Monday, August 26, 2013

"Even in the use of force when provoked respond with patience." TiB! 

"Even in the use of force when provoked respond with patience." 

33 Degree Mason, running about 30 miles per week, late 50's now I reckon, became my mentor my Freshman year, then Lieutenant now Captain Price, 40,00 troops in his command during Desert Storm, led the NSU Police into the thick of this huge fight that broke out in the middle of what we used to call the Sweat Box, a party in the small gym every other weekend or so, he entered the mayhem so calm, cool, and collected, tossing big body dudes left and right, not a wince, not a flinch, no hesitation, zero indecisiveness, full intensity and in full control, established order out of a 15 man fight in a matter of moments.  The officers flanking him were ducking and apprehensive as they entered the fray but not Price.  We used to talk for hours, several times a week, trading books and paradigms.  He chaperoned for me when I organized a charted  bus trip to the Million Family March.  He's a military and strategic genius and he taught me, but he would say we taught each other, a great deal over the years, yet, that night, chairs, fists, elbows, and bodies flying all over the place, he demonstrated how even in the use of force when provoked respond with patience." 

Sincerely yours, 

Brian Holiday-El 

Know thyself and the Other

                                          ~  The Intelligent Brother  ~

Thursday, August 1, 2013

"Real Life Story Of Perfection." By Brian TiB! Holiday-El

Let's Go!

"Sometimes stepping back from a situation gives you just enough time and space to respond with strategy and authority.  When I was a preteen and before he passed I used to caddie for my grandfather who was the chauffeur for the president of Bell Atlantic.  Yearly defensive driving certifications were mandatory.  "I like a smooth ride," he'd say before I cranked up the Golf Cart.  He told me he drives for everyone on the road and is watching the driver 3 cars ahead of him, so when that driver slowed down his foot was already hovering the brake.  Over the course of 26 plus years, he NEVER had an accident." Brian 'TiB!' Holiday-El #perfection 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"No Struggle; No Progress" Beforehand®  with Brian 'TiB!' Holiday-El Host of the Sepiasexual Internet Talk Radio Show, BodyTalkLive®

Let's Go!

"No Struggle; No Progress" Beforehand®  with Brian 'TiB!' Holiday-El Host of the Sepiasexual Internet Talk Radio Show, BodyTalkLive®

Greetings everyone. 

Beforehand®  ... 

is Your Daily Designs, Signs, And Times With True Guide Brian 'TiB!' Holiday-El 

Obviously, have your BodyGraphs handy and first timers can get a free Rave Chart from Jovian here .  At a price deeply discounted to market, I have plenty of books, courses, and audio available.  For more information visit Your Reading From Me ... Rave Body Graph Analysis For Beginners  

NOTE: Attached to this transmission is a screenshot of what's called a Just Now of a Rave Body Graph Mandala which illustrates, among other particulars, an alignment of the Human Body with the Human Genome Code and the Solar System.  In this Just Now, the data in Red is as of 3 Months ago (88 Degrees To Sun) and the data in Black is as of--- EST Monday, June 17th 2013 (Today). 

"No Struggle No Progress" F.D. 

Looking at the Channel Of Struggle (28-38) I've circled in the attached photo I'm reminded of how, beginning in my early 20's, starting off as a Substitute at Maury High School and finishing as a full time 7th Grade Communications Skills and English Teacher at Ruffner Academy in Norfolk, Virginia, over and over I'd encourage my students to remember that each and every one of them has an unique purpose to fulfill in this life and no one else but them can fulfill that especial purpose.  At the same time, it's going to be a struggle to first care enough about oneself and about life to know it and be stubborn enough to be yourself in order to fulfill it.    

In later years, coming into this knowledge, I felt vindicated because when you look at your Rave Chart, which is based upon your birth date, place, and time, you are literally looking at an unconscious and conscious mapping of your unique potentials...a revelation of the precise mechanics behind what exactly makes you different from everyone and everything else and unique unto yourself.  I do love and enjoy empowering, educating, and guiding using the Synthesis, and I'm happy that there's finally enough of us in my online community better equipped to appreciate this knowledge.  That's rather exciting for me.  When I began posting the BodyGraph online over 2 years ago, as selective as I am, I sort of knew this moment would come and it kind of confirms what's going to happen next.  Okay, enough of my little confession.

Leeeeeeeet's gooooo! 

So, what's going on?  

Right about now

People wonder why those old Spurs seem to have found the fountain of youth or a time-machine with a fridge full of cocoon juice and are playing like some young boys, or why the Dow Jones Industrial Average is so inflated and slowly beginning the process of erasing it's recent gains, or why children or people in general are more ramped up and hard of hearing than usual, or why there's so much of one person politely ignoring the other, or why so many people feel as though they're fighting a losing battle or finally feeling like they're winning only to have it snatched away, or finally making visible progress but only following bout after bout of a painstaking process with seemingly more risks than rewards, or why lately people who are normally only concerned about themselves have been seeming to care more about others, or why alliances are as changeable as the weather these days, but it's very obvious to me why and how when I look at the designs in this Just Now. 

Moreover, don't take my word for it.  Just take a look at the movie around you.  On the one hand, people are struggling and in turmoil in their relationships with others, be it intimate, communal, social, and/or corporate, to the point that they simply cannot wait to end it but remain in it, holding on, fearing life, fearing death, and fearing having to survive on their own in this world without it.  If a loved one has passed away, even if she or he isn't a 'recently' deceased individual, it's very likely that it's a resurfaced struggle of letting them go or not.  

In other words, for many, there's a reinvigorated 'what's the point mentality' and it's as if the struggle can't end soon enough and now they're either considering or not the risks of letting go versus holding on or that decision has been or is being made for them.  Others may be in a struggle involving risking their very lives for a false sense of purpose they're holding onto and will continue feeling like they're losing everyone and everything they love until they've learned how to let go.  Health, habits, and their interaction in affecting one's relationship with one's own body, that particular struggle, is intensified in this design of energy as well.  What I've been enumerating and describing are only some of what I'm seeing in Struggle and I say that without any conscious thought of what's actually Activating the 28 and the 38, Saturn and Pluto, respectively.  People rushing to make a decision about who or what to let go of and who or what to hold on to...all the while few will listen and even fewer will wait.  All of it has everything to do with Purpose! 

What to do?

If I was...let's say a personal trainer or physical therapist, provided I've already done my research and due diligence on my clients' design, especially their health systems, and concluded that they're truly ready, I'd be encouraging my clients to be as active as is healthily possible in their physical regimens.

Walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, gardening, remodeling, cooking, Zumba, etc., are some examples of activities that now more than ever people who are capable of engaging in them aren't necessarily going to encounter problems coming up with or accessing the physical energy to perform them.  If you've been trying, to lose weight, build muscle, go the extra mile in one arena or another demanding more physical prowess than normal...yes, now is the time to do it. 

For instance, if you're rehabilitating a limb or recovering from an injury, again, provided you're, in your experiment, honoring your unique dietary regimen, and you're applying Strategy and Authority in your decision making process, now is the time to increase the physical activity level because the body has more than enough adrenal energy and needs to physically burn it off.  There are peak performance hours that shift daily and, depending on your knowing your true motivation or what is called Color in the language of Design, you can make  exceptional progress in setting or reaching milestones in the areas of health and physique.

