Let's Go!
"The Synthesis is the Single most profound Scientific-Resource-Tool for Self-Discovery in the 21st Century!" (See Attachment)
"Greetings and thank you for taking the time to see what the Chart in the attachment is all about.
Look at the Chart in the Attachment and begin getting familiar with how this Chart looks and feels and be sure to have your own unique design chart generated for you for free by one of Global Human Directory's LDC's (Life Design Consultants), based upon your Vital Data (DOB, Time of Birth, Place of Birth) and schedule an UDOCC (Unique Design Orientation Conference Call) You can get your free Charts by either replying to this email or calling 908.502.1033 because with each passing moment everything about what it represents increases in importance, becoming more and more vital for you to be aware of and comprehend what yours ultimately means for your life. Experiment with this Knowledge and in no time you'll see yourself accessing and exercising the awareness, the self worth, and the motivation to not only survive but to thrive; all the while experiencing the greatness within you and the very best out of your life with every breath you breathe and every decision you make.
This System is not only New it is more Practical and therefore Superior to all other Sciences taken alone: There is ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER SCIENCE LIKE THIS ONE represented in the Chart! (see Attachment) Why? Because it is a PERFECT SYNTHESIS of all of the Ancient Sciences into One Coherent System with YOU AND YOUR NATURE AS THE CENTER AND CONCENTRATION OF IT ALL!!!!
All of the answers to the above questions and many more are clearly laid out in the study of you and your design via a chart like this one. (Charts and the UDOCC are free, see links and contact information below or call Now 908.502.1033 to learn more)
With this System of Knowledge Represented in this Chart, (See Attachment) Now at our Disposal and in our Possession, there is no longer any Excuse to not Live out the Lives we are Truly Born to Live while Fully Experiencing, in the Here and Now, the Potentials of Greatness that we Come into this world designed to Uniquely Express!
As for the events leading up to 2012... you've heard and are witnessing just about everything from the collapse of governments and the world economy, seeing the tsunami's, earthquakes, tornadoes, wars and pestilence and famine and other natural disasters, nuclear meltdowns, starvation, genetically modified foods, new disease threats, civic and political upheaval and on and on and on with these signs of epoch change that aren't going to stop anytime soon, so you might as well learn now to focus on yourself as well as what is necessary to adapt, and the ONLY way to do that is by knowing your purpose, truly being self-empowered and the Synthesis is the Perfect System to experience life in that way...the Way!
This System is New and the Body of Knowledge (Books & Audio) are not only immensely profound, but grossly unknown! People simply aren't up on this yet! The magic that it offers is virtually untapped! Everything about this process of Self-Discovery begins with your Chart which is based upon three things; exact time of birth, exact date of birth and your exact place of birth.
With this information, a chart like the one above is generated for you and will be totally unique to you; none other like it in this world. Among other things, your chart explains YOUR nature, YOUR potential, YOUR talents, YOUR skills, YOUR conscious and unconscious genetic imprint, the problems YOU are facing and will face, YOUR natural diet which may or may not be meats, how YOU should consume and digest foods, how YOUR body processes energy, how YOU should rest, the ideal partner(s) FOR YOU, and much more. This is all unique to you and is different and is special in every way. Most importantly, the study of your design, based upon your chart will show you how to be in the right place, at the right time, around the right people, with the right energy, engaged in the right activities for you and for your life's path!
101 plus 5 areas to improve, enhance, and/or perfect through the Synthesis!
1. Power
3. Health
4. Success
5. Sexuality
6. Intimacy
7. Self Awareness
8. Self Love
9. Peace
10. Skills
11. Correction
12. Information
13. Knowledge
14. Knowhow
15. Wholistic Practice/lifestyle
16. To Compete
17. Parenting & Child Rearing
18. Education
19. Structure
20. Internal Divinity
21. Liberation
22. Clarity
23. Refinement
24. Business
25. Motivation
26. Security
27. Cooperation
28. Progress
29. Change
30. Joy
31. Triumph
32. Practicality in the Mundane
33. Magic in the Mundane
34. Family
35. Nation
36. Knowing your future
37. Understanding Your Past
38. Enlightenment
39. Perfection
40.Unleashing the inner potential
41. Self Esteem
42.Understanding Purpose
43.the Knowledge of the Zeitgeist (Not to be confused with conspiracy theories & propaganda programs).
44. Perfected Partnerships
45. Intimacy
46. Travel
47. Career
48. Empowerment
49. Instinct
50. Survival
51. Road Map
52. BluePrint
53. Soul Searching
54. Seed planting (not just physical children but ideas, hopes, and dreams)
55. Balance
56. Connection
57. Attraction
58. Instantaneous Personal Magnetism
59. At-One-Ment
60. Keys to your Alignment
61. Transcendental Wisdom
62. Reveals the issues in your tissues
63. Forces one to look in the Mirror
64. Discernment
65. Courage
66. Temperance
67. Reticence
68. Calm your Nerves
69. Stimulate your Nerves
70. Better Brain-Function
71. Achieve Mental-Clarity
72. Withstand Doubt
73. Become a Master-Teacher
74. Know your place in this Sacred-Geometry
75. Be your own Boss
76. Heighten your Senses
77. Empower yourself, family, community, organization etc.
78. Comprehend & Transcend Your Fears
79. Improve Your Habits
80. Act Naturally
81. Resolve past issues and traumatic experiences
82. Self Perception
83. Discipline
84. Self Control
85. Deeper Learning
86. Humility
87. Serendipity
88. Science of life
89. Soul Mate
90. Hidden Talents
91. Gifts from the Creator
92. Evolution
93. Humanity
94. Planned Parenthood
95. Dreams
96. Imagination and Endless Possibilities
97. The Secrets of Universal Laws
98. Knowledge of the Ancient History & Evolution of Humanity
99. Correct Diet & Digestion
100. The Art of Tantric Love
101. The 7 year Transformational Process
*Boost your Intuition
*Learn how to use your Will-Power
*Learn how to Read People
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"All of the Suffering and Evil in this world come from one thing and one thing only; IGNORANCE! Finding Purpose, Meaning, and Fulfillment within yourself, and experiencing a life complete with Strength, Wisdom, and Beauty begin with one thing and one thing only; AWARENESS!" ~ TiB! My name is Brian aka TiB! and I am a Guide by Birth, a Guardian by Design, and an Independent Rave Psychology Practitioner by Profession. The Intelligent Brother©
Monday, October 3, 2011
"The Synthesis is the Single most profound Scientific-Resource-Tool for Self-Discovery in the 21st Century!" (See Attachment)
affirmation empowerment enlightenment food-for-thought guidance informative i,
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
"Motivation" by Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! The Intelligent Brother
Let's Go!
"Motivation" by Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother TiB!
What do you want out of life? At what level do you aspire to be? Are you there yet? Did you claim it? Have you seized upon it like a Lion upon it's prey? Or, are you luring it to you patiently like a spider weaves its web? Can you see it as clear as the turquoise waters of the Caribbean? Look at your hands, your arms, and your legs! Feel your body! You are alive! You are a, living, breathing, feeling, thinking, growing, constantly evolving and intelligent, member of humanity; the 'pride of creation.' You were 'fearfully and wonderfully made!' What will it take to get you to see just how great you were born to be?
Absolutely, each and every day children are born and people pass away, making life and death a revolving door, yet there you are...here...right here and right now, so that means you have a specific reason for existing, a unique purpose to fulfill. Do you know it? Do you walk daily in the knowledge of it? Are you living it? Have you resolved yourself to be triumphant in the fulfillment of it?
No! There is neither a moment to lose, nor a second to waste, for we cannot afford the' luxury of a defeating thought!' Awaken! Arise! Look deep within yourself...past your feelings and emotions, beyond your thoughts and desires. Look deeper and deeper and deeper until all you see is you looking at your self! Behold the eternal, undying, immortal, infallible, perfect, whole, all-knowing, spiritual-higher YOU! Shut off the endless internal chatter and listen to what you have to say to your own self! Are you listening to your true self? Can you hear you? If so, what are you saying to you? Well what in the hell are you waiting for?
Let's go ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I am ready, willing, and able to help you live the life you were born to lead, and I'm only an email or a phone call away.
Email TiB! At theintelligentbrother@gmail.com
Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! Entrepreneur, Writer, Life Coach, Thought Critic, Artist, Producer, former Public School Educator, Public Speaker, Financial Tutor, Father, Advocate, Affiliate Trainer, Survivor, Astrologer, Minister, C.O.O. Of All Things On Earth & All Things Moringa, is accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, personal and business consultations. For more information, contact me at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com or webmarketing2.0course@gmail.com or call 908.502.1033 or visit http://allthingsonearth.com/145.html http://allthingsonearth.com/145-62.html and be sure to view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZNWJNMQkMs
The healthiest and most powerful food you could ever put in your body is Moringa
Read more about the miraculous MORINGA in this fascinating article about the ancestral secret to Manny Pacquiao's strength.
In today's world, earning additional streams of cash-flow and creating wealth is based on the principles and tools of ECommerce and Web 2.0 Marketing. Take our Course Net 2.0 Marketing Course System and earn while you learn.
"Motivation" by Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother TiB!
What do you want out of life? At what level do you aspire to be? Are you there yet? Did you claim it? Have you seized upon it like a Lion upon it's prey? Or, are you luring it to you patiently like a spider weaves its web? Can you see it as clear as the turquoise waters of the Caribbean? Look at your hands, your arms, and your legs! Feel your body! You are alive! You are a, living, breathing, feeling, thinking, growing, constantly evolving and intelligent, member of humanity; the 'pride of creation.' You were 'fearfully and wonderfully made!' What will it take to get you to see just how great you were born to be?
Absolutely, each and every day children are born and people pass away, making life and death a revolving door, yet there you are...here...right here and right now, so that means you have a specific reason for existing, a unique purpose to fulfill. Do you know it? Do you walk daily in the knowledge of it? Are you living it? Have you resolved yourself to be triumphant in the fulfillment of it?
No! There is neither a moment to lose, nor a second to waste, for we cannot afford the' luxury of a defeating thought!' Awaken! Arise! Look deep within yourself...past your feelings and emotions, beyond your thoughts and desires. Look deeper and deeper and deeper until all you see is you looking at your self! Behold the eternal, undying, immortal, infallible, perfect, whole, all-knowing, spiritual-higher YOU! Shut off the endless internal chatter and listen to what you have to say to your own self! Are you listening to your true self? Can you hear you? If so, what are you saying to you? Well what in the hell are you waiting for?
Let's go ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I am ready, willing, and able to help you live the life you were born to lead, and I'm only an email or a phone call away.
Email TiB! At theintelligentbrother@gmail.com
Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! Entrepreneur, Writer, Life Coach, Thought Critic, Artist, Producer, former Public School Educator, Public Speaker, Financial Tutor, Father, Advocate, Affiliate Trainer, Survivor, Astrologer, Minister, C.O.O. Of All Things On Earth & All Things Moringa, is accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, personal and business consultations. For more information, contact me at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com or webmarketing2.0course@gmail.com or call 908.502.1033 or visit http://allthingsonearth.com/145.html http://allthingsonearth.com/145-62.html and be sure to view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZNWJNMQkMs
The healthiest and most powerful food you could ever put in your body is Moringa
Read more about the miraculous MORINGA in this fascinating article about the ancestral secret to Manny Pacquiao's strength.
In today's world, earning additional streams of cash-flow and creating wealth is based on the principles and tools of ECommerce and Web 2.0 Marketing. Take our Course Net 2.0 Marketing Course System and earn while you learn.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
My Eye! by Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! The Intelligent Brother (A rough draft excerpt of my up and coming book.)
Let's Go!
