Let's Go!
The Third Eye
My Personal Experience:
In 1999, I was a nineteen year old freshman at NSU, majoring in Political Science and Economics before I switched to Liberal Arts with an emphasis on English. Three years prior I met a man who irrevocably changed my life for the better. In 1996, I entered the front doors of the Old Franklin High School building in Somerset, New Jersey, with a dual motive; to finish school and try my hardest to steer clear of trouble. This was my fifth high school in two states and I was determined to make it my last and final, but what I was totally unaware of was who I was about to meet, and what I was about to be introduced to! My third period of study was History, taught by a man named Mr. Brandon Hardison. He was a short, middle-aged man at the time. “He was a soft-spoken clean cut man with a penetrating gaze glowing through his lenses, him, my eleventh grade history teacher. From his aura there emanated a power that was at, calming yet engaging, peaceful yet compelling, and harmless yet challenging. After just one conversation with him, I resolved my self to a life long commitment to learning, teaching, and self development. I began reading everything I could get my hands on. At sixteen, my interests grew in the areas of, math, economics, science, history, astrology, eschatology, mythology, metaphysics etc. 'all of which I’d soon become critically engaged in! Through our conversations, I developed a great deal of interest in the origin of government which brought me to the likes of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, so I studied their works in depth. From my eleventh Grade English teacher I took interest in Transatlantic Slavery and the African American experience in the “New Found Land. Following their leads to different authors and historical personalities only served to agitate my hunger for more knowledge and deeper insight. Mr. Hardison didn't return the following year, so aside from sports, music, and socializing on during weekends, I took largely to study and reflection. By the time I'd reached my freshman year in college I had amassed a considerable personal collection of books and literature and was filled with a passion to continue learning everything I could about everything I could . began a think group called Fellowship, that grew from about ten people to about eighty people in three weeks. With no other responsibilities at the time other than maintaining a satisfactory GPA, my days consisted of intense study, and my nights involved in rap sessions with like-minded individuals. But the more my knowledge grew, the more my knowledge of what I didn't know grew as well, so I began meditating on a daily basis figuring that the most important thing to comprehend was my self, so what better way to do so then to look within through meditation.
“Once I returned to college for the Spring semester in 1999, I learned that I did not have housing. A friend of mine I'd met my Junior year in high-school convinced his room mate to allow me to sleep on the floor in their dorm room. They lived on the first floor, so I was able to crawl easily in and out of the their dorm room window . In purview, these were my most productive years academically, maintaining a tenth percentile GPA.
One evening, I was walking through the campus close to mid-night with a friend when my attention began to trail off, into, and around the principle of Unity. I looked at the moon and thought to myself, “the Moon is my Mother.” Contemplating my relationship with the plants and trees and in my mind I thought, “I breathe in what the trees breathe out and the trees breath in what I breathe out.” Passing beneath a tree, I felt the center most point of my brain hatch open and surreptitiously a stupendously blissful ooze pour forth in, through, and through out the center most part of my brain soaking my pineal gland.” It persisted for sometime, overwhelming me with a hyper-acute sense of well-being and harmony. It was truly, up until that point in my life, the most beautiful mental, and physical feeling in the world I'd ever experienced: it was the equivalent to multiple orgasms taking place in the middle of my brain. It was so remarkable that I had to ask the person walking with me, “do you feel that?” He replied confusedly, “feel what?” I knew at that point that it wasn’t happening to him. I remember clearly saying to him,”everything's going to be alright.” As I walked home, the feeling subsided after numerous 'after shocks that felt like, “magmatic” fluid leaking into my pineal. After climbing through the window and settling in a chair in the center of the floor between my two roommates, I went into meditation. I felt peaceful, utterly thankful, humble, yet a bit bewildered at what had just happened. It was magical, majestic, spiritually awesome. What exactly had happened to me?
