confusion, frustration, anger and/or bitterness and the proper strategies for you to personally both decondition and free yourself from the harmful effects of these.

In addition to making clear where and what your vulnerability, inconsistencies, weaknesses, and hidden strengths are, your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, the heart, soul, and mechanics of your inner and outer authority in this life as well as where you'll always find grounding and stability; at the deepest levels of your vehicle, what truly drives you, the message you're here to communicate in this life, the keys to unlocking the potential of your, DNA, personality, spirituality, your deepest truths, and what fundamentally balances you and how you gain and establish structure in any area of your life.

On an Intimacy & Nurturing level

Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, the mechanics of your unique sexuality, your genetic bonding strategies, your correct quality of companionship, the personality and genetic attributes of you and your current or ideal lover, mate, companion, confidant, spouse, business partner, personal assistant, employee(s) etc.; the correct time for you to end, begin, or renew relationships; for aspiring or soon to be parents, the most opportune time for you to conceive children as well as key insights into what mental, physical, and spiritual qualities your children will potentially or currently have and bring out of you, or are already bringing out of you, what kind of children yours may potentially grow up to become, as well as knowledge and clarity regarding the stage of development you all are maturing through in your respective current seven year cycles.

If you are in a relationship or not, and you want a more in-depth analysis and explanation of your design, or the composite of you and your partners' design, or you're interested in knowing, based upon your own design, what type of profile and design will compliment your own, or you simply want to know what your chart says about you, call or email  908.502.1033 to schedule an appointment for a rave analysis or reading.

On a Physical & Environmental level...

Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, your unique dietary regimen, the mechanics and inner-workings of your conscious and unconscious mind, how to heal the issues in your tissues, the means and methods of accessing your three streams of awareness; your genetic, bonding strategies,  inheritances, predispositions, and much much more.

Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, the Knowledge of, where you are most open and susceptible to being conditioned by others, the themes of the first and second half of your life, what has occurred in your past, what you're faced with navigating through at the present moment as well as what events are coming and what circumstances you're being moved toward in the immediate days ahead; the most opportune time for you to travel, change schools, relocate, switch disciplines, careers etc.; the correct times, means, and strategies for you to take on new risks such as investments, starting a business, gambling, etc.; where your luck, fortune, and possibilities of expansion reside within and around you, and the correct environments for you to live, work, excel, and prosper in!

On a Transpersonal level...

Perhaps you want or need clarity on or for yourself in relation to another or others such as, your child or children, guardians, siblings or relative(s), lover, partner, spouse, friend, or associate, a missing or deceased loved one, a superior, competitor, adversary or foe. Your Reading from me can and does explore, in-depth, any and all of the areas mentioned above and more!

How do I get my Reading?

Obtain your Reading by following 2 simple steps.

Step One ~

Email or text your: Name, Exact Birth Time, Birth Place, and Birth Date to ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033

Your time, date, and place of birth is used to generate what is called a *Body Graph (Birth Chart) which represents your Unique Design. (see sample attachment)

*A Chart like the one attached, but specific to your Vital Data (*Time of Birth, Date of Birth, and Place of Birth) are the key fundamental ingredients that make up your Formula for No Fault Living!  Your Chart is the visual science of your unique design and is the complete blueprint to your conscious and your unconscious mind, your immediate environment and environmental themes as well as the circumstances, situations, events, personalities and people populating your surroundings. It is the script containing your true identity and roles as well as the storyline, plot, and themes of all of what you've experienced, what you are potentially experiencing right now, and what you'll potentially experience moving forward, on a conscious and an unconscious level. On a deeper level, your chart is the mapping out of your exact natal and prenatal genetic sequences and combinations that unlocks your fortune in this your life.

In my Reading of your chart and in my revealing to you your unique design, I'll also be guiding you in looking into and seeing clearly the strength, wisdom, and beauty that comes inborn with your profile and form, showing you the way to unlocking your unique potentials and guiding you towards what you are here to do naturally, all the while clarifying and distinguishing the crucial connections between what you are consciously and unconsciously designed to do on a personality and genetic level, versus what you're not.

Email or text your: Name, Exact Birth Time, Birth Place, and Birth Date to ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033

Step Two ~

Order your Reading today by depositing a minimum of half the fee of the Reading you've chosen.

Readings from me are given on a first-come-first-serve basis. To schedule your Reading today, using a, bank, debit, or credit card, simply order half the amount of the type of Reading you've decided to receive by:

A.) clicking the link to the "Order My Reading" blog post

B.) beneath the "Order My Reading" post is a tab to my Pay Pal Business Account labelled, "Order My Reading" where you'll tap 'Order My Reading'.

C.) using a bank, debit, or credit card, donate/order/pay half the amount of the Reading you've decided to receive.

Your order is processed within seconds and Pay Pal sends us both a Notification of Payment containing your Name, Email, and Contact Information. You will then call me directly to schedule a time for you to receive your Reading.

Readings & Fees

A.) A live Reading from me, for a single individual, lasts approximately one hour, and comes with Charts and E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.

{Fee ~ $60 (USD)}

~ (Here, a $60 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your Individual Reading)

B.) A pre-recorded Reading from me, for a single individual, lasts  approximately one hour and thirty minutes, and comes with, Charts, an MP3 file compatible with your iDevice, PC, or Desk Top as well as E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.

{Fee ~ $90 (USD)}

~ (Here, a $60  (USD) deposit is required to schedule your prerecorded Individual Reading)

C.) A Family, Couple, or Group Reading for two to five people from me, lasts approximately two to three hours, and comes with, Charts, an MP3 file compatible with your iDevice, PC, or Desk Top as well as E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.

{Fee ~ $180 (USD)}

~ (Here, a $90 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your Penta Reading)

Scroll below and Order Your Reading Today! 

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