The Third Eye
My Personal Experience:
In 1999, I was a nineteen year old freshman at NSU, majoring in Political Science and Economics before I switched to Liberal Arts with an emphasis on English. Three years prior I met a man who irrevocably changed my life for the better. In 1996, I entered the front doors of the Old Franklin High School building in Somerset, New Jersey, with a dual motive; to finish school and try my hardest to steer clear of trouble. This was my fifth high school in two states and I was determined to make it my last and final, but what I was totally unaware of was who I was about to meet, and what I was about to be introduced to! My third period of study was History, taught by a man named Mr. Brandon Hardison. He was a short, middle-aged man at the time. “He was a soft-spoken clean cut man with a penetrating gaze glowing through his lenses, him, my eleventh grade history teacher. From his aura there emanated a power that was at, calming yet engaging, peaceful yet compelling, and harmless yet challenging. After just one conversation with him, I resolved my self to a life long commitment to learning, teaching, and self development. I began reading everything I could get my hands on. At sixteen, my interests grew in the areas of, math, economics, science, history, astrology, eschatology, mythology, metaphysics etc. 'all of which I’d soon become critically engaged in! Through our conversations, I developed a great deal of interest in the origin of government which brought me to the likes of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, so I studied their works in depth. From my eleventh Grade English teacher I took interest in Transatlantic Slavery and the African American experience in the “New Found Land. Following their leads to different authors and historical personalities only served to agitate my hunger for more knowledge and deeper insight. Mr. Hardison didn't return the following year, so aside from sports, music, and socializing on during weekends, I took largely to study and reflection. By the time I'd reached my freshman year in college I had amassed a considerable personal collection of books and literature and was filled with a passion to continue learning everything I could about everything I could . began a think group called Fellowship, that grew from about ten people to about eighty people in three weeks. With no other responsibilities at the time other than maintaining a satisfactory GPA, my days consisted of intense study, and my nights involved in rap sessions with like-minded individuals. But the more my knowledge grew, the more my knowledge of what I didn't know grew as well, so I began meditating on a daily basis figuring that the most important thing to comprehend was my self, so what better way to do so then to look within through meditation.
“Once I returned to college for the Spring semester in 1999, I learned that I did not have housing. A friend of mine I'd met my Junior year in high-school convinced his room mate to allow me to sleep on the floor in their dorm room. They lived on the first floor, so I was able to crawl easily in and out of the their dorm room window . In purview, these were my most productive years academically, maintaining a tenth percentile GPA.
One evening, I was walking through the campus close to mid-night with a friend when my attention began to trail off, into, and around the principle of Unity. I looked at the moon and thought to myself, “the Moon is my Mother.” Contemplating my relationship with the plants and trees and in my mind I thought, “I breathe in what the trees breathe out and the trees breath in what I breathe out.” Passing beneath a tree, I felt the center most point of my brain hatch open and surreptitiously a stupendously blissful ooze pour forth in, through, and through out the center most part of my brain soaking my pineal gland.” It persisted for sometime, overwhelming me with a hyper-acute sense of well-being and harmony. It was truly, up until that point in my life, the most beautiful mental, and physical feeling in the world I'd ever experienced: it was the equivalent to multiple orgasms taking place in the middle of my brain. It was so remarkable that I had to ask the person walking with me, “do you feel that?” He replied confusedly, “feel what?” I knew at that point that it wasn’t happening to him. I remember clearly saying to him,”everything's going to be alright.” As I walked home, the feeling subsided after numerous 'after shocks that felt like, “magmatic” fluid leaking into my pineal. After climbing through the window and settling in a chair in the center of the floor between my two roommates, I went into meditation. I felt peaceful, utterly thankful, humble, yet a bit bewildered at what had just happened. It was magical, majestic, spiritually awesome. What exactly had happened to me?
The Third Eye
My Personal Experience:
In 1999, I was a nineteen year old freshman at NSU, majoring in Political Science and Economics before I switched to Liberal Arts with an emphasis on English. Three years prior I met a man who irrevocably changed my life for the better. In 1996, I entered the front doors of the Old Franklin High School building in Somerset, New Jersey, with a dual motive; to finish school and try my hardest to steer clear of trouble. This was my fifth high school in two states and I was determined to make it my last and final, but what I was totally unaware of was who I was about to meet, and what I was about to be introduced to! My third period of study was History, taught by a man named Mr. Brandon Hardison. He was a short, middle-aged man at the time. “He was a soft-spoken clean cut man with a penetrating gaze glowing through his lenses, him, my eleventh grade history teacher. From his aura there emanated a power that was at, calming yet engaging, peaceful yet compelling, and harmless yet challenging. After just one conversation with him, I resolved my self to a life long commitment to learning, teaching, and self development. I began reading everything I could get my hands on. At sixteen, my interests grew in the areas of, math, economics, science, history, astrology, eschatology, mythology, metaphysics etc. 'all of which I’d soon become critically engaged in! Through our conversations, I developed a great deal of interest in the origin of government which brought me to the likes of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, so I studied their works in depth. From my eleventh Grade English teacher I took interest in Transatlantic Slavery and the African American experience in the “New Found Land. Following their leads to different authors and historical personalities only served to agitate my hunger for more knowledge and deeper insight. Mr. Hardison didn't return the following year, so aside from sports, music, and socializing on during weekends, I took largely to study and reflection. By the time I'd reached my freshman year in college I had amassed a considerable personal collection of books and literature and was filled with a passion to continue learning everything I could about everything I could . began a think group called Fellowship, that grew from about ten people to about eighty people in three weeks. With no other responsibilities at the time other than maintaining a satisfactory GPA, my days consisted of intense study, and my nights involved in rap sessions with like-minded individuals. But the more my knowledge grew, the more my knowledge of what I didn't know grew as well, so I began meditating on a daily basis figuring that the most important thing to comprehend was my self, so what better way to do so then to look within through meditation.
“Once I returned to college for the Spring semester in 1999, I learned that I did not have housing. A friend of mine I'd met my Junior year in high-school convinced his room mate to allow me to sleep on the floor in their dorm room. They lived on the first floor, so I was able to crawl easily in and out of the their dorm room window . In purview, these were my most productive years academically, maintaining a tenth percentile GPA.
One evening, I was walking through the campus close to mid-night with a friend when my attention began to trail off, into, and around the principle of Unity. I looked at the moon and thought to myself, “the Moon is my Mother.” Contemplating my relationship with the plants and trees and in my mind I thought, “I breathe in what the trees breathe out and the trees breath in what I breathe out.” Passing beneath a tree, I felt the center most point of my brain hatch open and surreptitiously a stupendously blissful ooze pour forth in, through, and through out the center most part of my brain soaking my pineal gland.” It persisted for sometime, overwhelming me with a hyper-acute sense of well-being and harmony. It was truly, up until that point in my life, the most beautiful mental, and physical feeling in the world I'd ever experienced: it was the equivalent to multiple orgasms taking place in the middle of my brain. It was so remarkable that I had to ask the person walking with me, “do you feel that?” He replied confusedly, “feel what?” I knew at that point that it wasn’t happening to him. I remember clearly saying to him,”everything's going to be alright.” As I walked home, the feeling subsided after numerous 'after shocks that felt like, “magmatic” fluid leaking into my pineal. After climbing through the window and settling in a chair in the center of the floor between my two roommates, I went into meditation. I felt peaceful, utterly thankful, humble, yet a bit bewildered at what had just happened. It was magical, majestic, spiritually awesome. What exactly had happened to me?
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Who's The Master? Entry Four of the I AM My Wealth series, By Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! The Intelligent Brother
Let's Go!
Who's The Master? Entry Four of the I AM My Wealth series, By Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! The Intelligent Brother
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, what is the worth of a 'good movie?' If you're anything like me, when you watch a great film, you not only 'suspend your disbelief,' you enjoy taking something of value from it that can be related to real-life; and, regardless of how long ago the film was brought to market, you'll agree that really good movies never get old and the people who enjoy them the most can see them again and again and never grow tired of watching them: These type of films become the all-time favorites! Which ones are yours and why? Do tell.
For example, one of my favorites came out in 1985, directed by Michael Shultz, who also directed Cooley High, Krush Groove, Car Wash, Bustin' Loose with Richard Pryor, Disorderlies, and many many more; most recently Woman Thou Art Loosed, but my favorite, from Mr. Shultz, was, hands down, The Last Dragon! Can't you just hear the theme music?
In short, there was one scene and two lines from that scene that will forever be embedded in my brain, has and will always be a source of inspiration; and, if you've yet to see this classic, stop reading here because I'm about to let the cat all the way out of the bag. During a brutal beat down at the hands of a character named Sho'nuff, Leroy, the hero/protagonist, who had, since the beginning of the movie, been on a quest to attain self-mastery through martial arts, was being drowned in a barrel filled with water; all the while Sho'nuff, the villain/antagonist, kept questioning him, over and over, demandingly, "Who's the Master?" Finally, it clicked...and Leroy lifted his head up and said, "I Am!" At that point, he began exuding a golden glow about his aura, and commenced to whooping the living daylights out of Sho'nuff!
Remember this: 'without a foe, a soldier never knows his strength,' and until one looks deep within, passed the illusions of this world, and sees the 'light that the darkness could not comprehend,' that is the knowledge of your true self, your higher self, your spiritual, divine, immortal self, someone or something is always going to be on your back, taunting you, haggling you, bullying you, controlling you, terrorizing you, tempting you, haunting you, brutalizing you, eating away at you, tricking, deceiving, luring, subverting, and sabotaging you, much like Sho'nuff was treating Leroy; when in reality, what's actually happening is, you're being asked, "Who's the Master?"
Be it in this life, the next, or many many lifetimes from now, eventually, you're going to have to go within an reach 'beyond the shadow of doubt,' and too say, "I AM!"
Sincerely Yours,
Able to cure you of any sickness you weren't born with, the most powerful plant on this Earth is Moringa! Learn more by clicking here! All Things Moringa
The only difference between the rich or well-to-do and the poor is their habits and their thinking. Read Think and Grow Rich
If you or someone you know is:
A. Open to exploring newer and greater avenues of earning cash flow.
B. Strongly Considering going into business for yourself.
C. Currently offering goods and services and not earning at least 3,000 dollars per month online.
D. Looking for the right guidance, support, platform, and knowledge to transition into the new economy.
E. Desiring to be a part of a positive-winning team of global, money-making, movers and shakers, that treat one another as partners, brothers, and equals.
F. Feeling the need to reposition yourself to be financially free.
Take our Web 2.0 Marketing Course and get you some of this Green Power!
Who's The Master? Entry Four of the I AM My Wealth series, By Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! The Intelligent Brother
In short, there was one scene and two lines from that scene that will forever be embedded in my brain, has and will always be a source of inspiration; and, if you've yet to see this classic, stop reading here because I'm about to let the cat all the way out of the bag. During a brutal beat down at the hands of a character named Sho'nuff, Leroy, the hero/protagonist, who had, since the beginning of the movie, been on a quest to attain self-mastery through martial arts, was being drowned in a barrel filled with water; all the while Sho'nuff, the villain/antagonist, kept questioning him, over and over, demandingly, "Who's the Master?" Finally, it clicked...and Leroy lifted his head up and said, "I Am!" At that point, he began exuding a golden glow about his aura, and commenced to whooping the living daylights out of Sho'nuff!
Remember this: 'without a foe, a soldier never knows his strength,' and until one looks deep within, passed the illusions of this world, and sees the 'light that the darkness could not comprehend,' that is the knowledge of your true self, your higher self, your spiritual, divine, immortal self, someone or something is always going to be on your back, taunting you, haggling you, bullying you, controlling you, terrorizing you, tempting you, haunting you, brutalizing you, eating away at you, tricking, deceiving, luring, subverting, and sabotaging you, much like Sho'nuff was treating Leroy; when in reality, what's actually happening is, you're being asked, "Who's the Master?"
Be it in this life, the next, or many many lifetimes from now, eventually, you're going to have to go within an reach 'beyond the shadow of doubt,' and too say, "I AM!"
Sincerely Yours,
Able to cure you of any sickness you weren't born with, the most powerful plant on this Earth is Moringa! Learn more by clicking here! All Things Moringa
The only difference between the rich or well-to-do and the poor is their habits and their thinking. Read Think and Grow Rich
If you or someone you know is:
A. Open to exploring newer and greater avenues of earning cash flow.
B. Strongly Considering going into business for yourself.
C. Currently offering goods and services and not earning at least 3,000 dollars per month online.
D. Looking for the right guidance, support, platform, and knowledge to transition into the new economy.
E. Desiring to be a part of a positive-winning team of global, money-making, movers and shakers, that treat one another as partners, brothers, and equals.
F. Feeling the need to reposition yourself to be financially free.
Take our Web 2.0 Marketing Course and get you some of this Green Power!
Friday, May 13, 2011
"Green Power" Revisited: Entry Three of the 'I Am My Wealth' Series by Brian Holiday-El aka TiB!
Let's Go!
