"Green Power" Revisited: Entry Three of the 'I Am My Wealth' Series by Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! Entrepreneur, Writer, Life Coach, Thought Critic, Artist, Producer, former Public School Educator, Public Speaker, Financial Tutor, Father, Advocate, Affiliate Trainer, Survivor, Astrologer, Minister, C.O.O. Of All Things On Earth & All Things Moringa, Vice President of Marketing & Promotions for Artist Corner & Spot Light Press Group is accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, personal and business consultations. For more information, contact me at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com or webmarketing2.0course@gmail.com or call 908.502.1033 or visit http://allthingsonearth.com/145.html http://allthingsonearth.com/145-62.html and be sure to view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5whe0mWe9w&feature=youtube_gdata_player
"One of the greatest myths leading to what I call 'functional misery,' suspending people from experiencing the best that life has to offer, is by remaining loyal to the belief that one can't be spiritual and wealthy at the same time: That is to say a person must make a decision between being either one, or the other; as if there's something shameful or sinful about having what you need and what you want, to the point where people feel guilty about wanting, pursuing, or having, a life filled with an abundance of satisfaction.
Evidently, this mentality is, for the most part, driven by the widely excepted notion that a better life comes after the one we're presently living out in this world, and, as a result of this type of thinking, people, on average, experience more pain and suffering than joy and pleasure during their days on this Earth; passively tolerating unfavorable circumstances in the hopes of experiencing something better in the unforeseen future. What the people who live this way fail to realize is that by putting off for tomorrow what could be done and had today, they throw away all that they have and 'life to them is but the shadow of a dream.' This is ignorance in all of it's glory, and, consequently, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Whether or not it is the work of some unseen hand that conditions people into accepting and believing that they can't have an abundant spiritual AND material life, or, it is purely a case of miseducation, the reality remains; many, many people fail to successfully integrate their spirituality or religion with their own financial freedom and economic independence, so, more often than not, there's almost always dissatisfaction in one of these two areas, and seldom any balance between them. In fact, when most people struggle on a spiritual level, it oftentimes has everything to do with their financial plight, and vice versa, which is a result of the belief that money has nothing to do with spirituality!
In my humble opinion, this is one of, if not the single most, psychologically debilitating, spiritually crippling, and economically retarding philosophies that a human being can ever entertain, and at the heart of this quandary of powerlessness is this unavoidable truth; "A beggar nation can never attain unto the higher spiritualities of life!" PNDA
How? Easy: The multimillion dollar business enterprise that A.G. Gaston single handedly pioneered, beginning in the early 1920's, come time of the Civil Rights Era, encompassed, the real estate within which the SCLC(the nucleus of the Civil Rights Movement) was headquartered and planned their protest activities, the financing that bailed out members of the Civil Rights Movement, who were jailed during civil disobedience demonstrations, King included, as well as the financing for the organizing and promoting of the Civil Rights Movement Agenda! Said differently, without Mr. Gaston's wealth, real-estate, and capital, there would be no Voting Rights Act!!!
Surely, it stands to reason that were it not for the daring hope and steadfast resolution of African Americans, during the Civil Rights Era, and the magnificent elocution of Dr. King, the socio-economic and educational opportunities available to African Americans and other 'minorities' in today's world would not be accessible to them, but, equally so, were it not for something else, there would be no Barak Obama or Oprah Winfrey; that is what Arthur George Gaston called Green Power!"
The Intelligent Brother proposes this,
If you are or someone you know is:
A. Open to exploring newer and greater avenues of earning cash flow.
B. Strongly Considering going into business for yourself.
C. Currently offering goods and services and not earning at least 3,000 dollars per month online.
D. Looking for the right guidance, support, platform, and knowledge to transition into the new economy.
E. Desiring to be a part of a positive-winning team of global, money-making, movers and shakers, that treat one another as partners, brothers, and equals.
F. Feeling the need to reposition yourself to be financially free.
Take our Web 2.0 Marketing Course and get you some of this Green Power!
The last time I was an employee, working a nine to five, was over a half-a-decade ago, and the day I walked off my last job, was the moment I compared how much I was earning with how much my, experience, skills, talents, abilities, passion, spirit, mind, body, determination, and paradigm, made me worth. Don't quit your day job, but quit thinking your day job is going to cut it. If you know it's not enough, then ACT LIKE YOU KNOW!
The simple truth is Web 2.0 Marketing is the future of earning money and the future is already right here and right now. Don't get left behind! Get up on your knowhow ASAP!
Once you experience what it feels like earning a handsome living from the comfort of your own home, or any place in the world with a phone and a wifi connection, you'll really understand why, in this world, there's no power like GREEN POWER!
What made the Civil Rights Movement so effective? The Bus Boycott! Why? Because it hit the enemies of equality in the only place that makes any 'sense' to them, the only place that 'registers' with them...the pockets! The bank! The lesson here is that there is no real political power without Green Power! Get you some!
Sincerely Yours,
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother *TiB!*
Pass it on!
Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! Entrepreneur, Writer, Life Coach, Thought Critic, Artist, Producer, former Public School Educator, Public Speaker, Financial Tutor, Father, Advocate, Affiliate Trainer, Survivor, Astrologer, Minister, C.O.O. Of All Things On Earth & All Things Moringa, Vice President of Marketing & Promotions for Artist Corner & Spot Light Press Group is accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, personal and business consultations. For more information, contact me at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com or webmarketing2.0course@gmail.com or call 908.502.1033 or visit http://allthingsonearth.com/145.html http://allthingsonearth.com/145-62.html and be sure to view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5whe0mWe9w&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Unless you're very young, or have been living under a rock, more than likely you've heard of a book written by Napoleon Hill, entitled Think And Grow Rich. If you have yet to read Think And Grow Rich, see if you can't five dollars and the time to. Click the book's link below for more information. Think and Grow Rich
Somewhere in the Dragon Fly Effect I read, "(T)he future is here, it's just not evenly distributed."
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