"All of the Suffering and Evil in this world come from one thing and one thing only; IGNORANCE! Finding Purpose, Meaning, and Fulfillment within yourself, and experiencing a life complete with Strength, Wisdom, and Beauty begin with one thing and one thing only; AWARENESS!" ~ TiB! My name is Brian aka TiB! and I am a Guide by Birth, a Guardian by Design, and an Independent Rave Psychology Practitioner by Profession. The Intelligent Brother©
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Who's The Master? Entry Four of the I AM My Wealth series, By Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! The Intelligent Brother
Let's Go!
Who's The Master? Entry Four of the I AM My Wealth series, By Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! The Intelligent Brother
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, what is the worth of a 'good movie?' If you're anything like me, when you watch a great film, you not only 'suspend your disbelief,' you enjoy taking something of value from it that can be related to real-life; and, regardless of how long ago the film was brought to market, you'll agree that really good movies never get old and the people who enjoy them the most can see them again and again and never grow tired of watching them: These type of films become the all-time favorites! Which ones are yours and why? Do tell.
For example, one of my favorites came out in 1985, directed by Michael Shultz, who also directed Cooley High, Krush Groove, Car Wash, Bustin' Loose with Richard Pryor, Disorderlies, and many many more; most recently Woman Thou Art Loosed, but my favorite, from Mr. Shultz, was, hands down, The Last Dragon! Can't you just hear the theme music?
In short, there was one scene and two lines from that scene that will forever be embedded in my brain, has and will always be a source of inspiration; and, if you've yet to see this classic, stop reading here because I'm about to let the cat all the way out of the bag. During a brutal beat down at the hands of a character named Sho'nuff, Leroy, the hero/protagonist, who had, since the beginning of the movie, been on a quest to attain self-mastery through martial arts, was being drowned in a barrel filled with water; all the while Sho'nuff, the villain/antagonist, kept questioning him, over and over, demandingly, "Who's the Master?" Finally, it clicked...and Leroy lifted his head up and said, "I Am!" At that point, he began exuding a golden glow about his aura, and commenced to whooping the living daylights out of Sho'nuff!
Remember this: 'without a foe, a soldier never knows his strength,' and until one looks deep within, passed the illusions of this world, and sees the 'light that the darkness could not comprehend,' that is the knowledge of your true self, your higher self, your spiritual, divine, immortal self, someone or something is always going to be on your back, taunting you, haggling you, bullying you, controlling you, terrorizing you, tempting you, haunting you, brutalizing you, eating away at you, tricking, deceiving, luring, subverting, and sabotaging you, much like Sho'nuff was treating Leroy; when in reality, what's actually happening is, you're being asked, "Who's the Master?"
Be it in this life, the next, or many many lifetimes from now, eventually, you're going to have to go within an reach 'beyond the shadow of doubt,' and too say, "I AM!"
Sincerely Yours,
Able to cure you of any sickness you weren't born with, the most powerful plant on this Earth is Moringa! Learn more by clicking here! All Things Moringa
The only difference between the rich or well-to-do and the poor is their habits and their thinking. Read Think and Grow Rich
If you or someone you know is:
A. Open to exploring newer and greater avenues of earning cash flow.
B. Strongly Considering going into business for yourself.
C. Currently offering goods and services and not earning at least 3,000 dollars per month online.
D. Looking for the right guidance, support, platform, and knowledge to transition into the new economy.
E. Desiring to be a part of a positive-winning team of global, money-making, movers and shakers, that treat one another as partners, brothers, and equals.
F. Feeling the need to reposition yourself to be financially free.
Take our Web 2.0 Marketing Course and get you some of this Green Power!
Who's The Master? Entry Four of the I AM My Wealth series, By Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! The Intelligent Brother
In short, there was one scene and two lines from that scene that will forever be embedded in my brain, has and will always be a source of inspiration; and, if you've yet to see this classic, stop reading here because I'm about to let the cat all the way out of the bag. During a brutal beat down at the hands of a character named Sho'nuff, Leroy, the hero/protagonist, who had, since the beginning of the movie, been on a quest to attain self-mastery through martial arts, was being drowned in a barrel filled with water; all the while Sho'nuff, the villain/antagonist, kept questioning him, over and over, demandingly, "Who's the Master?" Finally, it clicked...and Leroy lifted his head up and said, "I Am!" At that point, he began exuding a golden glow about his aura, and commenced to whooping the living daylights out of Sho'nuff!