"Green Power" Revisited: Entry Three of the 'I Am My Wealth' Series by Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! Entrepreneur, Writer, Life Coach, Thought Critic, Artist, Producer, former Public School Educator, Public Speaker, Financial Tutor, Father, Advocate, Affiliate Trainer, Survivor, Astrologer, Minister, C.O.O. Of All Things On Earth & All Things Moringa, Vice President of Marketing & Promotions for Artist Corner & Spot Light Press Group is accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, personal and business consultations. For more information, contact me at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com or webmarketing2.0course@gmail.com or call 908.502.1033 or visit http://allthingsonearth.com/145.html http://allthingsonearth.com/145-62.html and be sure to view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5whe0mWe9w&feature=youtube_gdata_player
"One of the greatest myths leading to what I call 'functional misery,' suspending people from experiencing the best that life has to offer, is by remaining loyal to the belief that one can't be spiritual and wealthy at the same time: That is to say a person must make a decision between being either one, or the other; as if there's something shameful or sinful about having what you need and what you want, to the point where people feel guilty about wanting, pursuing, or having, a life filled with an abundance of satisfaction.
Evidently, this mentality is, for the most part, driven by the widely excepted notion that a better life comes after the one we're presently living out in this world, and, as a result of this type of thinking, people, on average, experience more pain and suffering than joy and pleasure during their days on this Earth; passively tolerating unfavorable circumstances in the hopes of experiencing something better in the unforeseen future. What the people who live this way fail to realize is that by putting off for tomorrow what could be done and had today, they throw away all that they have and 'life to them is but the shadow of a dream.' This is ignorance in all of it's glory, and, consequently, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Whether or not it is the work of some unseen hand that conditions people into accepting and believing that they can't have an abundant spiritual AND material life, or, it is purely a case of miseducation, the reality remains; many, many people fail to successfully integrate their spirituality or religion with their own financial freedom and economic independence, so, more often than not, there's almost always dissatisfaction in one of these two areas, and seldom any balance between them. In fact, when most people struggle on a spiritual level, it oftentimes has everything to do with their financial plight, and vice versa, which is a result of the belief that money has nothing to do with spirituality!
In my humble opinion, this is one of, if not the single most, psychologically debilitating, spiritually crippling, and economically retarding philosophies that a human being can ever entertain, and at the heart of this quandary of powerlessness is this unavoidable truth; "A beggar nation can never attain unto the higher spiritualities of life!" PNDA
Case and point, you'd be very hard pressed to find someone who has never heard of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an unquestionably divinely inspired man, but, ask those same people have they ever heard of a man named Arthur George Gaston, and many of them will have no knowledge of him, yet, without him, the anti discrimination legislation and African American Voting Rights that resulted from the Civil Rights Movement would never, I repeat NEVER, have seen the light of day!
How? Easy: The multimillion dollar business enterprise that A.G. Gaston single handedly pioneered, beginning in the early 1920's, come time of the Civil Rights Era, encompassed, the real estate within which the SCLC(the nucleus of the Civil Rights Movement) was headquartered and planned their protest activities, the financing that bailed out members of the Civil Rights Movement, who were jailed during civil disobedience demonstrations, King included, as well as the financing for the organizing and promoting of the Civil Rights Movement Agenda! Said differently, without Mr. Gaston's wealth, real-estate, and capital, there would be no Voting Rights Act!!!
Surely, it stands to reason that were it not for the daring hope and steadfast resolution of African Americans, during the Civil Rights Era, and the magnificent elocution of Dr. King, the socio-economic and educational opportunities available to African Americans and other 'minorities' in today's world would not be accessible to them, but, equally so, were it not for something else, there would be no Barak Obama or Oprah Winfrey; that is what Arthur George Gaston called Green Power!"
The Intelligent Brother proposes this,
If you are or someone you know is:
A. Open to exploring newer and greater avenues of earning cash flow.
B. Strongly Considering going into business for yourself.
C. Currently offering goods and services and not earning at least 3,000 dollars per month online.
D. Looking for the right guidance, support, platform, and knowledge to transition into the new economy.
E. Desiring to be a part of a positive-winning team of global, money-making, movers and shakers, that treat one another as partners, brothers, and equals.
F. Feeling the need to reposition yourself to be financially free.
Take our Web 2.0 Marketing Course and get you some of this Green Power!

The last time I was an employee, working a nine to five, was over a half-a-decade ago, and the day I walked off my last job, was the moment I compared how much I was earning with how much my, experience, skills, talents, abilities, passion, spirit, mind, body, determination, and paradigm, made me worth. Don't quit your day job, but quit thinking your day job is going to cut it. If you know it's not enough, then ACT LIKE YOU KNOW!
The simple truth is Web 2.0 Marketing is the future of earning money and the future is already right here and right now. Don't get left behind! Get up on your knowhow ASAP!
Once you experience what it feels like earning a handsome living from the comfort of your own home, or any place in the world with a phone and a wifi connection, you'll really understand why, in this world, there's no power like GREEN POWER!
What made the Civil Rights Movement so effective? The Bus Boycott! Why? Because it hit the enemies of equality in the only place that makes any 'sense' to them, the only place that 'registers' with them...the pockets! The bank! The lesson here is that there is no real political power without Green Power! Get you some!
Sincerely Yours,
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother *TiB!*
Pass it on!
Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! Entrepreneur, Writer, Life Coach, Thought Critic, Artist, Producer, former Public School Educator, Public Speaker, Financial Tutor, Father, Advocate, Affiliate Trainer, Survivor, Astrologer, Minister, C.O.O. Of All Things On Earth & All Things Moringa, Vice President of Marketing & Promotions for Artist Corner & Spot Light Press Group is accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, personal and business consultations. For more information, contact me at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com or webmarketing2.0course@gmail.com or call 908.502.1033 or visit http://allthingsonearth.com/145.html http://allthingsonearth.com/145-62.html and be sure to view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5whe0mWe9w&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Unless you're very young, or have been living under a rock, more than likely you've heard of a book written by Napoleon Hill, entitled Think And Grow Rich. If you have yet to read Think And Grow Rich, see if you can't five dollars and the time to. Click the book's link below for more information. Think and Grow Rich
Somewhere in the Dragon Fly Effect I read, "(T)he future is here, it's just not evenly distributed."
"Green Power" Revisited: Entry Three of the 'I Am My Wealth' Series by Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! Entrepreneur, Writer, Life Coach, Thought Critic, Artist, Producer, former Public School Educator, Public Speaker, Financial Tutor, Father, Advocate, Affiliate Trainer, Survivor, Astrologer, Minister, C.O.O. Of All Things On Earth & All Things Moringa, Vice President of Marketing & Promotions for Artist Corner & Spot Light Press Group is accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, personal and business consultations. For more information, contact me at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com or webmarketing2.0course@gmail.com or call 908.502.1033 or visit http://allthingsonearth.com/145.html http://allthingsonearth.com/145-62.html and be sure to view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5whe0mWe9w&feature=youtube_gdata_player
"One of the greatest myths leading to what I call 'functional misery,' suspending people from experiencing the best that life has to offer, is by remaining loyal to the belief that one can't be spiritual and wealthy at the same time: That is to say a person must make a decision between being either one, or the other; as if there's something shameful or sinful about having what you need and what you want, to the point where people feel guilty about wanting, pursuing, or having, a life filled with an abundance of satisfaction.
Evidently, this mentality is, for the most part, driven by the widely excepted notion that a better life comes after the one we're presently living out in this world, and, as a result of this type of thinking, people, on average, experience more pain and suffering than joy and pleasure during their days on this Earth; passively tolerating unfavorable circumstances in the hopes of experiencing something better in the unforeseen future. What the people who live this way fail to realize is that by putting off for tomorrow what could be done and had today, they throw away all that they have and 'life to them is but the shadow of a dream.' This is ignorance in all of it's glory, and, consequently, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Whether or not it is the work of some unseen hand that conditions people into accepting and believing that they can't have an abundant spiritual AND material life, or, it is purely a case of miseducation, the reality remains; many, many people fail to successfully integrate their spirituality or religion with their own financial freedom and economic independence, so, more often than not, there's almost always dissatisfaction in one of these two areas, and seldom any balance between them. In fact, when most people struggle on a spiritual level, it oftentimes has everything to do with their financial plight, and vice versa, which is a result of the belief that money has nothing to do with spirituality!
In my humble opinion, this is one of, if not the single most, psychologically debilitating, spiritually crippling, and economically retarding philosophies that a human being can ever entertain, and at the heart of this quandary of powerlessness is this unavoidable truth; "A beggar nation can never attain unto the higher spiritualities of life!" PNDA
How? Easy: The multimillion dollar business enterprise that A.G. Gaston single handedly pioneered, beginning in the early 1920's, come time of the Civil Rights Era, encompassed, the real estate within which the SCLC(the nucleus of the Civil Rights Movement) was headquartered and planned their protest activities, the financing that bailed out members of the Civil Rights Movement, who were jailed during civil disobedience demonstrations, King included, as well as the financing for the organizing and promoting of the Civil Rights Movement Agenda! Said differently, without Mr. Gaston's wealth, real-estate, and capital, there would be no Voting Rights Act!!!
Surely, it stands to reason that were it not for the daring hope and steadfast resolution of African Americans, during the Civil Rights Era, and the magnificent elocution of Dr. King, the socio-economic and educational opportunities available to African Americans and other 'minorities' in today's world would not be accessible to them, but, equally so, were it not for something else, there would be no Barak Obama or Oprah Winfrey; that is what Arthur George Gaston called Green Power!"
The Intelligent Brother proposes this,
If you are or someone you know is:
A. Open to exploring newer and greater avenues of earning cash flow.
B. Strongly Considering going into business for yourself.
C. Currently offering goods and services and not earning at least 3,000 dollars per month online.
D. Looking for the right guidance, support, platform, and knowledge to transition into the new economy.
E. Desiring to be a part of a positive-winning team of global, money-making, movers and shakers, that treat one another as partners, brothers, and equals.
F. Feeling the need to reposition yourself to be financially free.
Take our Web 2.0 Marketing Course and get you some of this Green Power!
The last time I was an employee, working a nine to five, was over a half-a-decade ago, and the day I walked off my last job, was the moment I compared how much I was earning with how much my, experience, skills, talents, abilities, passion, spirit, mind, body, determination, and paradigm, made me worth. Don't quit your day job, but quit thinking your day job is going to cut it. If you know it's not enough, then ACT LIKE YOU KNOW!
The simple truth is Web 2.0 Marketing is the future of earning money and the future is already right here and right now. Don't get left behind! Get up on your knowhow ASAP!
Once you experience what it feels like earning a handsome living from the comfort of your own home, or any place in the world with a phone and a wifi connection, you'll really understand why, in this world, there's no power like GREEN POWER!
What made the Civil Rights Movement so effective? The Bus Boycott! Why? Because it hit the enemies of equality in the only place that makes any 'sense' to them, the only place that 'registers' with them...the pockets! The bank! The lesson here is that there is no real political power without Green Power! Get you some!
Sincerely Yours,
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother *TiB!*
Pass it on!
Brian Holiday-El aka TiB! Entrepreneur, Writer, Life Coach, Thought Critic, Artist, Producer, former Public School Educator, Public Speaker, Financial Tutor, Father, Advocate, Affiliate Trainer, Survivor, Astrologer, Minister, C.O.O. Of All Things On Earth & All Things Moringa, Vice President of Marketing & Promotions for Artist Corner & Spot Light Press Group is accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, personal and business consultations. For more information, contact me at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com or webmarketing2.0course@gmail.com or call 908.502.1033 or visit http://allthingsonearth.com/145.html http://allthingsonearth.com/145-62.html and be sure to view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5whe0mWe9w&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Unless you're very young, or have been living under a rock, more than likely you've heard of a book written by Napoleon Hill, entitled Think And Grow Rich. If you have yet to read Think And Grow Rich, see if you can't five dollars and the time to. Click the book's link below for more information. Think and Grow Rich
Somewhere in the Dragon Fly Effect I read, "(T)he future is here, it's just not evenly distributed."
affiliate marketing,
electronic commerce,
financial empowerment,
Financial freedom,
financial independence,
home cash flow,
home-based business,
multiple streams of revenue,
web 2.0 marketing
Monday, May 2, 2011
"What A Waste! A Sisyphean Task Rehashed" By Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother *TIB*
Let's Go!
My business mentor used to repeat himself a lot, but I didn't mind, because most of what came out of his mouth were always words of wisdom. One of my favorite quips of his was when he would explain the difference between someone who is crazy and someone who is insane.