Of course, there's always a flip-side to just about everything, not to mention this design isn't going to last much longer.   That's going to be no big deal for people who have Struggle as part of their Rave, but for the many who do not have the 28-38, when it's over, if they've been neglecting their bodies, eating or behaving impulsively, there will be consequences and repercussions, beginning on the 5th of August 2013

Scratching The Surface 

On the surface of this chart, what you're seeing here are the Root Center and the Splenic Center colored or shaded in and that means that those two centers are what is called *Defined. The Root Center is literally at the root of the BodyGraph and the Spleen is to the upper left of it.  The other 7 Centers or Chakras are Undefined and we see this illustrated in the BodyGraph by the remaining 7 Centers being White or Open.  The moment we see 2 Gates that form a Channel, both Activated, in this case Gate 38, The Gate Of The Fighter in the Root Center and Gate 28, The Gate Of The Game Player in the Spleen, the Channel itself is alive so to speak and we call that channel defined, or we say, in this case here, the Root is Defined to the Spleen through the Channel of Struggle or the Spleen is defined to the Root via A Design Of Stubbornness.  In a word, that is called Definition and wheresoever there is definition there is a quantum, a living energy, it is a life all it's own. 

With the Immune system now as charged up or adrenalized as it is being hooked into the Root Center like you see I've circled in the Just Now, it's easy for people to feel as if they're healthier than they really are, that their bodies feel indestructible, and that they're physically stronger than usual.

The Root Center or Root Chakra which is, 1 of 2 pressure Centers in the body, a Motor, biologically associated with the adrenal glands, and mystically associated with the Kundalini is pumping up the Body or the Spleen via the 28-38, The Channel Of Struggle, A Design Of Stubbornness.  Another keynote for this design of Stubbornness is a design of Turmoil.  Let's stop right there for a second.   

Practical Breakdown

At a very basic level, in order to offset counterproductive affects of the recent spike in stress across the planet, one of the things I've been encouraging clients and students with or without this Channel to do is to LISTEN to AND with their bodies as well as EXERCISE more during this transit with it's particularly difficult yet healthy design of Struggle.  The less of this adrenaline one works off the more difficult it becomes to channel the physical stress inherent in it.  This particular design of stubbornness began on Sunday, May 5th 2013 and as a quantum It'll be over by Monday, August 5th, 2013, meaning we're approximately 6 Weeks into this 90 day Design of Stubbornness.  How this is playing out in your life is dependent upon your unique design.  The nuances are incredibly diverse. 

FYI: To whom it may concern, ANY child or mammal born between May 5th and August 5th of 2013 is born with this Design Of Stubbornness and Struggle is their only way of knowing. 

More Practical Applications 

Suppose you're a manager, now is when you pull your team to make those bonuses or invite someone with the power and the willingness and the attributes necessary to empower the team to call upon one another's instincts to win.  If I'm a coach, my team would do those 3-a-days and more training.  This is the ideal energy with which to stretch, strengthen, and maximize the potential of your form, to get into peak condition, to exert physical force, but '*the purpose has to be heard and known through recognition in the Now, and the struggle has to be correct and invited.'

If I'm a contractor who understands this Knowledge and I bid for and best a contract for a job requiring a great deal of physical exertion and needs to or can be completed before August 5th, take it on because the energy to get it done is there in you and everyone affiliated in your operation.  However, there's 2 major dilemmas to recognize at this time due to this same design of stubbornness responsible for this substantial increase in adrenalized physicality and heightened body consciousness.  One major dilemma is cutting your losses too early or too late and the other is being in such a hurry to get through something that either the whole purpose of it is missed or it's a complete failure. 

If you're into marketing and your quality service or product deals in energy, accent the promotion of your energy managing services and products more than your energy building services and products.  If you're a parent or a professional charged with the care of the youth, extending the physical exercise periods or giving the youth more opportunities to physically move about will make your duties a lot less stressful. 

2 Sides To Every Coin 

On the other hand, there's almost always a flip-side because we live in a duality.  This design can be experienced as stubbornness on the one hand or compliance on the other.  The polarity of this Channel of Struggle can also feel like walking on easy street.  The 28-38 is a Projector construct so there's a bittersweet energy regarding this struggle for individual empowerment and the all-day-everyday turmoil it's stubbornly inviting.  Either way, as the song and the saying goes, it takes 2 baby.

The reversal is, people who are not in tune with their bodies or within themselves have all of this excess physical energy to fight, challenge, play, or get physical but simply do not know who or what to struggle with or for or against.  What you get is a whole lot of people with a whole lot of pent up stress due to excess energy with no knowing of what purpose to fight for, or you'll hear about and see people fighting for the knowing of a purpose that is not their own, or people holding on with a death grip to philosophies and theories of individual empowerment that are out of step with the now.   The Channel Of Struggle is just 1 of 36 Channels, in 1 of 6 Circuits, in 1 of 7 Circuitries, in 1 of 9 Streams, and Gates 28 and 38 are 2 of 64 Gates connecting 2 of 9 Centers in the BodyGraph, and on and on.  There is a great deal of information at every glance.  

We Need The Other

Likewise, there are many many other aspects that need be defined for the fulfillment of the purpose of the Struggle and that's where alliances come in.  Like I always say, different people will always bring out different potentials within you. 

All Dressed Up With Nowhere To Go 

For instance, people are physically pumped up with the energy to fight, to know, to challenge, to struggle, to take risks, and to win, but without the Insight of the 57, the Power of the 34, the Nature of the 10, and the I Am of the 20, for many, it can and does seem as if there is no way out of the Turmoil; sort of like a well armed soldier ready to do battle but clueless as to which war is hers or his.  People in your life with Activations in the aforementioned Gates become even more significant to the fulfillment of your purpose at this time. 


Think about what Adrenalin is and think about the adrenal glands in the Root pumping up the Splenic-Lymphatic and Immune System's Complex.  The Spleen, home of the Lymphatic and Immune Systems, is the washing machine of the body and it's also 1 of the 3 Awareness Centers in these 9-Centered Body's we have.  Moment to moment, millisecond by nanosecond, it's the Immune System that's responsible for our existential survival and it's being pressurized by the Root Center and it's powerful adrenal secretions.  The Spleen is the Body's Consciousness so it is Aware, yet the Root Center, so vital to the success of our existence that it's built by the 1st 3 1/2 weeks of pregnancy, is not an Awareness; it's a Motor.  Without 1 of the 4 Motors being directly or indirectly connected to the Throat Center, there is no manifestation, no true doing, and though the Splenic Center is an Awareness Center, it is not Mental and it only operates in the Now. 

So, it's like the Struggle is isolated or the individual is in a struggle with seemingly no outlet.  It's like the Body is under pressure, specifically the pressure to challenge, without a way of releasing it.  This is not the same for everyone.  Remember, I'm just dealing with the energy in front of me.  If you look at your chart and you don't have the Throat Center defined then what I'm saying has significant bearing on your life.  The same goes for individuals without a defined Root Center and a similar yet altogether different set of circumstances exist for people with undefined Spleens, or any combination thereof.  Lots to consider and much much more going on at this time within this definition of Struggle I've decided to isolate and hone in on at the moment. 

Nevertheless, this is the time for, as the phrase goes, getting it in.  Now you can get those abs, gluds, etc. right in a way that's in line with the design of the times.   This is the time to double up on overtime hours or do house and yard work because the Adrenal Glands are pressurizing the Spleen and thus the lymphatic and Immune System.  The Immune System is being pressurized and fueled by a very powerful Root Chakra.  This is taking place all over the planet.  In other words the Struggle, albeit in many ways ignored, is truly universal.  No one who exists is exempt from these imprints and The Just Now Chart is showing you the imprinting of what EVERYONE is experiencing when it comes to this Design Of Stubbornness. 