Remember this: 'without a foe, a soldier never knows his strength,' and until one looks deep within, passed the illusions of this world, and sees the 'light that the darkness could not comprehend,' that is the knowledge of your true self, your higher self, your spiritual, divine, immortal self, someone or something is always going to be on your back, taunting you, haggling you, bullying you, controlling you, terrorizing you, tempting you, haunting you, brutalizing you, eating away at you, tricking, deceiving, luring, subverting, and sabotaging you, much like Sho'nuff was treating Leroy; when in reality, what's actually happening is, you're being asked, "Who's the Master?"
Be it in this life, the next, or many many lifetimes from now, eventually, you're going to have to go within an reach 'beyond the shadow of doubt,' and too say, "I AM!"
Sincerely Yours,
Able to cure you of any sickness you weren't born with, the most powerful plant on this Earth is Moringa! Learn more by clicking here! All Things Moringa
The only difference between the rich or well-to-do and the poor is their habits and their thinking. Read Think and Grow Rich
If you or someone you know is:
A. Open to exploring newer and greater avenues of earning cash flow.
B. Strongly Considering going into business for yourself.
C. Currently offering goods and services and not earning at least 3,000 dollars per month online.
D. Looking for the right guidance, support, platform, and knowledge to transition into the new economy.
E. Desiring to be a part of a positive-winning team of global, money-making, movers and shakers, that treat one another as partners, brothers, and equals.
F. Feeling the need to reposition yourself to be financially free.
Take our Web 2.0 Marketing Course and get you some of this Green Power!
Friday, May 13, 2011
"Green Power" Revisited: Entry Three of the 'I Am My Wealth' Series by Brian Holiday-El aka TiB!
Let's Go!
"Green Power" Revisited: Entry Three of the 'I Am My Wealth' Series by Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! Entrepreneur, Writer, Life Coach, Thought Critic, Artist, Producer, former Public School Educator, Public Speaker, Financial Tutor, Father, Advocate, Affiliate Trainer, Survivor, Astrologer, Minister, C.O.O. Of All Things On Earth & All Things Moringa, Vice President of Marketing & Promotions for Artist Corner & Spot Light Press Group is accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, personal and business consultations. For more information, contact me at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com or webmarketing2.0course@gmail.com or call 908.502.1033 or visit http://allthingsonearth.com/145.html http://allthingsonearth.com/145-62.html and be sure to view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5whe0mWe9w&feature=youtube_gdata_player
"One of the greatest myths leading to what I call 'functional misery,' suspending people from experiencing the best that life has to offer, is by remaining loyal to the belief that one can't be spiritual and wealthy at the same time: That is to say a person must make a decision between being either one, or the other; as if there's something shameful or sinful about having what you need and what you want, to the point where people feel guilty about wanting, pursuing, or having, a life filled with an abundance of satisfaction.
Evidently, this mentality is, for the most part, driven by the widely excepted notion that a better life comes after the one we're presently living out in this world, and, as a result of this type of thinking, people, on average, experience more pain and suffering than joy and pleasure during their days on this Earth; passively tolerating unfavorable circumstances in the hopes of experiencing something better in the unforeseen future. What the people who live this way fail to realize is that by putting off for tomorrow what could be done and had today, they throw away all that they have and 'life to them is but the shadow of a dream.' This is ignorance in all of it's glory, and, consequently, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Whether or not it is the work of some unseen hand that conditions people into accepting and believing that they can't have an abundant spiritual AND material life, or, it is purely a case of miseducation, the reality remains; many, many people fail to successfully integrate their spirituality or religion with their own financial freedom and economic independence, so, more often than not, there's almost always dissatisfaction in one of these two areas, and seldom any balance between them. In fact, when most people struggle on a spiritual level, it oftentimes has everything to do with their financial plight, and vice versa, which is a result of the belief that money has nothing to do with spirituality!