Riding in his luxury Sudan, probably en route to an appointment with a client or prospective customer, he'd begin by shaking his head side to side and asking, "(D)o you know the difference between a person who is crazy and a person who is insane?" Having heard him explain the difference so many times, I'd repeat it along with him in my mind, "(C)razy people do things that don't make any sense, but insane people do the same things over and over again, all the while expecting different results!"
Moreover, if there were ever a formula for frustration then his definition of insane would fit the description; and, I don't know of any better story that illustrates the nature of dissatisfaction more than the Myth Of Sisyphus, from whence we derive the expression, 'a Sisyphean task,' which is summed up like so, "(A)s a punishment from the gods for his trickery, Sisyphus was made to roll a huge boulder up a steep hill, but before he could reach the top of the hill, the rock would always roll back down, forcing him to begin again." Imagine that! It may sound crazy, but people do it all the time.
In essence, we are, living, breathing, human organisms, or at least a majority of you reading this blog are, I hope, but, most of what we are mentally and how we live our lives are mechanical in nature; and, as such, everything that we do is a byproduct of our conditioning! People do the same thing over and over again, in anticipation of different results, because they're conditioned to believe that something will eventually change, but it never does, that is, until they themselves become the difference that produces the change they wish to see!
On the flip side, the victorious, the triumphant, the successful, the great, the content, the fulfilled, are that because they've conditioned themselves to constantly improve, so, conditioning is not a bad thing or a good thing: It's a universally constant thing, and, what matters most are the source, quality, and rate or consistency of our conditioning! (see Think & Grow Rich; Subconscious Mind)! Think and Grow Rich
After all, as the saying goes, "The same thinking that created the problem will not be sufficient enough to provide an adequate solution." The fact remains, in order to change the output, one must first change the input! Look at it this way, when you think that you can get different results by doing the exact same thing, the only thing you are doing is tricking and deceiving yourself, and, continuing to do so isn't a demonstration of faith; it's temporary insanity!
Really, if all you're ever promised in the unfulfilling pursuit of something is another round of unfulfilling pursuits, how is it even worth pursuing? What a waste!
Sincerely Yours,
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother *TIB*
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother, is currently accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, small business consultation, communication tutorial, and mentoring.
Email him directly at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com
I Am My Wealth Series Unit Two Fact...
The only way to truly attain financial freedom is to establish and grow Additional Streams of Revenue and harness the power of Compounded Interest! An income from a job is only the beginning and thank goodness for that! Learn all about the greatest money-making opportunity since the industrial revolution!
Despite how poorly this Earth has been treated by man, Nature still offers up everything you'll ever need to heal yourself! Learn all about the immortal plant of the gods...Moringa! All Things Moringa
You could change your life if you knew how to change your mind! Learn from one of the best books ever written on the subject! Think and Grow Rich
My business mentor used to repeat himself a lot, but I didn't mind, because most of what came out of his mouth were always words of wisdom. One of my favorite quips of his was when he would explain the difference between someone who is crazy and someone who is insane.
Riding in his luxury Sudan, probably en route to an appointment with a client or prospective customer, he'd begin by shaking his head side to side and asking, "(D)o you know the difference between a person who is crazy and a person who is insane?" Having heard him explain the difference so many times, I'd repeat it along with him in my mind, "(C)razy people do things that don't make any sense, but insane people do the same things over and over again, all the while expecting different results!"
Moreover, if there were ever a formula for frustration then his definition of insane would fit the description; and, I don't know of any better story that illustrates the nature of dissatisfaction more than the Myth Of Sisyphus, from whence we derive the expression, 'a Sisyphean task,' which is summed up like so, "(A)s a punishment from the gods for his trickery, Sisyphus was made to roll a huge boulder up a steep hill, but before he could reach the top of the hill, the rock would always roll back down, forcing him to begin again." Imagine that! It may sound crazy, but people do it all the time.
In essence, we are, living, breathing, human organisms, or at least a majority of you reading this blog are, I hope, but, most of what we are mentally and how we live our lives are mechanical in nature; and, as such, everything that we do is a byproduct of our conditioning! People do the same thing over and over again, in anticipation of different results, because they're conditioned to believe that something will eventually change, but it never does, that is, until they themselves become the difference that produces the change they wish to see!
On the flip side, the victorious, the triumphant, the successful, the great, the content, the fulfilled, are that because they've conditioned themselves to constantly improve, so, conditioning is not a bad thing or a good thing: It's a universally constant thing, and, what matters most are the source, quality, and rate or consistency of our conditioning! (see Think & Grow Rich; Subconscious Mind)! Think and Grow Rich
After all, as the saying goes, "The same thinking that created the problem will not be sufficient enough to provide an adequate solution." The fact remains, in order to change the output, one must first change the input! Look at it this way, when you think that you can get different results by doing the exact same thing, the only thing you are doing is tricking and deceiving yourself, and, continuing to do so isn't a demonstration of faith; it's temporary insanity!
Really, if all you're ever promised in the unfulfilling pursuit of something is another round of unfulfilling pursuits, how is it even worth pursuing? What a waste!
Sincerely Yours,
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother *TIB*
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother, is currently accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, small business consultation, communication tutorial, and mentoring.
Email him directly at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com
I Am My Wealth Series Unit Two Fact...
The only way to truly attain financial freedom is to establish and grow Additional Streams of Revenue and harness the power of Compounded Interest! An income from a job is only the beginning and thank goodness for that! Learn all about the greatest money-making opportunity since the industrial revolution!
Despite how poorly this Earth has been treated by man, Nature still offers up everything you'll ever need to heal yourself! Learn all about the immortal plant of the gods...Moringa! All Things Moringa
You could change your life if you knew how to change your mind! Learn from one of the best books ever written on the subject! Think and Grow Rich
Friday, April 29, 2011
"Can I Live?" by Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother (Revised)
Let's Go!
"Can I Live?" A Wall Street Insider's Guide & Ode to Sean Carter's Reasonable Doubt By Brian Holiday-El 'The Intelligent Brother' (A Must Read For Move Makers!) Unit One of the I Am My Wealth series.
During the Summer of 2006, I was residing in Atlanta, Georgia, training to become what is commonly referred to as a Stock Broker, but what is officially termed a 'general securities registered representative.' Nevertheless, long before applying with the broker-dealer I was pursuing a license through, whom I'lI further expose at a later date, I began a rigorous routine study regimen in preparation for the series six, six three, and series seven exams, administered through the National Association Of Securities Dealers (NASD) which is an extension of the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), that is, in essence, a financial market regulatory arm of the Federal Reserve System. It was not uncommon to see individuals, who made it through the training, go on to earn upwards of fifteen thousand dollars per month within weeks of completing their training, and that was on the low end of the financial services sector! An overwhelming majority of my peers-in-training came from well to do backgrounds, and, upon seeing the enormous amounts of money they were earning and spending, D'Evils kicked in and what immediately came to mind was a chorus/title song from Jay Z's album Reasonable Doubt, "Can I Live?"
'Coming Of Age' in the environments I grew up in, the only people making that kind of money were drug dealers, so having an opportunity to earn similar amounts of money, and much much more, legally and lawfully, had me thinking one thing: 'It's time to come up!'
But the truth is, I was perplexed...torn between two seemingly irreconcilable passions...to make money, lots and lots of it, but to do so in a way that was honorable and upright! "For the first time in my life I was getting money, but it was like my conscious was eating me." S.C. 'I can't lie,' there was a spell in my life where I was lured by the trappings of fast money and the fast life, but it was during those periods of time that even though money wasn't an issue, spiritually, life for me was unnecessarily difficult. "Even Righteous minds go through this." S.C.
Street Smarts...
The first thing I immediately took note of during my training was how much the operation of the 'stock market 'resembled the organized drug cartel's illicit distribution of illegal narcotics; particularly how it played out in my native Newark, New Jersey neighborhood and others similar to it.
For instance, in the 'dope game' there's a business process called 'the flip.' The hustler/dealer has to 'flip' his or her money in order to realize a profit! He/She has to use the money that is at his/her disposal to buy as much of a marketable product as he/she can for as low a price as he/she can find and successfully transact through. Usually, in order to get the most out of the deal, trade, or investment, that person will sell that product for as high a price as he or she can sell it for, called a mark up, resulting in a profit!
Ultimately, this strategic business approach is employed by buying low and selling high! There are many many ways to earn a profit in just one flip or trade, but the most basic of which is to buy low and sell high! Learn More Here!
Likewise, banks and financial institutions have their own version of a flip and it's called an initial public offering (IPO). The first people and/or institutions to be included in an IPO pays a rockbottom price for a new issue of shares while the general customer, you, must pay the public offering price (POP), which is always many many times higher than the price of the IPO which oftentimes rises and falls shortly thereafter; note: long before the price of the shares have fallen, the people, and financial institutions that were in on the IPO will have sold their shares to the public at a several hundred percent return on investment (ROI) for themselves! That's what I call getting over! But you can't knock the hustle!
Rule No. 1
"It works both ways; so when there are losers there are always winners and vice-versa! The key thing to remember here is that your position in the market is either your 'friend or foe,' and if you're not going to learn how the game is played and play the game to win, then you 'gotta learn to live with Regrets.' "
In other words, what most people fail to appreciate is that the same system always works in reverse!
For example, when the 'stock market' tanked in 2008, I was a Guest Teacher in the Norfolk Public Schools and I remember overhearing a co-worker lamenting on how she had lost nearly 50% of her retirement savings from her 403B overnight, literally: The nest egg that she'd taken decades to save was split in half within twenty-four hours! BUT, her loss was someone else's gain! This is the essence of capitalism or a 'free market system'...a zero sum game!
Knowing what I knew, I couldn't help but think about how her money didn't disappear; it simply changed hands; because money, just like energy, never dies...it only changes form!
In business and financial markets, profits can be made from prices moving up or down! When a profit is made by the price of stock(s) moving down it was earned by 'shorting' the stock! Shorting is basically a gamble that the price of a stock will fall relative to it's value at the moment it was purchased, in which case, the lower the price of a stock that has been shorted falls relative to the price at which it was purchased, the greater the unrealized gain or potential profit: the strategy here is to buy high and sell low! One who benefits from the price of stock falling, who is shorting stock, who has bought high to sell low, is considered to be short or bearish, and one who has bought low to sell high is considered long, or bullish.
Recent History
Therefore, when the so called housing bubble burst, and the stock market plunged, the people who were bearish, shorting the market, made off like fat cats, while those who were long the market, who were eight out of ten people, were pushed to, and in some cases, well beyond insolvency...bankrupted! Anyone with the smallest amount of market perception could've seen that 13,000 for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) was far too high, but money was everywhere and people were caught up in the euphoria...'Feeling It,' yet even today, a great majority of people have poor financial intelligence, so they weren't, and still aren't, aware of the financial options available to them. Learn More Here The masses who worked and earned wages, or was having contributions made to a(n) 401k, Roth IRA, IRA, Annuity, Pensions, Insurances etc...anyone whose assets were tied to mortgages, equities(stocks), debts(bonds), all of them felt and are still feeling the adverse effects of the market collapsing! Exactly how did a relatively small group of people quintuple their financial worth during the stock market crash? By the effective use of compounded interest and a seldom referenced term called hypothecation!
Hypothecation allows you to leverage up to 140% of the value of your stock deposited with a broker-dealer or commercial bank! So, not only were the people and financial institutions in the know shorting the market, they were also hypothecating funds borrowed from banks to short the market even further. In other words, they were borrowing on top of borrowed money, betting on the market to fall thereby doubling and tripling their worth while a majority of working class people lost everything they'd labored their entire lives to accumulate!
Finally, to add insult to injury, the same people who grew insanely rich while the world markets were bottoming out, stepped back into the market, and, using funds from the seven hundred trillion dollar government bailout, again bought up everything they could get their hands on at prices that hadn't reached levels that low since the Great Depression! Why? All for the love of Dead Presidents! Again, there were many losers, but there were also big, BIG WINNERS!
Here's the kicker, not only has this same scenario been repeating itself to one degree or another every ten years or so for nearly a century, it's about to happen again in the very very near future; call it Politics As Usual! The only question becomes whether or not you're going to put yourself in a position to lose, or in a position to win.
Since opportunity rewards the prepared and awareness eliminates ignorance, my mentality is 'Bring It On!'