Not Even The Half 

Notice, we haven't even looked at the Sun, which is 70% of our daily programming, or the filtering Planets and the coloring and accenting qualities they bring, or the Nodes which establish the background frequency of the environment and the trajectories of our movements through them.  

Very Brief Look Ahead

As of this writing the Sun and the Earth are preparing to change *Gates, *Houses, and *Constellations in less than 48 hours.  Mercury in the Root Center in the Channel Of Maturation is preparing to retrograde along with Saturn in the Spleen, Neptune in the Solar Plexus, and Pluto in the Root Center.  In almost exactly a month from now, Uranus will Retrograde in the heart muscle as well.  Come to think of it, the North and South Nodes of the Moon, which sets up the themes of the collective environment like props on a stage, are preparing to shift Lines from 'Aloneness' and 'Secretiveness' to 'The Energy To Sustain Creative Work' and 'Patience', respectively, in the next week, bringing to the background frequency an environmental design of intense Trial and Error activity in the creative process with a theme of Bonds Made and Bonds Broken regarding individual direction, so I would then stress detail in everything, certainly in the exercising of that physical energy, so as not to break any limbs or incur any damage to oneself.  How this shift is preparing to impact your life is right there in your chart.  I'm getting a little ahead of myself because there's so many interesting designs aligning as we move towards, upon, and passed the transits afoot. 

Charting Approach  

For now, look at the chart and apply a little basic logic to what you're seeing.  The first thing I'm looking at in this Just Now Chart is where the Authority is and isn't anchored within the design of the moment, how long it's been there, how long it'll be there and what it'll be once it changes.   My process is even more specific when looking at a Rave or what's commonly referred to as a human being's chart as opposed to this Just Now because I always look at the individual's Inner and Outer Authority, Colors, Tones, Aura-Type, Profile, and Design side data first.  I actually draw out most of their genetic information by hand.  When I feel moved to I'll probe into the Conception data also in order to get a cleaner and clearer grasp of that individual's Biogentic Inheritance. 


The signs, times, and designs are pointing towards making a healthy relationship with one's body a top priority.  We are 9-Centered Beings with an 85-Year Uranian Lifecycle.  Think of the implications of having such a lengthy Lifecycle.  Sure, it's short when you really think about it in comparison to the expanse of time itself and it does fly by, but we're designed to live much much longer than in our recent ancestry.  We have to take better care of ourselves by honoring what uniquely defines us, beginning with the vessels we're in.  My eldest relative passed not too long ago at the age of 98 and all of her senses were in tact.  Aunt Honey tended a garden in her backyard, grew a lot of the foods she consumed, and remained independent up until the last stages of her life.  What's so remarkable is how in tact was her spirit, mind, AND body.  There was a great deal of serendipity in her chart but for the most part, a large majority of people aren't that 'lucky.'  If we say time is precious then the health of the body must be invaluable as well as the timing of empowering it; if for no other reason than the fact that one's purpose in life cannot be fulfilled without it.  The Struggle can be a winless and bitter battle with one bout of turmoil after another, or, the same struggle, when we LISTEN and when one's true purpose is what's being fought with and the fulfillment of that purpose is what's being fought for, can offer a knowing so empowering that it gets sweeter as it gets deeper and it gets greater later.  The Struggle, when one is correct, is designed to be a sweet invitation to a purposeful destination.  When in doubt, recall the words of Aesop, "And this too shall pass." 

Sincerely Yours

Brian 'TiB!' Holiday-El 

Brian Holiday-El, Host of the sapiosexual BodyTalkLive® is a, Ghostwriter, Entrepreneur, Activist, Children's Design Advocate, former Public School Educator, Human Design Trainer, Independent Rave Psychology Practitioner and HD Analyst, and is currently accepting formal invitations for, Tours, Clinics, Tutorials, Seminars, Apprenticeships, Rave Body Graph Analysis (Readings), Color Transference Analysis, Cross Of Life Analysis, Composite (Partnership) Analysis, Sexual Design Analysis, Professional Analysis, and more. 

To begin investigating, learning, experimenting with, and living your Unique Design, inbox or text Brian online @ 908.829.7137 ~ or send an email to TiB! using, 

                                                                 Love Yourself ~

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Testimonials of Readings from me...

Let's Go!

Testimonials of Readings from me...


A. Del La Costa

"Brian helped me see the impact the planets were having on my life. Once i became aware of how Rave I- Ching worked with the planets, i was able to understand why things happen the way they did and i was able to put myself as an observer and see it for what it really was. I found answers to many question i had, about myself and how certain things would happen to me. I was able to see the patterns in my life that i was drawn to repeating.  With his help i was able to use the knowledge and  keep myself from sabatoging my growth.  As i grow stronger in my search for self, this has been life changing thing for me,  and I appreciate everything that Brian has done to help me understand and get through this process and keep aware of what is happening.

It has impacted it greatly, the science came to me at the turning point in my life and relationship. Brian helped me break things down even farther by his experience showing me my expressions, how i felt and lived were all there ready for me to learn about me and learn to love me for what my mechanics.

I can lookup the planets everyday and their position, and then figure out what houses they fall under, then lookup gate that it falls into through the astrological position.  Then depending on the line it wil tell me what will be playing out during the time the planet is in that position. I am using it everyday, while learning how everything else falls into place, there is so much too learn but with the little bit of information i did learn, it has made an impact and wanting to learn more on how it works. I feel alive knowing the truth."

 S. Snowden

"During my session I learned things about myself that I already knew but doubted. For example: according to my BodyGraph, my spleen is an open center meaning that I don't know when "enough is enough" (which is true) and that I need to learn when to get enough of or let go of certain things. I've learned that this is a part of my make up and while I thought in certain situations I may not have had enough patience, I actually had too much. I also learned that while I should inform others before I impact them, I need to make certain moves when I'm ready and not to make big decisions or any decisions hastily.

I can't really say how it has impacted my life as it is still early BUT I can say this seems to he a tool that I can use to improve my quality of life but the life of my 2 children as well. If I can provide them with a tool that gives them a better understanding of themselves as well as the effect they have on potential relationships, then as a parent that is the greatest gift I can give them other than life itself. There are so many people who get lost trying to follow other individual it's sad. I would like for my children to find their individuality and embrace it including their flaws.

In addition to what I listed above regarding my children I'd have to say just being able to know where my "shortcomings" are and how to use that knowledge to find a partner who will compliment them as I will theirs."

C. Spencer

"Brian has helped me  to see why I do the things that I do or why certain people gravitate to me.  Even as far as why I get treated the way that I do or how people perceive me and how I should react to it. I've learned about what my strategy  and authority is and how to implement it.

There is no "if at all" about it, this Knowledge has definitely changed my life monumentally.  I have learned that being emotional is not necessarily a negative thing. Waiting to respond is a beautiful thing, its like doors opening for me without me even knocking on them. Only initiating when my gut tells me to.  I've noticed ever since I've been introduced to this i've begun to study not only Human Design but other esoteric and metaphysical sciences and I've been able to better grasp the information even if I was introduced to it previously!

 ...besides what I stated above, this profound Knowledge has helped me to gain a better understanding of my children, which has been a tremendous help in raising them as a single parent!  I was almost in tears reading about manifestors and their relationship to generator parents. I understand my son now and we have began the healing process to gaining a closer relationship!!!   Again, the concept of patience and time being my friend  has been working when dealing with them. I also think  another reason why the information resonated so well and so quickly was due to my wonderful analyst who has an innate skill of explaining this intricate information in a way that a beginner can readily comprehend and therefore implement it in their lives."

Thank You Guiding Light TiB!