In my humble opinion, this is one of, if not the single most, psychologically debilitating, spiritually crippling, and economically retarding philosophies that a human being can ever entertain, and at the heart of this quandary of powerlessness is this unavoidable truth; "A beggar nation can never attain unto the higher spiritualities of life!" PNDA
Case and point, you'd be very hard pressed to find someone who has never heard of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an unquestionably divinely inspired man, but, ask those same people have they ever heard of a man named Arthur George Gaston, and many of them will have no knowledge of him, yet, without him, the anti discrimination legislation and African American Voting Rights that resulted from the Civil Rights Movement would never, I repeat NEVER, have seen the light of day!
How? Easy: The multimillion dollar business enterprise that A.G. Gaston single handedly pioneered, beginning in the early 1920's, come time of the Civil Rights Era, encompassed, the real estate within which the SCLC(the nucleus of the Civil Rights Movement) was headquartered and planned their protest activities, the financing that bailed out members of the Civil Rights Movement, who were jailed during civil disobedience demonstrations, King included, as well as the financing for the organizing and promoting of the Civil Rights Movement Agenda! Said differently, without Mr. Gaston's wealth, real-estate, and capital, there would be no Voting Rights Act!!!
Surely, it stands to reason that were it not for the daring hope and steadfast resolution of African Americans, during the Civil Rights Era, and the magnificent elocution of Dr. King, the socio-economic and educational opportunities available to African Americans and other 'minorities' in today's world would not be accessible to them, but, equally so, were it not for something else, there would be no Barak Obama or Oprah Winfrey; that is what Arthur George Gaston called Green Power!"
The Intelligent Brother proposes this,
If you are or someone you know is:
A. Open to exploring newer and greater avenues of earning cash flow.
B. Strongly Considering going into business for yourself.
C. Currently offering goods and services and not earning at least 3,000 dollars per month online.
D. Looking for the right guidance, support, platform, and knowledge to transition into the new economy.
E. Desiring to be a part of a positive-winning team of global, money-making, movers and shakers, that treat one another as partners, brothers, and equals.
F. Feeling the need to reposition yourself to be financially free.
Take our Web 2.0 Marketing Course and get you some of this Green Power!

The last time I was an employee, working a nine to five, was over a half-a-decade ago, and the day I walked off my last job, was the moment I compared how much I was earning with how much my, experience, skills, talents, abilities, passion, spirit, mind, body, determination, and paradigm, made me worth. Don't quit your day job, but quit thinking your day job is going to cut it. If you know it's not enough, then ACT LIKE YOU KNOW!
The simple truth is Web 2.0 Marketing is the future of earning money and the future is already right here and right now. Don't get left behind! Get up on your knowhow ASAP!
Once you experience what it feels like earning a handsome living from the comfort of your own home, or any place in the world with a phone and a wifi connection, you'll really understand why, in this world, there's no power like GREEN POWER!
What made the Civil Rights Movement so effective? The Bus Boycott! Why? Because it hit the enemies of equality in the only place that makes any 'sense' to them, the only place that 'registers' with them...the pockets! The bank! The lesson here is that there is no real political power without Green Power! Get you some!
Sincerely Yours,
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother *TiB!*
Pass it on!
Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! Entrepreneur, Writer, Life Coach, Thought Critic, Artist, Producer, former Public School Educator, Public Speaker, Financial Tutor, Father, Advocate, Affiliate Trainer, Survivor, Astrologer, Minister, C.O.O. Of All Things On Earth & All Things Moringa, Vice President of Marketing & Promotions for Artist Corner & Spot Light Press Group is accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, personal and business consultations. For more information, contact me at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com or webmarketing2.0course@gmail.com or call 908.502.1033 or visit http://allthingsonearth.com/145.html http://allthingsonearth.com/145-62.html and be sure to view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5whe0mWe9w&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Unless you're very young, or have been living under a rock, more than likely you've heard of a book written by Napoleon Hill, entitled Think And Grow Rich. If you have yet to read Think And Grow Rich, see if you can't five dollars and the time to. Click the book's link below for more information. Think and Grow Rich
Somewhere in the Dragon Fly Effect I read, "(T)he future is here, it's just not evenly distributed."