Here's what The Intelligent Brother, a fellow Genius Citizen recommends:
1. Invest in yourself! Take a good look around you...the world is changing and will no longer be what it once was! Your greatest asset is having a clear and resolute understanding of what you are on this Earth to do! That means having the greatest degree of self awareness possible! Know Your Self! A classic book that'll help get you on the right track is Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
For those desiring a more in depth study of the science of spirituality this
may be for you. Get more in tune with yourself and build a stronger relationship between you and your God-Concept! Learn the skills necessary to enhance your intellectual, emotional, and financial IQ! Invest in your health as well! What good is life if your not healthy enough to enjoy it? With so many enemies to universal healthcare reform, the rising costs of insurance, medicines, and treatments, as well as genetically modified foods, now more than ever it's imperative to practice prevention and that begins with what you eat! A must have in your home is the miracle plant called Moringa. 
Read more about the miracle plant here Moringa Website
2. Get Your Money Right! In this global economy, one income is simply not going to cut it! To survive and thrive, you're going to need multiple streams of revenue! Especially if you're a parent, or just a person wanting much more out of life than a tombstone with your name on it, you need to treat your education like a life long process by continuing to learn in order to remain competitive and by turning your skills, talents, and abilities into products, goods, and services! Read More Here 1000 Streams
3. Get from around the people who do not have the attributes and characteristics of the people who are where you aspire to be! If you're surrounded by crabs in a barrel then you're going nowhere fast! As the saying goes, 'birds of a feather flock together.' Your peers should celebrate you, encourage you, and support you, not the other way around. Learn about your Strategy & Design here....Success in life is all about flow and what better way is there to get things to flow than by knowing your own Strategy and Design and using them together as a guide to fulfilling your greatest unique expression?
I bid you adieu with a few quotes from one of Brooklyn's Finest, Jackie Robinson
"Life is not a spectator sport. If you're going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion you're wasting your life." Jackie Robinson
"The right of every American to first-class citizenship is the most important issue of our time." Jackie Robinson
"There's not an American in this country free until every one of us is free." Jackie Robinson
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother, is currently accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, small business consultation, and mentoring.
Email him directly at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com
"Can I Live?" A Wall Street Insider's Guide & Ode to Sean Carter's Reasonable Doubt By Brian Holiday-El 'The Intelligent Brother' (A Must Read For Move Makers!) Unit One of the I Am My Wealth series.
During the Summer of 2006, I was residing in Atlanta, Georgia, training to become what is commonly referred to as a Stock Broker, but what is officially termed a 'general securities registered representative.' Nevertheless, long before applying with the broker-dealer I was pursuing a license through, whom I'lI further expose at a later date, I began a rigorous routine study regimen in preparation for the series six, six three, and series seven exams, administered through the National Association Of Securities Dealers (NASD) which is an extension of the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), that is, in essence, a financial market regulatory arm of the Federal Reserve System. It was not uncommon to see individuals, who made it through the training, go on to earn upwards of fifteen thousand dollars per month within weeks of completing their training, and that was on the low end of the financial services sector! An overwhelming majority of my peers-in-training came from well to do backgrounds, and, upon seeing the enormous amounts of money they were earning and spending, D'Evils kicked in and what immediately came to mind was a chorus/title song from Jay Z's album Reasonable Doubt, "Can I Live?"
'Coming Of Age' in the environments I grew up in, the only people making that kind of money were drug dealers, so having an opportunity to earn similar amounts of money, and much much more, legally and lawfully, had me thinking one thing: 'It's time to come up!'
But the truth is, I was perplexed...torn between two seemingly irreconcilable passions...to make money, lots and lots of it, but to do so in a way that was honorable and upright! "For the first time in my life I was getting money, but it was like my conscious was eating me." S.C. 'I can't lie,' there was a spell in my life where I was lured by the trappings of fast money and the fast life, but it was during those periods of time that even though money wasn't an issue, spiritually, life for me was unnecessarily difficult. "Even Righteous minds go through this." S.C.
Street Smarts...
The first thing I immediately took note of during my training was how much the operation of the 'stock market 'resembled the organized drug cartel's illicit distribution of illegal narcotics; particularly how it played out in my native Newark, New Jersey neighborhood and others similar to it.
For instance, in the 'dope game' there's a business process called 'the flip.' The hustler/dealer has to 'flip' his or her money in order to realize a profit! He/She has to use the money that is at his/her disposal to buy as much of a marketable product as he/she can for as low a price as he/she can find and successfully transact through. Usually, in order to get the most out of the deal, trade, or investment, that person will sell that product for as high a price as he or she can sell it for, called a mark up, resulting in a profit!
Ultimately, this strategic business approach is employed by buying low and selling high! There are many many ways to earn a profit in just one flip or trade, but the most basic of which is to buy low and sell high! Learn More Here!
Likewise, banks and financial institutions have their own version of a flip and it's called an initial public offering (IPO). The first people and/or institutions to be included in an IPO pays a rockbottom price for a new issue of shares while the general customer, you, must pay the public offering price (POP), which is always many many times higher than the price of the IPO which oftentimes rises and falls shortly thereafter; note: long before the price of the shares have fallen, the people, and financial institutions that were in on the IPO will have sold their shares to the public at a several hundred percent return on investment (ROI) for themselves! That's what I call getting over! But you can't knock the hustle!
Rule No. 1
"It works both ways; so when there are losers there are always winners and vice-versa! The key thing to remember here is that your position in the market is either your 'friend or foe,' and if you're not going to learn how the game is played and play the game to win, then you 'gotta learn to live with Regrets.' "
In other words, what most people fail to appreciate is that the same system always works in reverse!
For example, when the 'stock market' tanked in 2008, I was a Guest Teacher in the Norfolk Public Schools and I remember overhearing a co-worker lamenting on how she had lost nearly 50% of her retirement savings from her 403B overnight, literally: The nest egg that she'd taken decades to save was split in half within twenty-four hours! BUT, her loss was someone else's gain! This is the essence of capitalism or a 'free market system'...a zero sum game!
Knowing what I knew, I couldn't help but think about how her money didn't disappear; it simply changed hands; because money, just like energy, never dies...it only changes form!
In business and financial markets, profits can be made from prices moving up or down! When a profit is made by the price of stock(s) moving down it was earned by 'shorting' the stock! Shorting is basically a gamble that the price of a stock will fall relative to it's value at the moment it was purchased, in which case, the lower the price of a stock that has been shorted falls relative to the price at which it was purchased, the greater the unrealized gain or potential profit: the strategy here is to buy high and sell low! One who benefits from the price of stock falling, who is shorting stock, who has bought high to sell low, is considered to be short or bearish, and one who has bought low to sell high is considered long, or bullish.
Recent History
Therefore, when the so called housing bubble burst, and the stock market plunged, the people who were bearish, shorting the market, made off like fat cats, while those who were long the market, who were eight out of ten people, were pushed to, and in some cases, well beyond insolvency...bankrupted! Anyone with the smallest amount of market perception could've seen that 13,000 for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) was far too high, but money was everywhere and people were caught up in the euphoria...'Feeling It,' yet even today, a great majority of people have poor financial intelligence, so they weren't, and still aren't, aware of the financial options available to them. Learn More Here The masses who worked and earned wages, or was having contributions made to a(n) 401k, Roth IRA, IRA, Annuity, Pensions, Insurances etc...anyone whose assets were tied to mortgages, equities(stocks), debts(bonds), all of them felt and are still feeling the adverse effects of the market collapsing! Exactly how did a relatively small group of people quintuple their financial worth during the stock market crash? By the effective use of compounded interest and a seldom referenced term called hypothecation!
Hypothecation allows you to leverage up to 140% of the value of your stock deposited with a broker-dealer or commercial bank! So, not only were the people and financial institutions in the know shorting the market, they were also hypothecating funds borrowed from banks to short the market even further. In other words, they were borrowing on top of borrowed money, betting on the market to fall thereby doubling and tripling their worth while a majority of working class people lost everything they'd labored their entire lives to accumulate!
Finally, to add insult to injury, the same people who grew insanely rich while the world markets were bottoming out, stepped back into the market, and, using funds from the seven hundred trillion dollar government bailout, again bought up everything they could get their hands on at prices that hadn't reached levels that low since the Great Depression! Why? All for the love of Dead Presidents! Again, there were many losers, but there were also big, BIG WINNERS!
Here's the kicker, not only has this same scenario been repeating itself to one degree or another every ten years or so for nearly a century, it's about to happen again in the very very near future; call it Politics As Usual! The only question becomes whether or not you're going to put yourself in a position to lose, or in a position to win.
Since opportunity rewards the prepared and awareness eliminates ignorance, my mentality is 'Bring It On!'
Here's what The Intelligent Brother, a fellow Genius Citizen recommends:
1. Invest in yourself! Take a good look around you...the world is changing and will no longer be what it once was! Your greatest asset is having a clear and resolute understanding of what you are on this Earth to do! That means having the greatest degree of self awareness possible! Know Your Self! A classic book that'll help get you on the right track is Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Read more about the miracle plant here Moringa Website
2. Get Your Money Right! In this global economy, one income is simply not going to cut it! To survive and thrive, you're going to need multiple streams of revenue! Especially if you're a parent, or just a person wanting much more out of life than a tombstone with your name on it, you need to treat your education like a life long process by continuing to learn in order to remain competitive and by turning your skills, talents, and abilities into products, goods, and services! Read More Here 1000 Streams
3. Get from around the people who do not have the attributes and characteristics of the people who are where you aspire to be! If you're surrounded by crabs in a barrel then you're going nowhere fast! As the saying goes, 'birds of a feather flock together.' Your peers should celebrate you, encourage you, and support you, not the other way around. Learn about your Strategy & Design here....Success in life is all about flow and what better way is there to get things to flow than by knowing your own Strategy and Design and using them together as a guide to fulfilling your greatest unique expression?
I bid you adieu with a few quotes from one of Brooklyn's Finest, Jackie Robinson
"Life is not a spectator sport. If you're going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion you're wasting your life." Jackie Robinson
"The right of every American to first-class citizenship is the most important issue of our time." Jackie Robinson
"There's not an American in this country free until every one of us is free." Jackie Robinson
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother, is currently accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, small business consultation, and mentoring.
Email him directly at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com
Thursday, April 28, 2011
"Can I Live?" By Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother
Let's Go!
"Can I Live?" A Wall Street Insider's Guide & Ode to Sean Carter's Reasonable Doubt By Brian Holiday-El 'The Intelligent Brother' (A Must Read For Move Makers!) Unit One of the I Am My Wealth series.
During the Summer of 2006, I was residing in Atlanta, Georgia, training to become what is commonly referred to as a Stock Broker, but what is officially termed a 'general securities registered representative.' Nevertheless, long before applying with the broker-dealer I was pursuing a license through, whom I'lI further expose at a later date, I began a rigorous routine study regimen in preparation for the series six, six three, and series seven exams, administered through the National Association Of Securities Dealers (NASD) which is an extension of the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), that is, in essence, a financial market regulatory arm of the Federal Reserve System. It was not uncommon to see individuals, who made it through the training, go on to earn upwards of fifteen thousand dollars per month within weeks of completing their training, and that was on the low end of the financial services sector! An overwhelming majority of my peers-in-training came from well to do backgrounds, and, upon seeing the enormous amounts of money they were earning and spending, D'Evils kicked in and what immediately came to mind was a chorus/title song from Jay Z's album Reasonable Doubt, "Can I Live?"
'Coming Of Age' in the environments I grew up in, the only people making that kind of money were drug dealers, so having an opportunity to earn similar amounts of money, and much much more, legally and lawfully, had me thinking one thing: 'It's time to come up!'
But the truth is, I was perplexed...torn between two seemingly irreconcilable passions...to make money, lots and lots of it, but to do so in a way that was honorable and upright! "For the first time in my life I was getting money, but it was like my conscious was eating me." S.C. 'I can't lie,' there was a spell in my life where I was lured by the trappings of fast money and the fast life, but it was during those periods of time that even though money wasn't an issue, spiritually, life for me was unnecessarily difficult. "Even Righteous minds go through this." S.C.
Street Smarts...
The first thing I immediately took note of during my training was how much the operation of the 'stock market 'resembled the organized drug cartel's illicit distribution of illegal narcotics; particularly how it played out in my native Newark, New Jersey neighborhood and others similar to it.