D. Middleton

"Brian has helped me to have clarity at a time in my life when I was confused and overwhelmed with uncertainties. He encouraged me to not be concerned with unnecessary things in my life, and  to focus on the big picture. To step outside my box and look at the situation from above. I realized that I can't change anyone else only myself.

The knowledge that he gave is priceless and has changed my life for the better. If it wasn't for him I would not be where I am today.

I use everything I listened to and learned in our sessions every day. When something negative is going on around me, instead of allowing the negative to take hold of me, I first decide if this is something that concerns me, if not I walk away. If it concerns me I step outside of the situation to get a better look. I don't make rush decisions and I remain calm. Knowing the type of personality I have thru Brian has given me the ability to take control over my life. Understanding my graph has allowed me to make good decisions and keep pushing forward toward my goals."

E. B.

"Brian helped me to see that where I am in life is where I'm supposed to be! That I am a leader.I'm more focused on my life goals now and even more determined to accomplish what I set out to accomplish. Lastly that the science behind my rave chart tells a pretty accurate story about my life and how I view and handle things in the world. Pretty amazing stuff!

After speaking with him I feel that my life is more aligned and I now know for sure that I can trust my gut instinct. I also know how to decipher between my mind speaking and my gut speaking!

 With what has been shared I have become extremely focused and aware of my environment. I am now cutting people out of my life who I can see more clearly are only out for selfish gain and are not there to encourage me in my endeavors. I now write out my plans for the day so that my frequent "running around" is more productive. AND I know how to quiet the "voices in my head" that try to interfere with my gut's decisions."

Anonymous,  "...thanks again Brian for everything. I didn't expect to get what I got from you. What you do is definitely a help for the masses. Before now I don't think I've seen as clearly as I do now. It was as if you gave me some better glasses than the ones I was wearing and said " here you should be able to see better now

And for sure without question I do. You opened my eyes to see that the path was already laid out for me! Thank you thank you thank you! I would kiss you if I could! I would give you a million dollars if I could!! I mean that! You have know idea what you've done!!!!  Blessings to you my brother!"

C. George

"1. My authority and recognizing the wave of hope and despair.
2. Thinking has a better understanding of life's circuitry. This lends itself to new ways to perceive experience.
3. Designs tenants take one back to a Zen like way of being. Just let it flow."

:) Great info brother. I'm definitely in the process or s process for that matter. Ready to do the Q & A. Crazy bc I've had this odd cycle in dating relationships. This takes precedence over everything.  Brian I appreciate that. This is a huge blessing" Sam
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Thank you for introducing me in the manner that you did. I really appreciate the custom and personal delivery. I know that my design is MY design but your delivery helped me to glean so much more understanding. I have about 10 pages of notes for both parts. Secondly, thank you for providing me with me with so many aha moments and clarity. As I am just entering the second phase of my life, it has indeed felt like I'm recovering and licking the wounds of my adolescence and young adulthood. It is comforting and reassuring to know that those actions and consequences had a purpose.  I, like so many others, have casually said "It's all in Divine order" but sometimes that statement has lacked the full faith and confidence needed to be absolutely true." M. N.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Brian Holiday-El On Father's Day.

Let's Go!

"Father's are an endangered species, the cards are stacked against us, and the game is rigged in everyone else's favor but our own.  We don't get medals or awards, and, for the most part, boys are treated like babies, men are treated like boys, and the majority of males behave as children.  

Systematically, the role itself has been genetically emasculated, socially denigrated, and economically castrated.  We're always outnumbered, we're always outgunned, and our collective presence as a progressive force is virtually nonexistent. 

Put another way, 

Father's are so rare the children we parent aren't just born to make a difference in the world they're born to create their own, so each lesson we teach them changes the rules and each lesson they teach us changes the game.   The medals we wear around our necks are our children's arms and our award is looking into their eyes of innocence feeding on the understanding we've instilled by making it impossible for them to feel any other way except loved.  The odds against us are great because victory means a living legacy, better educated, better prepared, and better positioned to have a better life and a more promising future than we've ever had, for generations upon generations, forever and ever.  Amen." Brian 'TiB!' Holiday-El 

Happy Father's Day! 

Friday, May 31, 2013

"The Secret Life Of Sean And Sasha, By Design." Part 1 By Brian Holiday-El 

Let's Go!

"The Secret Life Of Sean And Sasha, By Design." Part 1 By Brian Holiday-El 


"Sean Carter, long had Knowledge of the Self, knows, practices, and experiments with his unique design, is seldom given due propers for how much of the Knowledge Of Self he's been exposed to on his own, before the fortune and fame, and, how aware he potentially is of the Knowledge.  Likewise, the uninitiated cannot see the effects of how much of that Science he's shared with Beyoncé Knowles Carter; and, is now imparting to Blue Ivy Carter.  

Uninitiated, the profane public is so fixated on the illuminati hysteria that Sean's efforts and history of being affiliated with the circles of knowledge is undermined.  I see this photo and I'm reminded of how far he's come as an individual who came from the bottom, and no less so for Bey.

As an Independent Rave Psychology and Human Design practitioner, working with clients in accessing the unique potentials of their Personality and Design Crystal, I clearly see how it is that few people can look passed the glitz and the glamour of the "shinny things" Sean, in a Bloomberg Chat with Warren Buffet and Interviewer Charlie Rose, said that people so like.  My questions to the readers are, "Can you see passed illuminatiism, Jay-Z's Tom Ford suit and Bey's Pucci dress, Christian Dior coat, and Lorraine Schwartz emeralds, and see the science behind the moves this man, nay, this union...this composite you see in the photo is now and have been making for sometime??? 

Via Analysis, I empower my individual and Composite (couple) clients and Penta (family-group) Trustomers to engage life by design, using all of their unique potentials to their strategic advantage.  Doing so, makes one authoritatively original and unique as well as holistically healthy.  Living by design or living one's design begins with applying the formula for no fault living that comes with your precise birth date, place, and time. 

Learning your Unique Design, begins with an Analysis. 

Sean Carter is very very aware of this and he demonstrated the degree of his awareness by how he brought his and Bey's recent daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, into the world; which, of course, was by design.  

Individuals progressively conscious and mature about parenting in this millennia need read one of my more controversial pieces, "Is He A Daddy Or A Father, In Real Life?"

Not only was Blue Ivy Carter a scheduled birth in a cordoned facility, but Sean scheduled his daughter's birth and made it so that Blue was born on the 4th floor AND on the the 4th line of the Genetic Codon containing the most mystical line of the 384 lines of the Human Genome Code called The Alpha and The Omega; a line with no Planetary accent, no exaltation and no detriment! How many parents are planning their children's births and lives like that?  

Ironically, or not, stolen from his predecessor or not, when you say Sean's stage name you are actually calling him the Alpha and the Omega and I'm not referring to Hov. The Alpha indicates the beginning and the Omega indicates the ending. A in the Jay is the Alpha.  Z, the last letter in the English ALPHABETA, indicates the ending: Daddy's little girl. 

Clearly, it's going to take some time for people to appreciate the significance and the import of the paragraph above, but, by scheduling Blue's birth on that date and at that time and in that way, Sean ensured, by Design, that Blue, even if she was not the heiress of hundreds of millions of dollars, was born with ALL of the Personality potentials required to instinctually RISE UP on the Material plane through her definition of Transformation; A Design Of Being Driven, in a Gate epitomizing the Mundane and the Mystical: Ambition; The Marrying Maiden while grounded in her Design Of The Thinker: Awareness!

People initiated or privy to the knowledge of their unique design have seen this line but certainly weren't paying attention to Sean having scheduled Blue's birth on that date, on that line, at that degree, on that day; loooooooooong before that day. 