"Green Power" Revisited: Entry Three of the 'I Am My Wealth' Series by Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! Entrepreneur, Writer, Life Coach, Thought Critic, Artist, Producer, former Public School Educator, Public Speaker, Financial Tutor, Father, Advocate, Affiliate Trainer, Survivor, Astrologer, Minister, C.O.O. Of All Things On Earth & All Things Moringa, Vice President of Marketing & Promotions for Artist Corner & Spot Light Press Group is accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, personal and business consultations. For more information, contact me at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com or webmarketing2.0course@gmail.com or call 908.502.1033 or visit http://allthingsonearth.com/145.html http://allthingsonearth.com/145-62.html and be sure to view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5whe0mWe9w&feature=youtube_gdata_player
"One of the greatest myths leading to what I call 'functional misery,' suspending people from experiencing the best that life has to offer, is by remaining loyal to the belief that one can't be spiritual and wealthy at the same time: That is to say a person must make a decision between being either one, or the other; as if there's something shameful or sinful about having what you need and what you want, to the point where people feel guilty about wanting, pursuing, or having, a life filled with an abundance of satisfaction.
Evidently, this mentality is, for the most part, driven by the widely excepted notion that a better life comes after the one we're presently living out in this world, and, as a result of this type of thinking, people, on average, experience more pain and suffering than joy and pleasure during their days on this Earth; passively tolerating unfavorable circumstances in the hopes of experiencing something better in the unforeseen future. What the people who live this way fail to realize is that by putting off for tomorrow what could be done and had today, they throw away all that they have and 'life to them is but the shadow of a dream.' This is ignorance in all of it's glory, and, consequently, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Whether or not it is the work of some unseen hand that conditions people into accepting and believing that they can't have an abundant spiritual AND material life, or, it is purely a case of miseducation, the reality remains; many, many people fail to successfully integrate their spirituality or religion with their own financial freedom and economic independence, so, more often than not, there's almost always dissatisfaction in one of these two areas, and seldom any balance between them. In fact, when most people struggle on a spiritual level, it oftentimes has everything to do with their financial plight, and vice versa, which is a result of the belief that money has nothing to do with spirituality!
In my humble opinion, this is one of, if not the single most, psychologically debilitating, spiritually crippling, and economically retarding philosophies that a human being can ever entertain, and at the heart of this quandary of powerlessness is this unavoidable truth; "A beggar nation can never attain unto the higher spiritualities of life!" PNDA
How? Easy: The multimillion dollar business enterprise that A.G. Gaston single handedly pioneered, beginning in the early 1920's, come time of the Civil Rights Era, encompassed, the real estate within which the SCLC(the nucleus of the Civil Rights Movement) was headquartered and planned their protest activities, the financing that bailed out members of the Civil Rights Movement, who were jailed during civil disobedience demonstrations, King included, as well as the financing for the organizing and promoting of the Civil Rights Movement Agenda! Said differently, without Mr. Gaston's wealth, real-estate, and capital, there would be no Voting Rights Act!!!
Surely, it stands to reason that were it not for the daring hope and steadfast resolution of African Americans, during the Civil Rights Era, and the magnificent elocution of Dr. King, the socio-economic and educational opportunities available to African Americans and other 'minorities' in today's world would not be accessible to them, but, equally so, were it not for something else, there would be no Barak Obama or Oprah Winfrey; that is what Arthur George Gaston called Green Power!"
The Intelligent Brother proposes this,
If you are or someone you know is:
A. Open to exploring newer and greater avenues of earning cash flow.
B. Strongly Considering going into business for yourself.
C. Currently offering goods and services and not earning at least 3,000 dollars per month online.
D. Looking for the right guidance, support, platform, and knowledge to transition into the new economy.
E. Desiring to be a part of a positive-winning team of global, money-making, movers and shakers, that treat one another as partners, brothers, and equals.
F. Feeling the need to reposition yourself to be financially free.
Take our Web 2.0 Marketing Course and get you some of this Green Power!