For instance, in the 'dope game' there's a business process called 'the flip.' The hustler/dealer has to 'flip' his or her money in order to realize a profit! He/She has to use the money that is at his/her disposal to buy as much of a marketable product as he/she can for as low a price as he/she can find and successfully transact through. Usually, in order to get the most out of the deal, trade, or investment, that person will sell that product for as high a price as he or she can sell it for, called a mark up, resulting in a profit!
Ultimately, this strategic business approach is employed by buying low and selling high! There are many many ways to earn a profit in just one flip or trade, but the most basic of which is to buy low and sell high! Learn More Here!
Likewise, banks and financial institutions have their own version of a flip and it's called an initial public offering (IPO). The first people and/or institutions to be included in an IPO pays a rockbottom price for a new issue of shares while the general customer, you, must pay the public offering price (POP), which is always many many times higher than the price of the IPO which oftentimes rises and falls shortly thereafter; note: long before the price of the shares have fallen, the people, and financial institutions that were in on the IPO will have sold their shares to the public at a several hundred percent return on investment (ROI) for themselves! That's what I call getting over! But you can't knock the hustle!
Rule No. 1
"It works both ways; so when there are losers there are always winners and vice-versa! The key thing to remember here is that your position in the market is either your 'friend or foe,' and if you're not going to learn how the game is played and play the game to win, then you 'gotta learn to live with Regrets.' "
In other words, what most people fail to appreciate is that the same system always works in reverse!
For example, when the 'stock market' tanked in 2008, I was a Guest Teacher in the Norfolk Public Schools and I remember overhearing a co-worker lamenting on how she had lost nearly 50% of her retirement savings from her 403B overnight, literally: The nest egg that she'd taken decades to save was split in half within twenty-four hours! BUT, her loss was someone else's gain! This is the essence of capitalism or a 'free market system'...a zero sum game!
Knowing what I knew, I couldn't help but think about how her money didn't disappear; it simply changed hands; because money, just like energy, never dies...it only changes form!
In business and financial markets, profits can be made from prices moving up or down! When a profit is made by the price of stock(s) moving down it was earned by 'shorting' the stock! Shorting is basically a gamble that the price of a stock will fall relative to it's value at the moment it was purchased, in which case, the lower the price of a stock that has been shorted falls relative to the price at which it was purchased, the greater the unrealized gain or potential profit: the strategy here is to buy high and sell low! One who benefits from the price of stock falling, who is shorting stock, who has bought high to sell low, is considered to be short or bearish, and one who has bought low to sell high is considered long, or bullish.
Recent History
Therefore, when the so called housing bubble burst, and the stock market plunged, the people who were bearish, shorting the market, made off like fat cats, while those who were long the market, who were eight out of ten people, were pushed to, and in some cases, well beyond insolvency...bankrupted! Anyone with the smallest amount of market perception could've seen that 13,000 for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) was far too high, but money was everywhere and people were caught up in the euphoria...'Feeling It,' yet even today, a great majority of people have poor financial intelligence, so they weren't, and still aren't, aware of the financial options available to them. Learn More Here The masses who worked and earned wages, or was having contributions made to a(n) 401k, Roth IRA, IRA, Annuity, Pensions, Insurances etc...anyone whose assets were tied to mortgages, equities(stocks), debts(bonds), all of them felt and are still feeling the adverse effects of the market collapsing! Exactly how did a relatively small group of people quintuple their financial worth during the stock market crash? By the effective use of compounded interest and a seldom referenced term called hypothecation!
Hypothecation allows you to leverage up to 140% of the value of your stock deposited with a broker-dealer or commercial bank! So, not only were the people and financial institutions in the know shorting the market, they were also hypothecating funds borrowed from banks to short the market even further. In other words, they were borrowing on top of borrowed money, betting on the market to fall thereby doubling and tripling their worth while a majority of working class people lost everything they'd labored their entire lives to accumulate!
Finally, to add insult to injury, the same people who grew insanely rich while the world markets were bottoming out, stepped back into the market, and, using funds from the seven hundred trillion dollar government bailout, again bought up everything they could get their hands on at prices that hadn't reached levels that low since the Great Depression! Why? All for the love of Dead Presidents! Again, there were many losers, but there were also big, BIG WINNERS!
Here's the kicker, not only has this same scenario been repeating itself to one degree or another every ten years or so for nearly a century, it's about to happen again in the very very near future; call it Politics As Usual! The only question becomes whether or not you're going to put yourself in a position to lose, or in a position to win.
Since opportunity rewards the prepared and awareness eliminates ignorance, my mentality is 'Bring It On!'
Here's what The Intelligent Brother, a fellow Genius Citizen recommends:
1. Invest in yourself! Take a good look around you...the world is changing and will no longer be what it once was! Your greatest asset is having a clear and resolute understanding of what you are on this Earth to do! That means having the greatest degree of self awareness possible! Know Your Self! A classic book that'll help get you on the right track is Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
For those desiring a more in depth study of the science of spirituality this
may be for you. Get more in tune with yourself and build a stronger relationship between you and your God-Concept! Learn the skills necessary to enhance your intellectual, emotional, and financial IQ! Invest in your health as well! What good is life if your not healthy enough to enjoy it? With so many enemies to universal healthcare reform, the rising costs of insurance, medicines, and treatments, as well as genetically modified foods, now more than ever it's imperative to practice prevention and that begins with what you eat! A must have in your home is the miracle plant called Moringa. 
Read more about the miracle plant here Moringa Website
2. Get Your Money Right! In this global economy, one income is simply not going to cut it! To survive and thrive, you're going to need multiple streams of revenue! Especially if you're a parent, or just a person wanting much more out of life than a tombstone with your name on it, you need to treat your education like a life long process by continuing to learn in order to remain competitive and by turning your skills, talents, and abilities into products, goods, and services! Read More Here 1000 Streams
3. Get from around the people who do not have the attributes and characteristics of the people who are where you aspire to be! If you're surrounded by crabs in a barrel then you're going nowhere fast! As the saying goes, 'birds of a feather flock together.' Your peers should celebrate you, encourage you, and support you, not the other way around. Learn about your Strategy & Design here....Success in life is all about flow and what better way is there to get things to flow than by knowing your own Strategy and Design and using them together as a guide to fulfilling your greatest unique expression?
I bid you adieu with a few quotes from one of Brooklyn's Finest, Jackie Robinson
"Life is not a spectator sport. If you're going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion you're wasting your life." Jackie Robinson
"The right of every American to first-class citizenship is the most important issue of our time." Jackie Robinson
"There's not an American in this country free until every one of us is free." Jackie Robinson
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother, is currently accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, small business consultation, and mentoring.
Email him directly at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com
"Can I Live?" A Wall Street Insider's Guide & Ode to Sean Carter's Reasonable Doubt By Brian Holiday-El 'The Intelligent Brother' (A Must Read For Move Makers!) Unit One of the I Am My Wealth series.
During the Summer of 2006, I was residing in Atlanta, Georgia, training to become what is commonly referred to as a Stock Broker, but what is officially termed a 'general securities registered representative.' Nevertheless, long before applying with the broker-dealer I was pursuing a license through, whom I'lI further expose at a later date, I began a rigorous routine study regimen in preparation for the series six, six three, and series seven exams, administered through the National Association Of Securities Dealers (NASD) which is an extension of the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), that is, in essence, a financial market regulatory arm of the Federal Reserve System. It was not uncommon to see individuals, who made it through the training, go on to earn upwards of fifteen thousand dollars per month within weeks of completing their training, and that was on the low end of the financial services sector! An overwhelming majority of my peers-in-training came from well to do backgrounds, and, upon seeing the enormous amounts of money they were earning and spending, D'Evils kicked in and what immediately came to mind was a chorus/title song from Jay Z's album Reasonable Doubt, "Can I Live?"
'Coming Of Age' in the environments I grew up in, the only people making that kind of money were drug dealers, so having an opportunity to earn similar amounts of money, and much much more, legally and lawfully, had me thinking one thing: 'It's time to come up!'
But the truth is, I was perplexed...torn between two seemingly irreconcilable passions...to make money, lots and lots of it, but to do so in a way that was honorable and upright! "For the first time in my life I was getting money, but it was like my conscious was eating me." S.C. 'I can't lie,' there was a spell in my life where I was lured by the trappings of fast money and the fast life, but it was during those periods of time that even though money wasn't an issue, spiritually, life for me was unnecessarily difficult. "Even Righteous minds go through this." S.C.
Street Smarts...
The first thing I immediately took note of during my training was how much the operation of the 'stock market 'resembled the organized drug cartel's illicit distribution of illegal narcotics; particularly how it played out in my native Newark, New Jersey neighborhood and others similar to it.
For instance, in the 'dope game' there's a business process called 'the flip.' The hustler/dealer has to 'flip' his or her money in order to realize a profit! He/She has to use the money that is at his/her disposal to buy as much of a marketable product as he/she can for as low a price as he/she can find and successfully transact through. Usually, in order to get the most out of the deal, trade, or investment, that person will sell that product for as high a price as he or she can sell it for, called a mark up, resulting in a profit!
Ultimately, this strategic business approach is employed by buying low and selling high! There are many many ways to earn a profit in just one flip or trade, but the most basic of which is to buy low and sell high! Learn More Here!
Likewise, banks and financial institutions have their own version of a flip and it's called an initial public offering (IPO). The first people and/or institutions to be included in an IPO pays a rockbottom price for a new issue of shares while the general customer, you, must pay the public offering price (POP), which is always many many times higher than the price of the IPO which oftentimes rises and falls shortly thereafter; note: long before the price of the shares have fallen, the people, and financial institutions that were in on the IPO will have sold their shares to the public at a several hundred percent return on investment (ROI) for themselves! That's what I call getting over! But you can't knock the hustle!
Rule No. 1
"It works both ways; so when there are losers there are always winners and vice-versa! The key thing to remember here is that your position in the market is either your 'friend or foe,' and if you're not going to learn how the game is played and play the game to win, then you 'gotta learn to live with Regrets.' "
In other words, what most people fail to appreciate is that the same system always works in reverse!
For example, when the 'stock market' tanked in 2008, I was a Guest Teacher in the Norfolk Public Schools and I remember overhearing a co-worker lamenting on how she had lost nearly 50% of her retirement savings from her 403B overnight, literally: The nest egg that she'd taken decades to save was split in half within twenty-four hours! BUT, her loss was someone else's gain! This is the essence of capitalism or a 'free market system'...a zero sum game!
Knowing what I knew, I couldn't help but think about how her money didn't disappear; it simply changed hands; because money, just like energy, never dies...it only changes form!
In business and financial markets, profits can be made from prices moving up or down! When a profit is made by the price of stock(s) moving down it was earned by 'shorting' the stock! Shorting is basically a gamble that the price of a stock will fall relative to it's value at the moment it was purchased, in which case, the lower the price of a stock that has been shorted falls relative to the price at which it was purchased, the greater the unrealized gain or potential profit: the strategy here is to buy high and sell low! One who benefits from the price of stock falling, who is shorting stock, who has bought high to sell low, is considered to be short or bearish, and one who has bought low to sell high is considered long, or bullish.
Recent History
Therefore, when the so called housing bubble burst, and the stock market plunged, the people who were bearish, shorting the market, made off like fat cats, while those who were long the market, who were eight out of ten people, were pushed to, and in some cases, well beyond insolvency...bankrupted! Anyone with the smallest amount of market perception could've seen that 13,000 for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) was far too high, but money was everywhere and people were caught up in the euphoria...'Feeling It,' yet even today, a great majority of people have poor financial intelligence, so they weren't, and still aren't, aware of the financial options available to them. Learn More Here The masses who worked and earned wages, or was having contributions made to a(n) 401k, Roth IRA, IRA, Annuity, Pensions, Insurances etc...anyone whose assets were tied to mortgages, equities(stocks), debts(bonds), all of them felt and are still feeling the adverse effects of the market collapsing! Exactly how did a relatively small group of people quintuple their financial worth during the stock market crash? By the effective use of compounded interest and a seldom referenced term called hypothecation!
Hypothecation allows you to leverage up to 140% of the value of your stock deposited with a broker-dealer or commercial bank! So, not only were the people and financial institutions in the know shorting the market, they were also hypothecating funds borrowed from banks to short the market even further. In other words, they were borrowing on top of borrowed money, betting on the market to fall thereby doubling and tripling their worth while a majority of working class people lost everything they'd labored their entire lives to accumulate!