I'm a revealer, so, I'll be the first to tell you that each individual has the powers of the heavens and the earth but fear and ignorance cripples humanity from ever being able to live through their own individual authority and express their own unique awareness, allowing their lives to unfold and become its own phenomenon, it's own mythology.  

The Knowledge is always hidden in plain view because, quite frankly, the truth can't be hidden, but the mind can be utterly distracted from it, that distraction environmentally reinforced, and, set conditioned distraction can be and is engineered in such a way that it becomes self-perpetuating. 

See ... 

"An Astrological Separation Of Church And Faith" Part 1 By Brian Holiday-El 

Native Americans and Roman Catholics built a Zodiac Church?

Furthermore, Design knowledge, as I was telling someone earlier, is, in short, elitist.  People that are consumed with surviving on the day to day basis don't have the attention resource to plan life, major decisions or minor decisions, specialized education, product launches, weddings, births, trips, sex, food, career, living arrangements etc., by design.  That's where I fit in. 

 As a result of being unaware of how to use and be used by the stellar program imprinting the design, people simply suffer the fates of unfulfilled props on someone else's stage.  

Sean is no dummy and he is doing and has been doing what a man in his position is supposed to do, educate his woman and give his child the best set of circumstances before they come into this world, as they're being carried in the womb, and where and when and how they exit the womb and into the world. He isn't free-styling life, making it up as he goes along.  Everything he does is planned out, methodically, by design, and he does have help.  

Sasha, Sandy, Saturn, and Single Ladies. 

Beyoncé has been put on to the Knowledge: "Knowles credited both her husband and rapper Jay-Z, and jazz singer Etta James (Happy Born Day Friday as of this writing) for inspiring her to push the limits of her songwriting and artistry."

In astrology, one of the first things I recommend people, nearing the age Beyoncé was when she revealed her altered Ego, Sasha Fierce, learn about is what's called the Saturn Return.  Sean is older than Bey and he'd gone through his Saturn return and made plenty of mistakes, but, you can see how his understanding and awareness of mechanics offset the harsh planetary energies associated with Bey's Saturn return.  We got a taste of Saturn's energy when she entered Scorpio in 2012 for the 1st time in approximately 30 years and we called her Hurricane Sandy.   Sean schooled Bey on what cycle she was in the threshold of as well as the mythology surrounding that cycle and my intuition is that he guided her or had her guided in a way that embraced that planetary energy and used it as a force for her own artistic evolution. 

The whole I Am Sasha Fierce album was by design.  I'm a little hungry, so, I'll leave the reader with this., "Beyoncé sang, "If you like it then you should've put a ring on it. If you like it then you should've put a ring on it.  Don't be mad once you see that he want it. If you like it then you should've put a ring on it. Uhh Uhh Ohh!" 

Here's some basic facts.

* "Sasha is a unisex given name. It originated in countries of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe as a diminutive of ***ALEKSANDER and ALEKSANDRA. It is also found as a surname, although this is very rare. Alternative spellings include: Саша (Russian, Serbian), Сашо (Bulgarian), Саше (Macedonian), SAŠA (Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian, Czech, Slovak, Lithuanian), SASZA (Polish), Сашко (Ukrainian), SASCHA (German), Sasja (Dutch and Swedish), and SACHA (French).

How ironic is this...

SANDY or SANDRA, comes from ***AlexANDRA/AlexANDER!!! They're the same! AlexANDROS (Defender Of Men; GK Alexo (to DEFEND, to PROTECT, to WARD OFF, KEEP OFF, TURN AWAY.) In Greek, the name Sandy means- from the name alexander. Other origins for the name Sandy include - Greek, Scottish, English. The name Sandy is a unisex name and can be USED FOR a BOY OR GIRL name (male orAlexander masc. proper name, from Latin, from Gk. Alexandros "defender of men," from alexein "to ward off, keep off, turn (something) away, defend, protect" + aner (gen. andros) "man" (see anthropo-). The first element is related to Gk. alke "protection, help, strength, power, courage," alkimos "strong;" cognate with Skt. raksati "protects," O.E. ealgian "to defend." As a kind of cocktail, it is attested from 1930...AND HERE IS THE KICKER ... Arabic/Turkish ISkANDAr or SikANDAr meaning VICTORIOUS! To the Hindi of the Hindu ShANI or SATURN! SATURN! SATURN!!!!

"Shani, protector of property, has a VULTURE (USA Anyone?), RAVEN or CROW in which he represses thieving tendencies. Under Shani's influence, the vahana can make even malevolent events bring HOPE (THE VICTORIOUS Barak Leo the Lion-ruled-by-the-Sun-Obama's election slogan as President of the USA anyone?) 

"The word shani also denotes the SEVENTH day or SATURday in most Indian languages. The word shani(शनि) comes from Śanayē Kramati Saḥ (शनये क्रमति सः), THE ONE WHO MOVES SLOWLY, because Saturn takes ABOUT 30 years to REVOLVE around the SUN."

Well, well, well, SASHA & SANDY are one and the same...really corruptions of  the energy of SATURN!  Many are under the assumption that Saturn is Masculine, when in actuality, its feminine. Hence the term "Unisex" being used to describe the applications of the name.  Most view Saturn as masculine because she's feminine with a more manly aspect of expression.  When did Beyoncé birth Sasha into the world?  I Am Sasha Fierce came into the world's potential conscious access in SCORPIO as Beyoncé approached her SATURN RETURN! Sasha said ring three times in the chorus.  What planet appears to have three rings? Saturn!  

Note: "The two lead singles from I Am... Sasha Fierce, "If I Were a Boy" and "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", both charted highly internationally."

Have you ever wondered how people who get on top, remain on top? Let's say you didn't give all of your power over to the illuminati hysteria and you echoed Dick Gregory's mentality that nothing supersedes, "Universal Order." What's left? Nature, Man, Woman, Child, Sun, Moon, Stars, and the Planets!  Nothing spooky about that.

What Sean, Beyoncé, and soon, Blue Ivy, know that most don't is how potentials are best fulfilled and activities yield the greatest results when they are accessed by Design. 

Brian Holiday-El, Host of the sapiosexual BodyTalkLive® is a, Writer, Artist, Activist, Children's Design Advocate, former Public School Educator, Human Design Trainer, Independent Rave Psychology Practitioner and HD Analyst, and is currently accepting formal invitations for, Tours, Clinics, Tutorials, Seminars, Apprenticeships, Rave Body Graph Analysis (Readings), Color Transference Analysis, Cross Of Life Analysis, Composite (Partnership) Analysis, Sexual Design Analysis, Professional Analysis, and more.

To begin investigating what this Transformational 4 year Plutonic transit that began January 5th 2013 has in store for you or the 4 Month Nodal Shift into The Foundation Houses Of The Example and The Director that began on 3/9/2013 lasting until 7/24/2013 or to simply begin the discovery process of, learning, experimenting with, and living your Unique Design text Brian online @ 908.829.7137 ~ or send an email to TiB! using, 

Learning your Unique Design, begins with an Analysis. 

"The 7 Year Heart Warning." By TIB! Brian Holiday-El Host of BodyTalkLive® 

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"The 7 Year Heart Warning." By TIB! Brian Holiday-El Host of BodyTalkLive 

The 7 Year Itch, In Real Life ~ 

An Aries friend I've known since 94', who is actually kin to a relative of mine, with a lot of gall in his Design (See Design Initiation Appendix) and a self-professing notorious reputation for his diverse sexual exploits, married a beautiful virgin who bore him beautiful children and he never cheated on her until 7 years into the marriage.  The spike and boom in extramarital affairs, for both male and female, seven years into a marriage or relationship is substantially documented.  Likewise, sudden or beleaguered career changes, relocations, inspirations to bear children, purchase pets, and the like, chronically occur in 7 year intervals.  Why? 