The last time I was an employee, working a nine to five, was over a half-a-decade ago, and the day I walked off my last job, was the moment I compared how much I was earning with how much my, experience, skills, talents, abilities, passion, spirit, mind, body, determination, and paradigm, made me worth. Don't quit your day job, but quit thinking your day job is going to cut it. If you know it's not enough, then ACT LIKE YOU KNOW!
The simple truth is Web 2.0 Marketing is the future of earning money and the future is already right here and right now. Don't get left behind! Get up on your knowhow ASAP!
Once you experience what it feels like earning a handsome living from the comfort of your own home, or any place in the world with a phone and a wifi connection, you'll really understand why, in this world, there's no power like GREEN POWER!
What made the Civil Rights Movement so effective? The Bus Boycott! Why? Because it hit the enemies of equality in the only place that makes any 'sense' to them, the only place that 'registers' with them...the pockets! The bank! The lesson here is that there is no real political power without Green Power! Get you some!
Sincerely Yours,
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother *TiB!*
Pass it on!
Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! Entrepreneur, Writer, Life Coach, Thought Critic, Artist, Producer, former Public School Educator, Public Speaker, Financial Tutor, Father, Advocate, Affiliate Trainer, Survivor, Astrologer, Minister, C.O.O. Of All Things On Earth & All Things Moringa, Vice President of Marketing & Promotions for Artist Corner & Spot Light Press Group is accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, personal and business consultations. For more information, contact me at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com or webmarketing2.0course@gmail.com or call 908.502.1033 or visit http://allthingsonearth.com/145.html http://allthingsonearth.com/145-62.html and be sure to view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5whe0mWe9w&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Unless you're very young, or have been living under a rock, more than likely you've heard of a book written by Napoleon Hill, entitled Think And Grow Rich. If you have yet to read Think And Grow Rich, see if you can't five dollars and the time to. Click the book's link below for more information. Think and Grow Rich
Somewhere in the Dragon Fly Effect I read, "(T)he future is here, it's just not evenly distributed."
affiliate marketing,
electronic commerce,
financial empowerment,
Financial freedom,
financial independence,
home cash flow,
home-based business,
multiple streams of revenue,
web 2.0 marketing
Monday, May 2, 2011
"What A Waste! A Sisyphean Task Rehashed" By Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother *TIB*
Let's Go!
My business mentor used to repeat himself a lot, but I didn't mind, because most of what came out of his mouth were always words of wisdom. One of my favorite quips of his was when he would explain the difference between someone who is crazy and someone who is insane.
Riding in his luxury Sudan, probably en route to an appointment with a client or prospective customer, he'd begin by shaking his head side to side and asking, "(D)o you know the difference between a person who is crazy and a person who is insane?" Having heard him explain the difference so many times, I'd repeat it along with him in my mind, "(C)razy people do things that don't make any sense, but insane people do the same things over and over again, all the while expecting different results!"
Moreover, if there were ever a formula for frustration then his definition of insane would fit the description; and, I don't know of any better story that illustrates the nature of dissatisfaction more than the Myth Of Sisyphus, from whence we derive the expression, 'a Sisyphean task,' which is summed up like so, "(A)s a punishment from the gods for his trickery, Sisyphus was made to roll a huge boulder up a steep hill, but before he could reach the top of the hill, the rock would always roll back down, forcing him to begin again." Imagine that! It may sound crazy, but people do it all the time.
In essence, we are, living, breathing, human organisms, or at least a majority of you reading this blog are, I hope, but, most of what we are mentally and how we live our lives are mechanical in nature; and, as such, everything that we do is a byproduct of our conditioning! People do the same thing over and over again, in anticipation of different results, because they're conditioned to believe that something will eventually change, but it never does, that is, until they themselves become the difference that produces the change they wish to see!
On the flip side, the victorious, the triumphant, the successful, the great, the content, the fulfilled, are that because they've conditioned themselves to constantly improve, so, conditioning is not a bad thing or a good thing: It's a universally constant thing, and, what matters most are the source, quality, and rate or consistency of our conditioning! (see Think & Grow Rich; Subconscious Mind)! Think and Grow Rich
After all, as the saying goes, "The same thinking that created the problem will not be sufficient enough to provide an adequate solution." The fact remains, in order to change the output, one must first change the input! Look at it this way, when you think that you can get different results by doing the exact same thing, the only thing you are doing is tricking and deceiving yourself, and, continuing to do so isn't a demonstration of faith; it's temporary insanity!