Finally, to add insult to injury, the same people who grew insanely rich while the world markets were bottoming out, stepped back into the market, and, using funds from the seven hundred trillion dollar government bailout, again bought up everything they could get their hands on at prices that hadn't reached levels that low since the Great Depression! Why? All for the love of Dead Presidents! Again, there were many losers, but there were also big, BIG WINNERS!
Here's the kicker, not only has this same scenario been repeating itself to one degree or another every ten years or so for nearly a century, it's about to happen again in the very very near future; call it Politics As Usual! The only question becomes whether or not you're going to put yourself in a position to lose, or in a position to win.
Since opportunity rewards the prepared and awareness eliminates ignorance, my mentality is 'Bring It On!'
Here's what The Intelligent Brother, a fellow Genius Citizen recommends:
1. Invest in yourself! Take a good look around you...the world is changing and will no longer be what it once was! Your greatest asset is having a clear and resolute understanding of what you are on this Earth to do! That means having the greatest degree of self awareness possible! Know Your Self! A classic book that'll help get you on the right track is Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Read more about the miracle plant here Moringa Website
2. Get Your Money Right! In this global economy, one income is simply not going to cut it! To survive and thrive, you're going to need multiple streams of revenue! Especially if you're a parent, or just a person wanting much more out of life than a tombstone with your name on it, you need to treat your education like a life long process by continuing to learn in order to remain competitive and by turning your skills, talents, and abilities into products, goods, and services! Read More Here 1000 Streams
3. Get from around the people who do not have the attributes and characteristics of the people who are where you aspire to be! If you're surrounded by crabs in a barrel then you're going nowhere fast! As the saying goes, 'birds of a feather flock together.' Your peers should celebrate you, encourage you, and support you, not the other way around. Learn about your Strategy & Design here....Success in life is all about flow and what better way is there to get things to flow than by knowing your own Strategy and Design and using them together as a guide to fulfilling your greatest unique expression?
I bid you adieu with a few quotes from one of Brooklyn's Finest, Jackie Robinson
"Life is not a spectator sport. If you're going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion you're wasting your life." Jackie Robinson
"The right of every American to first-class citizenship is the most important issue of our time." Jackie Robinson
"There's not an American in this country free until every one of us is free." Jackie Robinson
Brian Holiday-El aka The Intelligent Brother, is currently accepting invitations for public speaking engagements, small business consultation, and mentoring.
Email him directly at theintelligentbrother@gmail.com
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Genius Citizens and a dialogue with a co-founder.
Let's Go!
Genius Citizens
Founder Brian Holiday-El
Co-Founder Corey Johnson
Co-Founder Devaron Yates
Co-Founder Hamilton Davis
Co-Founder Isaac Pitts
Co-Founder Larry Johnson
Genius Citizens' Purpose & Mission Statement
Genius Citizens (GC) is a learning organization dedicated to, self-mastery, ingenuity, and collaborative innovation, for the betterment of humanity, by being The Ones that are, consistently learning, consistently sharing, and consistently improving, ourselves, our environment, and our world.
Core Activities
A. Sharing information that fulfills Our Purpose and Mission.
B. Posing questions where elaboration leads to fulfillment of Our Purpose and Mission.
C. Enterprise and Innovate, by forging and enhancing Strategic Relationships that Engender the fulfillment of Our Purpose and Mission.
There are but two...
Generously Contribute.
Do not unto others what you would not want done to you.
Letter from the founder
Dear Genius Citizens,
It is my sincere and earnest hope that every one of us reading this letter lives to acquire happiness in fulfilling our individual purposes and missions in life as well as, find, explore, and develop, seminal designs that improve the lives and lifestyles of people the world over.
The Work of Genius Citizens is to establish and entrench themselves as a positive, creative, dynamic, and innovative force in a global community of people, and, by appreciating the extent to which knowledge, information, communication, and organization, are playing vital roles of increasing importance in the quality of life that we experience on this planet, we are devotionally and perennially engaged in mastering subjects, honing and developing skill sets, solving problems, and enhancing life's experiences.
Who will thrive, let alone survive in this new world order? I say it is us...The Genius Citizens! (Founder)
Clearly, it is an undeniable reality that we live in an era of rapid change, owed in part to the perfecting of technological innovation and it's inherent transformation of societal structures; giving rise to a massive shift in paradigm. Who will thrive, let alone survive in this new world order? I say it is us...The Genius Citizens! (Founder)
Here are some notes from a conversation between myself and a co-founder, Corey Johnson.
Fifth discipline....deliberate practice and deep practice...craftsmanship...performance evolution...buddhism...ten thousand hours...important to look at..specifically...the ecstatic process...personal mastery...performance enhancement....a system of auditing...always deep practice...no wasted practice..potent and deep practice...a worthy strategic goal...always...potent...meaningful...always potent...highly substantive....these are things that should be audited...the pursuit of happiness in everything...finance, eating, etc...when it isn't that you won't except it Andy at is how you raiser quality of life. Why GDP doesn't as up steiligz...amartya sen..John Paul Fipouss...the commission of economic performance and progress...single metric versus dashboard approach...GDP and GNP market based and public...the case for revising the GDP...the poor, the environment, lifestyle...gross national happiness, happiness index...Practice on improving humanity on. Daily basis...making sure it resonates daily!
You can't talk about power without sourcing...you can't talk about happiness without discussing flow...strategically actively pursue these metrics. With mental models create a dashboard...strategic dashboard for broad goals...people talk about zeitgeist...don't want to live in a bubble! Dr. Doesn't improve your skill set. The ultimate degree. The best student, not the best teacher...getting the right vocabulary to transmit and transmute...sourcing is the gateway of power...you have to deal with resources...Henry Kissinger!!! When you control oil, you control nations. When you control food, you control people. Urban Garden Magazine. Genetically modified agenda. The big five. USA, Canada, argentina, china, brazil! Ecstatic process involves meditation and transformation. Sourcing and creating jobs. Be careful of how you speak about things...clarity needed. The whole point of strategy is to be able to govern. Properly select self.
Bruce Mao...third teacher...42 principles of design. Built new jets stadium...
7 principle of study!
Bruce Mao Written 1998...Don't Be Generic
1. Allow events to change you....being open to growth...
2. Forget about good...
3. Process is more important that outcome.
4. Love your experiment as you would an ugly child
5. Go deep
6. Capture accident
7. Study
8. Drift...allow yourself to...
9. Begin everywhere...
10. Everyone is a leader...
11. Harvest ideas...need ,dynamic, cloud, generous environment to flourish...mental
12. Lattice work
13. Keep moving
14. Slow down...
15. Don't be cool...free yourself from that
16. Ask stupid questions...imagine learning at the rate of an infant
17. Collaborate
18. (blank)
19. Stay up late!
20. Work the metaphor
21. Be careful to take risks...time is genetic
22. Repeat yourself...if you like or don't like it...do it again...
23. Make your own tools...they amplify your capacity
24. Stand on someone's shoulders
25. Avoid software
26. Don't clean your desk
27. Don't enter award competition
28. Read only left handed pages...leaves room for noodle
29. Make new words
30. Think with your mind
31. Organization equals liberty...(context)
32. Don't borrow money...(gentry)
33. Listen carefully!!!
34. Take field trips
35. Make mistakes faster
36. Be intimate
37Scat...when you forget the words...make up something
38. Gyroscopic
39. Explore the other edge!!!
40. Used old tech
41. Coffee rides...(interstitial spaces) the waiting places!
42. Avoid fields...jump fences!!!!!
43. Laugh
44. Remember!!!!!
45. Power To The People
Genius Citizens
Founder Brian Holiday-El
Co-Founder Corey Johnson
Co-Founder Devaron Yates
Co-Founder Hamilton Davis
Co-Founder Isaac Pitts
Co-Founder Larry Johnson
Genius Citizens' Purpose & Mission Statement
Genius Citizens (GC) is a learning organization dedicated to, self-mastery, ingenuity, and collaborative innovation, for the betterment of humanity, by being The Ones that are, consistently learning, consistently sharing, and consistently improving, ourselves, our environment, and our world.
Core Activities
A. Sharing information that fulfills Our Purpose and Mission.
B. Posing questions where elaboration leads to fulfillment of Our Purpose and Mission.
C. Enterprise and Innovate, by forging and enhancing Strategic Relationships that Engender the fulfillment of Our Purpose and Mission.
There are but two...
Generously Contribute.
Do not unto others what you would not want done to you.
Letter from the founder
Dear Genius Citizens,
It is my sincere and earnest hope that every one of us reading this letter lives to acquire happiness in fulfilling our individual purposes and missions in life as well as, find, explore, and develop, seminal designs that improve the lives and lifestyles of people the world over.
The Work of Genius Citizens is to establish and entrench themselves as a positive, creative, dynamic, and innovative force in a global community of people, and, by appreciating the extent to which knowledge, information, communication, and organization, are playing vital roles of increasing importance in the quality of life that we experience on this planet, we are devotionally and perennially engaged in mastering subjects, honing and developing skill sets, solving problems, and enhancing life's experiences.
Who will thrive, let alone survive in this new world order? I say it is us...The Genius Citizens! (Founder)
Clearly, it is an undeniable reality that we live in an era of rapid change, owed in part to the perfecting of technological innovation and it's inherent transformation of societal structures; giving rise to a massive shift in paradigm. Who will thrive, let alone survive in this new world order? I say it is us...The Genius Citizens! (Founder)
Here are some notes from a conversation between myself and a co-founder, Corey Johnson.
Fifth discipline....deliberate practice and deep practice...craftsmanship...performance evolution...buddhism...ten thousand hours...important to look at..specifically...the ecstatic process...personal mastery...performance enhancement....a system of auditing...always deep practice...no wasted practice..potent and deep practice...a worthy strategic goal...always...potent...meaningful...always potent...highly substantive....these are things that should be audited...the pursuit of happiness in everything...finance, eating, etc...when it isn't that you won't except it Andy at is how you raiser quality of life. Why GDP doesn't as up steiligz...amartya sen..John Paul Fipouss...the commission of economic performance and progress...single metric versus dashboard approach...GDP and GNP market based and public...the case for revising the GDP...the poor, the environment, lifestyle...gross national happiness, happiness index...Practice on improving humanity on. Daily basis...making sure it resonates daily!
You can't talk about power without sourcing...you can't talk about happiness without discussing flow...strategically actively pursue these metrics. With mental models create a dashboard...strategic dashboard for broad goals...people talk about zeitgeist...don't want to live in a bubble! Dr. Doesn't improve your skill set. The ultimate degree. The best student, not the best teacher...getting the right vocabulary to transmit and transmute...sourcing is the gateway of power...you have to deal with resources...Henry Kissinger!!! When you control oil, you control nations. When you control food, you control people. Urban Garden Magazine. Genetically modified agenda. The big five. USA, Canada, argentina, china, brazil! Ecstatic process involves meditation and transformation. Sourcing and creating jobs. Be careful of how you speak about things...clarity needed. The whole point of strategy is to be able to govern. Properly select self.
Bruce Mao...third teacher...42 principles of design. Built new jets stadium...
7 principle of study!
Bruce Mao Written 1998...Don't Be Generic
1. Allow events to change you....being open to growth...
2. Forget about good...
3. Process is more important that outcome.
4. Love your experiment as you would an ugly child
5. Go deep
6. Capture accident
7. Study
8. Drift...allow yourself to...
9. Begin everywhere...
10. Everyone is a leader...
11. Harvest ideas...need ,dynamic, cloud, generous environment to flourish...mental
12. Lattice work
13. Keep moving
14. Slow down...
15. Don't be cool...free yourself from that
16. Ask stupid questions...imagine learning at the rate of an infant
17. Collaborate
18. (blank)
19. Stay up late!
20. Work the metaphor
21. Be careful to take risks...time is genetic
22. Repeat yourself...if you like or don't like it...do it again...
23. Make your own tools...they amplify your capacity
24. Stand on someone's shoulders
25. Avoid software
26. Don't clean your desk
27. Don't enter award competition
28. Read only left handed pages...leaves room for noodle
29. Make new words
30. Think with your mind
31. Organization equals liberty...(context)
32. Don't borrow money...(gentry)
33. Listen carefully!!!
34. Take field trips
35. Make mistakes faster
36. Be intimate
37Scat...when you forget the words...make up something
38. Gyroscopic
39. Explore the other edge!!!
40. Used old tech
41. Coffee rides...(interstitial spaces) the waiting places!
42. Avoid fields...jump fences!!!!!
43. Laugh
44. Remember!!!!!
45. Power To The People
affirmation Original New empowerment enlightenment food-for-thought guidance informative inspiration motivation nourishment purpose wisdom,
Information theory
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Katrina Revisited (Never Forget) by Brian Holiday-El
Let's Go!