In fact, for movie lovers, there's a classic film from back in the day by Billy Wilder called, "The Seven Year Itch," starring Marilyn Monroe and Tom Orwell, that's actually an adaption of the same name from a play by George Axlerod, but Vanessa Brown, of Tarzan-slave-girl fame, starred in it before Marilyn sliver-screened it, dramatizes this very real 7 year phenomenon. 

This past Summer, while returning from a walk through the neighborhood park with my then 8-year-old daughter and my neice-in-law, a bunch boys were passing by, some the same age, some younger, and some a bit older than they, so I seized that moment as a chance to see how the two of them responded in the now to the presence of a peer group from the opposite sex.  My daughter made me a proud father and my niece made me even prouder of my daughter but more concerned with the youth in general.  It was the perfect opportunity to give them what I call the 7 Year Heart Warning.  

The 7 Year Heart Warning

Kneeling down, my daughter straddled onto my shoulders and I grabbed my niece up like a sack of potatoes.  With both of them in tow and giggling with excitement, I began carrying them the rest of the way to the house and I told them, "It takes 7 years to truly get to know a person."  At almost exactly the same time, they both echoed, "7 Years?!"  Continuing on, I said, "All three of us have parents that are no longer together."  As the silence so characteristic of knowing began encircling and enclosing them, I could very much feel them processing my words and trying to find a hole in what I spoke other than the mouth it escaped from; so, I doubled down on their young and supple minds, saying, "All three of our grandparents, the mothers and fathers of our mothers and fathers, have either divorced or separated." They mused a bit as they recollected then murmured, "It's true." Why? 

Invited to share more with them, very simply I began by asking them, 'The two of you are 8... where are all of the clothes you once wore when you all were 1-years-old?" Unable to produce an answer, I asked them, "Why aren't you wearing the clothes from when you were little?" 'Yes!  Exactly!  You grew out of them.  When we can no longer fit them, ideally, there's someone close by that's the perfect size and the clothes you can no longer fit get recycled by being passed along as we what? Grow!  You grow on the inside and the outside! Your bodies on the outside grow as well as the organs inside of your body and as this growth process unfolds you change and you evolve as an individual.  You grow, change, and evolve, on a physical, mental, and emotional or spiritual level as well!  You mature.  You develop.  You no longer think, act, speak, or dress as you did when you were 1-years-old. You grow apace and this growth is natural, so it must and will take place.  With all of this potential growing, changing, and evolving, transpiring within you, how can you come to truly know your self, let alone the other? Only over time, unless, of course, you learn to see their designs like I do and get the 411 beforehand.'

Stopping curbside the front yard, I said, 'You girls are too heavy and I'm not as young as I used to be, so, you're going to walk through the door on your own." My niece hopped down and skipped into the house, and as I bent down, my daughter climbed off of me and held my left hand as she always does. I sensed her wanting to hear more, so, like I always do, I let her have an ear full.  I explained, 'It takes 7 years to really get to know a person baby girl.  By now, you have learned in Science class that the Human Body is made up of millions and millions of cells.  Every 7 years, the cells that make up your little body, like the skin of a snake, completely regenerate or remake themselves, all except for a few, such as the cells composing the Liver; which is why damage to the Liver through degenerate activities such as alcohol and drug abuse often causes the type of harm to one's physical identity that cannot be reversed.  Because our bodies are made up of cells, our lives, are very much a mirror to the life of a Cell! In real life, we too have distinct 7 year cycles based upon our cellular biology. We have greater Cycles too, very important cycles that holds deep and dear significance to our lives, shorter and longer, based upon the movements of the Sun, the Planetary Bodies, The Nodes, the Star Fields, some of which we've talked about, that dovetails or ties into our 7 Year Cycles.'

'If a guy really likes you and really wants to get to know you, or vice versa, he will wait and you'll benefit most by waiting too.  Over 7 years you really get to know people because you get to see for yourself, how they respond to your growth and their own, your changes and their own, your evolution and their own; on a physical, mental, and emotional or spiritual level.  You also get to see what about that person changes and what doesn't, what about you changes and what doesn't, and what about the relationship changes and what doesn't, allowing you to see where, how, and why, someone does or doesn't fit into your life and the direction in which it is progressively moving. This gives you a depth of perspective that can only develop over time and emerge through clarity and awareness. 

As your Father who loves you more than anything imaginable and unimaginable, I have to give it to you straight.  Consider this your 7 Year Heart Warning.  Before you convince yourself or allow someone else to convince you to not wait and encourages you to jump on the first thing smoking, remember what happened to the clothes you wore as an infant or a toddler that gets worn out, passed along, recycled, trashed, and forgotten.  Honoring your body and your life's cyclical processes, paying attention to the changes you go through and a person goes through over time, prepares you with all of the information and experience you need to make what is oftentimes the most important decision of all; Do you love it, learn it, or leave it?' 

                                                      Love yourself ~ 

There are a number of other distinct cycles one goes through affecting every area of one's life, but where are you in your basic 7 year life cycles? 

Brian Holiday-El, Host of the sapiosexual BodyTalkLive® is a, Writer, Artist, Activist, Children's Design Advocate, former Public School Educator, Human Design Trainer, Independent Rave Psychology Practitioner and HD Analyst, and is currently accepting formal invitations for, Tours, Clinics, Tutorials, Seminars, Apprenticeships, Rave Body Graph Analysis (Readings), Color Transference Analysis, Cross Of Life Analysis, Composite (Partnership) Analysis, Sexual Design Analysis, Professional Analysis, and more.

Knowledge Revealed in An Analysis of your Unique Design.

Rave Body Graph Analysis For Beginners 

Jewel ... (Serious must read for people serious about parenting.) 

"In Reeeal Life, just like in a movie, the Personality of the Character changes with the Role, and, just as Actors ARE NOT the *Character they play
though *Traits and *Expressions of their own *Personality they may strongly *Identify with that of the *Role they're portraying on screen, so too, a male in his bonding-mating or *Reproductive Role(s) aka (Daddy) is NEVER the same Man in his caring-preserving Role(s) as Guardian aka (Father)." "Is He A Daddy Or A Father, In Reeeal Life?" An Exposé!  By Brian (TiB!)' Holiday-El 

Read the rest of "Is He A Daddy Or A Father, In Real Life?" By Brian Holiday-El here

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Your Unique Sexual Design Analysis With Brian Holiday-El

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Unique Sexual Design Analysis {240 USD} *Note This Analysis is adapted from The MyDesign-365 S.pinal E.nergy X.cretions Course on the Mechanics of Human Sexuality.  The S.E.X. Analysis & Course.  The Course is {360USD} and is taught over a 30 Day Period.  The Unique Sexual Analysis is condensed learning and is formatted to the specifics of your Unique Design and is broken up into three 1-Hour Sessions with accompanying Question and Answer periods. 

Your Unique Sexual Design Analysis covers the following areas of human sexuality as they pertain to your Unique Design...