Really, if all you're ever promised in the unfulfilling pursuit of something is another round of unfulfilling pursuits, how is it even worth pursuing? What a waste!
Sincerely Yours,
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother *TIB*
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother, is currently accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, small business consultation, communication tutorial, and mentoring.
Email him directly at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com
I Am My Wealth Series Unit Two Fact...
The only way to truly attain financial freedom is to establish and grow Additional Streams of Revenue and harness the power of Compounded Interest! An income from a job is only the beginning and thank goodness for that! Learn all about the greatest money-making opportunity since the industrial revolution!
Despite how poorly this Earth has been treated by man, Nature still offers up everything you'll ever need to heal yourself! Learn all about the immortal plant of the gods...Moringa! All Things Moringa
You could change your life if you knew how to change your mind! Learn from one of the best books ever written on the subject! Think and Grow Rich
My business mentor used to repeat himself a lot, but I didn't mind, because most of what came out of his mouth were always words of wisdom. One of my favorite quips of his was when he would explain the difference between someone who is crazy and someone who is insane.
Riding in his luxury Sudan, probably en route to an appointment with a client or prospective customer, he'd begin by shaking his head side to side and asking, "(D)o you know the difference between a person who is crazy and a person who is insane?" Having heard him explain the difference so many times, I'd repeat it along with him in my mind, "(C)razy people do things that don't make any sense, but insane people do the same things over and over again, all the while expecting different results!"
Moreover, if there were ever a formula for frustration then his definition of insane would fit the description; and, I don't know of any better story that illustrates the nature of dissatisfaction more than the Myth Of Sisyphus, from whence we derive the expression, 'a Sisyphean task,' which is summed up like so, "(A)s a punishment from the gods for his trickery, Sisyphus was made to roll a huge boulder up a steep hill, but before he could reach the top of the hill, the rock would always roll back down, forcing him to begin again." Imagine that! It may sound crazy, but people do it all the time.
In essence, we are, living, breathing, human organisms, or at least a majority of you reading this blog are, I hope, but, most of what we are mentally and how we live our lives are mechanical in nature; and, as such, everything that we do is a byproduct of our conditioning! People do the same thing over and over again, in anticipation of different results, because they're conditioned to believe that something will eventually change, but it never does, that is, until they themselves become the difference that produces the change they wish to see!
On the flip side, the victorious, the triumphant, the successful, the great, the content, the fulfilled, are that because they've conditioned themselves to constantly improve, so, conditioning is not a bad thing or a good thing: It's a universally constant thing, and, what matters most are the source, quality, and rate or consistency of our conditioning! (see Think & Grow Rich; Subconscious Mind)! Think and Grow Rich
After all, as the saying goes, "The same thinking that created the problem will not be sufficient enough to provide an adequate solution." The fact remains, in order to change the output, one must first change the input! Look at it this way, when you think that you can get different results by doing the exact same thing, the only thing you are doing is tricking and deceiving yourself, and, continuing to do so isn't a demonstration of faith; it's temporary insanity!
Really, if all you're ever promised in the unfulfilling pursuit of something is another round of unfulfilling pursuits, how is it even worth pursuing? What a waste!
Sincerely Yours,
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother *TIB*
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother, is currently accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, small business consultation, communication tutorial, and mentoring.
Email him directly at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com
I Am My Wealth Series Unit Two Fact...
The only way to truly attain financial freedom is to establish and grow Additional Streams of Revenue and harness the power of Compounded Interest! An income from a job is only the beginning and thank goodness for that! Learn all about the greatest money-making opportunity since the industrial revolution!
Despite how poorly this Earth has been treated by man, Nature still offers up everything you'll ever need to heal yourself! Learn all about the immortal plant of the gods...Moringa! All Things Moringa
You could change your life if you knew how to change your mind! Learn from one of the best books ever written on the subject! Think and Grow Rich
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