Sexual Roles of the Self in Behavior, Interaction, Individual Expression, and Openness of the Self in Interaction; Sexual Roles of the Genes in Bonding, Caring, YOUR Unique Sexual-Sacral-Genetic ID versus G-Center ID, How the Self Manifests and how the Genes Generate, intimacy and caring-hooks and baits. 6 Roles, 6 SubThemes, Duality Of Sub Themes, predetermined genetic roles, formula, Conflict & The 6 Sexual Waves Per Polarity, Emotional Wave Frequency and the Cyclical Hope-to-Pain Emotional Motor, Sexual-Awareness Fusion Points, Feeling Stream, Emoting Stream, Sensitivity Stream, Transforming the Intimacy Process, Tribal Sexuality Marriage, Individual Sexuality Romance, Abstract Sexuality Excitement, 6-Gate-PH-Opened-Closed-Barrier or not, open to penetration or not, builds a barrier or creates life, 6-Roles Genetically, 6-Waves of Intimacy, Sexual Mixes, Sexual-Intimacy Format, 8 Sexual Channels, 16 Sexual Gates, Sexual Resources-Sexual Stream Of Marriage, Sexual Neediness-Wanting, Sexual Obedience, Sexual Possessiveness,  Sexual Arrangement Versus Sexual Excitement, Sexual Bargains, The Sexual Contract, Sexual Principles, Sexual Animus, Sexual Ego Mechanic, Sexual Affection-Cuddling, Sacrifice Rejection, Blinded By Emotional Wave, Wave Conditioning, Tactile Nature Of Tribal Sexuality, Solar Plexus Stream Of Sex: Emotional-Collective Sex, Ego-Tribal Sex, Kundalini-Individual Sex, The 3 different kinds of Sexuality and the 3 Centers of the 3 Sexualities, the 24 Sexual Polarities, Sexual Materialism, Sexual Wave Frequency-Sexual Motor Function, Sexual Nervousness, Themes Of Individual Sexuality, The Stream of Sexual Romanticism-caution/abandon, Sexual Attentiveness-Infatuation, Sexual Food Connection, Mutating Ancient Sexual Patterns, Awakening Sexual Awareness,  How the spirit appears Sexually through Romance, Sexual Adrenalin-Sexual-Root-Kundalini, Sexual-Breath-Love-Prana, volatility, magic, Unrequited-Unconsumated, Love, Strangeness, The Nature Of Adultery, Sexual Moodiness-Fickle, Needing Sexual Attention-Teasing, Sex-Food-stimulation-eating, Sexual Arousal, Stimulation, Build Up, Vibration, Sexual Acoustic-to maintain attention, communicative demands individual sexuality, emotional awareness-music-breathing-mantras-words-of-love, Romance-Sexual Preference-removing the patina for the right sexuality, emotional awareness found through recognizing the true nature of our individual sexuality, sexual connections to eating disorders...bulimia, anorexia, nervosa, celibacy, profligacy, 12-22 (Nervousness Of Tomorrow)...most attentive and hears the least, sexuality and existentialism through knowing, Sexual Manifestation versus Sexual Generation, Sexual Voices, The Voices Of Romance, Sexual Manifestation/Manifestation of individual and abstract through the throat, 12-I know I can try if I am in the mood...Romanticism conditioned by revelation and attentiveness; Sexual adrenalin-the wave-and the emotional experience, sexual nervousness about tomorrow, individuality is all about attracting attention and can be desperate, sexual compensation and eating disorders, Sexuality and the emotional composite, The spirit and the magic of the human voice, sexual tones, sexual acoustic stream, sexual ritual, deeper and deeper, the sexual (romantic) communication, Sexual exploration, Collective Sexuality, Sexual Stream of Excitement,  experiential sex-potential destabilizing through the presence of crisis, Sexual-pressure-fantasy-hunger, sexual boredom, kundalini sex, sexual-feelings-yearnings, Genes don't have feelings-they have strategies, Transitory sexuality, adrenalin-sex, 12 Gates of Sexuality, 2-Gates that must have sex, human experience-driven by fantasy and the possibility of gaining experience, the feel and the burn of sexuality, sexual entering and sexual exiting, the sexual act, the love them, feel them, enter them, and leave them. Tribal Sexuality-touch-contact, sexuality-emotional motor-power-sexual wave destabilization-sexuality as a door way to finding food connection...sexuality and sacral energy...sexuality and the emotional field-intimacy-digestive process-emotionality and sexual health-eating-the immune-sexual system-Sexuality 3 Streams - Caring 5 - Splenic Stream Of Caring - 7 year nurturing and the genetic predisposition to care - caring and altruism - offspring more important than the parents - genetic roles-genetic strategies-caring and values, Fertility Versus Values, genetic domination, circa 7 year hormonal change and the transformation of the genetic nurturing, caring roles, 6 Roles and 6 frequencies operating in resonance -  mirroring the 6 emotional waves - Caring & The Lymphatic system-instinct-intuition, and taste in caring, Awareness Frequencies of the 50 and the 6!  Need as tribal keynote, the emotional and the immune sexual system... Self, Intuitive, Kundalini, Ego, Instinctive Caring, self provider/coveter, nourisher/depleter, bonds made-bonds broken, benefactor-dependent, distributor-hoarder, trust or not.  The emotional Wave-Awareness Frequency Mirror-Resonance ... AND MORE! 

BodyTalkLive® With TiB! Brian Holiday-El And Your Sexual Door Orientation. 

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BodyTalkLive® With TiB! Brian Holiday-El & Your Sexual Door Orientation. 

This coming Wednesday, May 22nd 2013 @ 10pm est., the public is invited to Episode 4 of the sapiosexual Internet Talk Radio Show, BodyTalkLive®, Hosted By TiB! Brian Holiday-El aka BHoli!  "The Sexual Role Crisis & The 6 Frequencies Of Caring Part 1" 

Click to listen to the streaming of the airing

Or dial up..

(646) 929-0647

Thanks again for tuning in to BodyTalkLive® With TiB! Brian Holiday-El & Your Sexual Door Orientation.  Onward from this point, if you have your Body Graph (Rave Chart) you too can begin to make complete sense of and personally benefit from being empowered by this Knowledge. Use the following link to obtain a free chart.  Save it as a JPEG or email it to yourself.  Put it on your phone or post it in my email or fb inbox, post it here on the events page if you're open to that, but ENTER IN YOUR INFORMATION CORRECTLY AND IF THERE IS A DISCREPANCY IN THE ACCURACY OF YOUR TIME INFORM ME BEFORE I SPEAK ON YOUR DESIGN.  YOU are responsible for entering in YOUR birth data correctly.  The precision of the knowledge I'll be conveying from here on out is wholly dependent upon the accuracy of your birth information you'll enter using the Jovian site here

Now that you have your Body Graph, I can point you to your Sexual Door, but, before I do, integrity demands that a disclaimer be a foreword to the transmission that follows. 

Disclaimer: Your Body Graph is the visual science of YOUR UNIQUE DESIGN,  a mechanical revelation of every aspect of what makes you unique; how you are uniquely designed to, eat, dwell, see, learn, express, i.e., YOUR unique Determination (Design Internal {Unique Dietary Regimen Ingestion-Digestion}), YOUR Unique Environment (Design External), YOUR unique View or Perspective (Personality External), as well as YOUR Unique Motivation and Sense (Personality Internal).  Your Body Graph also illustrates what is your unique cognition (How you are design to learn and make sense out of the world and fulfill your unique potential).  Your Body Graph is a graphic illustration of your genetic imprints, prenatal and natal potentials, your auratype, your profile, your nature, your ancestral and personality or stellar inheritances and traits, the themes of the first and second half of your life, the design of your intelligence, your consistencies and inconsistencies, your true voice(s), your conscious and unconscious mind, the design of your brain, body, and mind, the nature of your destiny, fate, or karma, your collective, intimate, caring, creative, familial, and genetic survival roles, your affinity with other forms, from inanimate minerals to plants, insects, birds, and mammals, stars, and on and on; but, most importantly, it details what is your correct strategy and authority for making absolutely correct decisions as your self and for yourself, 100% of the time.  

With all that being said, Your Body Graph also maps out, precisely, the mechanics of your unique sexuality, and the Sexual Door through which it is correct for your aura and body to enter or be entered into by the Other. 

Your Body Graph has 2 sets of data, one headed Personality, located on the right, written in black, coordinated with the moment you were born, while the other, headed Design, is located on the left, is written in red, coordinating the location of the Sun 88 Degrees or 3 Moons or 3 Months prior to your birth, which is the moment your Soul entered into your Body; mechanically described as the Crystallization of your Personality and Design Crystals.  The Black is what you think of as yourself and the red is what's in the blood, what others see you as and the you that you but react to seeing and experiencing; so, the Black is the degrees of awareness of the consciousness you have potential conscious access to in this life and the red is the degrees of awareness of the consciousness you have potential unconscious access to in this life. 

On either side, named hereby in order, from top to bottom are symbols, the Sun, the Earth, the Moon, the North Node of the Moon, the South Node of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto! 

Beside each symbol is a number followed by a decimal then followed by another number.  The number before the decimal will be a number anywhere from 1 to 64, but never higher or lower. The number following the decimal will be anywhere from 1 to 6, but never higher or lower.  

The numbers 1 through 64 coincide with the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching and the 64 Genetic Codons of the Human Genome Code, and you will hear me refer to them by their number as either Gates, Hexagrams, or Codons.  

Hexa means 6, so, each hexagram, or Gate, or Codon, has 6 lines apiece; 384 in total.  

*Note: Out of 384 Lines throughout the Body Graph, 375 of them are a planetary accented Binary or has (Dual Description), that potentially fixes one's lines to one side or the other.  Design is truly the science of differentiation. The Symbols that precede the numbers tell you which planetary body or nodal position is *Activating that particular Gate and the number following the decimal tells you which *Line that planetary body or nodal position is occupying within that Gate.  Each line is an orb of expression for frequency bearing a holistically threaded theme, and the Planetary Body or Nodal position *Colors that line within that Gate and *Imprints your unique form with its fractal of the crystalline matrix of consciousness streaming, from behind the Sun and the Stellar Fields, via the 'Neutrino Stream to the Neuron's Firing', through that particular planetary body or position, surreptitiously imprinting and conditioning you in the part of your being wherein that Activated Gate is located. 

Furthermore, looking at your Body Graph, do you see where the 64 Gates are distributed throughout what are 9 Centers, also called Chakras or Centrexes, in the body? The 9 Centers, home to organs, glands, secretions, excretions, etc., within the Body are connected by 36 Channels or Quantum which are formed by 2 Gates that are a part of the same Channel.  When 2 gates that are a part of the same channel are activated at the same time, the channel and centers that channel connects become *Defined and as such a consistent and living quantized force of life within whosoever bears it, and whosoever enters the aura of the person bearing that definition is imprinted and open to being conditioned by that quantum of force.  Channels that are not defined at birth become defined by what are called Transits as well as the presence of someone with that definition gaining access to your Aura.  The Aura extends, gyroscopically, three feet out from the sternum and in every direction, but people with the 15/5 (Rhythm), have slightly larger Aura's.

Well, well, well.  How do you feel after that little Body Graph crash course?  What some of you may have caught on to is that, the 9 Centers in your Body Graph is derived from the Hindu Chakra System which has 7 Centers, but, we have evolved and everyone born after the arrival of Uranus in our Solar System in 1781, were born with an evolved 9 Centered Body or Vehicle with a Uranian, not a Saturnian, Life Cycle.   What some of you may also have picked up on is that the 36 Channels are derived from the Tree Of Life or Kaballah.  Finally, the planetary bodies, Constellations, and nodal positions are derived from Occidental or Western and Orient Astrology, and the 64 Gates from the Tao or the I Ching. These sciences are now and forevermore Parts of the Whole that is the Synthesis and the Whole is always Greater than the Sum of it's Parts!  

In short, "Sciences synonymous with the parts comprising the Synthesis are I-Ching and the Xīngguān System of China, the Ifa of West-Africa, the Chakra and Nakshatra System of the Hindu-Brahmans, Western-Astrology of the Mayans/Aztecs and other Aboriginals of America, Arabian-Stellar-Astrology, Egyptian-Astrology, Metu-Neter-Dendera-Cosmogony, The Hawaiian-Huna-System, UFT-Physics-(meta, neutrino and quantum), bio-neuro-chemistry-plasticity, principles and truths of the Helios-Holy-Sun Biblious-Book-Bible, the Bavagad Gita, K.O.R.A.N (Knowledge, Order, Rhythm, Astronomy, Nature) Adept Chamber Lessons of Moorish-Science, 64 Genetic Codons of the Human Genome Code." 

So, now that I'm sure that you know there's far more to your unique design than your sexuality, here's how you find your Sexual Door. 

Look at your Personality Sun.  The number following the symbol of your Personality Sun is the Gate the Sun was in the moment you were born and indicates 70% of your Genetic Imprinting.  Find your Sun's Gate in your Body Graph, and for those of you with a Rave Body Graph Mandala, locate your Personality Sun in your Body as well as in the Mandala, the Wheel surrounding it.  That is the exact location on the inside and the outside of your form where your Personality Sun has established 70% of what you're consciously preoccupied with. 

Staying with your Personality Sun data, the number following the decimal is the Line of the Gate that the Sun was in the moment you were born and the Line of the Gate your Personality Sun Activates IS your Sexual Door! 

If the Line occupied by your Personality Sun is a 1, your Sexual Door is briefly described as, "The Role Of Pursuer/Pursued"

If the Line occupied by your Personality Sun is a 2, your Sexual Door is briefly described as, "The Role Of Shyness/Boldness"

If the Line occupied by your Personality Sun is a 3, your Sexual Door is briefly described as, "The Role Of Bonds Made/or Broken" 

If the Line occupied by your Personality Sun is a 4 your Sexual Door is briefly described as, "The Role Of Confidant/ or Not"

If the Line occupied by your Personality Sun is a 5, your Sexual Door is briefly described as, "The Role Of Seducer/Seduced"

If the Line occupied by your Personality Sun is a 6, your Sexual Door is briefly described as, "The Role Of Soul Mate/ or Not" 

Find out much more by accepting the invitation and tuning in to BodyTalkLive®, reading through the links below to further educate yourself, consider an Anaysis, Course, or Consultation from me, or, use my contact information to get in touch with me so I can put you more in touch with yourself. 

Brian Holiday-El, Host of the sapiosexual BodyTalkLive® is a, Writer, Artist, Activist, Children's Design Advocate, former Public School Educator, Rave Design Trainer, Independent Rave Psychology Practitioner and HD Analyst, and is currently accepting formal invitations for, Tours, Clinics, Tutorials, Seminars, Apprenticeships, Rave Body Graph Analysis (Readings), Color Transference Analysis, Cross Of Life Analysis, Composite (Partnership) Analysis, Sexual Design Analysis, Professional Analysis, and more.

To begin investigating what this Transformational 4 year Plutonic transit that began January 5th 2013 has in store for you or the 4 Month Nodal Shift into The Foundation Gates in The Houses Of The Example and The Director that begins 3/9/2013 lasting until 7/24/2013 or to simply begin the discovery process of, learning, experimenting with, and living your Unique Design text Brian online @ 908.829.7137 ~ or send an email to TiB! using,