True Story!
Remember Katrina??? Can you recall what you were doing on Monday, August 29th 2005, when Hurricane Katrina struck land in New Orleans, Louisiana??? I do! I was in Atlanta, riding on the Marta, when I saw the front page of the Atlanta Journal & Constitution!!! I couldn't believe my eyes!! You saw them, the people of NOLA, atop the roofs of cars, houses, schools, stores, apartment buildings...and as the days progressed with no response from George W. Bush and the Federal Government, I grew too unsettled to sit still, so I, and two friends of mine, took action! With an XLII camera and a rental car, we drove straight toward New Orleans during a Black Out and State of Emergency.
What followed was a two month journey with New Orleans evacuees and musicians, documenting the relief and recovery efforts, and recording their stories all while traveling from Lake Pontchartrain and the Mississippi River to the Astro Dome in Houston, Texas...even to Pasadena, Hollywood and North to the Lower Bottoms of Oakland. I heard the stories first hand! I know the truth! And, although many of you who read this letter weren’t there, you too have a good idea of what happened. What I'll say is this, Hurricane Katrina and the flooding of New Orleans are two separate events, taking place hours apart!!! Below is never seen before footage of the moments immediately following Hurricane Katrina and the flooding of New Orleans! I narrate, appear as the interviewer, and film some of the scenes. It is my earnest wish that the truth finally be heard from the voices of the natives of New Orleans that survived and lived to tell the tale! Do you agree? I made a vow to myself not to compromise the integrity of the people of New Orleans in the filming of this documentary! Six years ago, Twitter, Face Book and the like, weren't what they are today, so with your help I would like you to watch this video and share it with two other people and keep the thread going. Perhaps it'll come to the attention of someone else willing to help make sure the Real Story finally comes out about Katrina, the levees, the flooding of New Orleans, and the evacuation and displacement of her people.
For more information contact: katrinadocumentary2012@gmail.com
The video below was filmed within the first weeks of Katrina.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The Elephant People: PART ONE by Brian Holiday-El
Let's Go!
The Elephant People: PART ONE by Brian Holiday-El
Who's in your way? What's really keeping you from the best in yourself and the best out of this life? In the foiling of your plot, the spoiling of your stock, and the soiling of your lot, who's really the culprit? Is it you, the people around you, or other forces at work in the world that's keeping you from attaining the status, achieving the goals, or freely availing yourself of the heartening pleasures of life??? Quickly, the following is a piece of information that if appreciated will help.
Have you ever questioned how an animal as big and powerful as an elephant becomes domesticated? Some time ago, I read about how, from birth, one of the legs of the elephant is bound. The elephant struggles over and over again to break free until finally it gives up trying to be free: It relents; capitulating and accepting its bondage.
Aside from being arguably the most peaceful and powerful animal on the face of the planet, an elephant is also noted as having the greatest memory! Once the elephant's will to assert it's self and to move about freely has been broken, because of its immensely powerful memory it never forgets the feelings of being disturbed, bounded, restricted, held back, retarded, curtailed , captured, enslaved, chained, stricken, displaced, prevented, suspended, separated, torn apart from , denied, disallowed, dejected, rejected, subjected, detached, withheld, isolated, overcome, rendered helpless, weakened, alienated, surrounded, overwhelmed, and oppressed! It remembers well and ceaselessly recalls its reduced state, so much so that long after the heavy rope has been removed from its leg and replaced with a simple string, it continues carrying on as if it were still mightily bound!
Doubly, the person responsible for successfully breaking and training the elephant becomes its master and as such effectively assumes all of the elephants affection, protection, and strict obedience that would have been given to its own species! How many of life's opportunities, disguised as obstacles, are like the string around the leg of the elephant? How much of the resistance and opposition to your continued efforts to bring about the best for your self are purely mental, only in your mind? And what percentage of reasons for shortcomings are just flat out excuses?
I Am The Elephant Man! (Part One)
In my humble opinion half of the time we're in the way and the other half of the time we need to get out of our own way!
Enlighten someone; share this T.I.B. Bit!
With Love,
Brian Holiday-El
6:40pm, 2/23/2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Media, Race, & Progress: Passing Through The Rites by Brian Holiday-El
Let's Go!
Provided that the images and messages we receive through the arts and the media are actionable symbols to the subconscious mind and reference points for the conscious mind are accepted facts, the issue of context becomes the crux, the critical point most worthy of delineation and deliberation as it pertains to correcting erroneous and self-destructive thinking and lifestyles in the communities of the people of African descent, but, for a proper perspective, the differences between sex, gender, and principle must be duly noted. Male and female are the sexes; the biological orientations of our species! That is all! Being a male doesn't make one a man! Being a female doesn't make one a woman! Masculine and feminine are gender principles and the two are present within both males and females from birth and how gender is expressed are determined in large part by parents, guardians, family, social environments, and education. The two can MATURE to become a Man and a Woman, respectively, but that is a Maturation Process.
When the community functioned as 'one village' or one Great Family, there was always a Rites of Passage, usually several thousands of years old, that brought boys and girls into the threshold of manhood and womanhood, respectively. The existence of a Rites of Passage is evidence of the monumentally integral nature of becoming a Man or a Woman. Each Rites of Passage graduated the initiate through an education process that was rich and replete with a spiritual, sacred, ritualistic, ceremonial, scientific, determinedly psychologically edifying, holistic organization of fundamental and eternal principles of Sound Living! Needless to say, that vital aspect of our cultural continuity was lost, so, amongst other things, as one educator phrased it, African Americans suffer from, 'prolonged adolescence.' Not having a genuine Rites of Passage is why there are full grown males and females of all ages who are not men and women! Doubly, the absence of a Rites of Passage doesn't eliminate the need for one. On the contrary, the absence of one aggravates and intensifies the utter necessity of one, exasperates the fallout effects of not having one, and becomes a void filled by who knows what!!!! This is CRITICAL to comprehend. The lack of familial and communal cohesiveness predicated upon the greatest positive development of the individual as expressed through the Rites of Passage is why there is such rampant confusion as to the differences and meanings of the male, man, masculine, father, husband, female, woman, mother, wife, feminine phenomena. Couple the fact that the mass distributed depictions of African Americans in media and the arts are in no wise the product of a collective consensus arrived at by African Americans with the absence of a genuine Rites of Passage and you have the perfect recipe for the dysfunctional, current state-of-affairs! The very presence and pervasiveness of an over abundance of negative, self-destructive re-presentations of people of African descent and the preponderance of corporate media conglomerates to exploit trends for the maximization of profits and the elimination of competition, makes it not only healthy, but, from a strategic vantage point, totally necessary to produce, market, and distribute as much power to the people as possible in the form of Media and the Arts. If nothing else, reading Post Traumatic Slave Disorder should have quelled any trepidation towards approaching Nation Building the same way a Master Physician approaches the healing of a sick patient, and an acrobat approaches his or her gymnastic routine...that is as a rigorous Balancing Act!
Having no genuine Rites of Passage is why so many children and people of adult age, struggle with issues of sex, sexuality, identity, and purpose! Struggling with those four alone can take many lifetimes if uninterrupted by the informing and enlightening efforts of the people who know better. What the people need to recognize from it's collective will is a genuine Rites of Passage forged from among us and fit for these times going forward, bringing us back to the Context in which people of African descent are depicted and the serious need to intelligently influence and predetermine most if not all of it! The Rites of Passage took place at the most pivotal juncture in a person's life, the age of Puberty! The commencement of pubescence unalterably changes a person on every level and for a child to experience this in an uncontrolled environment almost always results in a torrent of confusion and poor decision-making lasting well into their adult years and for some into their graves.
Apparently, our ancient forefathers and fore mothers made much adeu about this particular event in an individual's life to ensure that all of what such a transition entailed and implied was thoroughly understood, appreciated, and honored. Now-a-days most children stumble or happen upon the menstrual cycle, nocturnal emission, sex, and sexual expression and the parents or guardians are usually the last to find out, and when they do become privy, very little attention is given to the important issues involving puberty, if any at all.
I propose an open dialogue about sex, sexuality, identity, and life-purpose between parents, teachers, children and students in the context of education and empowerment, and a commitment as conscious consumers to only spend and invest with people and institutions dedicated to reinforcing the principles of Sound Living and to deny patronage to those whose modus operandi is anathema to the uplift of all people and the reversal of our plight.
What say you?
Sincerely Yours, Brian Holiday-El
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Almost Home by Brian Holiday-El
Let's Go!
Thinking about the history of our experiences as a Race of people brings to mind every color in the emotional rainbow. I am overwhelmed with holy awe and profound pride when recounting the industrial inventiveness of my ancient forefathers and fore mothers, who charted the celestial and her eternal motions and cycles of planets, suns, moons, stars, and galaxies perfectly with the use of neither telescopes nor space stations; organized their cultures and civilizations and erected their architecture and systematized their words, ways, and actions so that they mirrored the orderly nature of the heavens above. Gripped by acute anger and sore dismay, battling with the righteousness of forgiveness, I am, when I recall the ominous advent of transatlantic slavery and the ineffable horror borne by my bygone kindred under the Roman yoke of Euro-centric colonization and genocidal exploits on the continents of Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Gloom and sorrow envelop my heart when I contemplate the murders, rapes, beatings, lynchings, hangings, the psychological and emotional torture of slave-making and involuntary bondage with its legacy of broken families, stunted growth, crippled trust, mental displacement, and debilitating fear. The advancements of the Civil Rights Movement built up a hope that was all but shattered upon the rocks of bigotry, institutional racism, and economic ostracism. At first glance, it would appear that we’ve been running on a social treadmill for the last half century since, economically and socially speaking, we've actually lost more ground that we've gained. As unimaginably taxing and inconceivably trying as it has been to hold on to the shreds of dignity, self respect and esteem of our waning humanity, we must grasp tighter to the divinity in our hearts and the memory in our blood. As understandable as it would be now to throw all morality to the wind and toss the spirit of compassion and giving to the birds thereby muting the voice of conscience and suppressing our inherent instinct to reason and love, be ye always encouraged in knowing this: The highest quality of strength, wisdom and beauty is only attained when suffering is overcome by faith and faith is crowned with love. No people have ever known the 'pinnacle of wisdom' like our ancient ancestors and now, my beloved brothers and sisters, no Race knows the bottomless pit of pain like us, the descendants of that great people. We have weathered every storm our foes have conjured, sustained every wound their blows have inflicted and died every death that life allows, but there is one last, long, toilsome lap; one more dark, winding, road to traverse; one more wide river to cross. At times we may travel and fight alone, but we will rise and triumph together as one in a victory requiring not only everything that we are, but also, everything that we never thought was possible, inspiring within me a strange mixture of fearlessness and joy. We are almost home!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Generational Divide: Our 'Sinful & Fallen State' Whose Responsibility Is It?
Let's Go!
On a personal level, my father failed me as his father failed him. My maternal grand father(pbuh) failed me just as his father failed him. They failed because they refused to bond the best of their potential with the best of my potential. Earlier today I asked my mother what she could tell me about her paternal grand father and her reply was, “nothing at all!” Though I can only speak from my perspective, this polemic isn't just about me; this is about Humanity as a whole, and from my studies, travels, observations, and intimate experiences with every class, ethnic, and cultural segmentation, there is one constant ethos, one perpetual theme:there is a gaping chasm, a fractured fault-line, that exists and persists between the older generation and the younger generation; be they Afro-Asiatic, South American, Native American, Pacific Islander, African etc. we are all suffering from the same generational plight. To be fair, I have met older men and women who have gone the extra mile in instilling within me the vital principles and precepts of self awareness, familial, fraternal, and communal fealty and love and self-determination. These beautiful and honorable men and women have become like family to me, filling, if but only partially, the burdensome paternal void I once labored to bear. As remarkable and commendable as these people are, the fact of the matter is, people like them and character like theirs are few, far, and in between. As a result of this compassionate minority having become the accepted and expected norm, family and society in general has split at the seams, resulting in the widening of the present generational gap. Who is to blame? Whose fault is it? Better still, who's responsible? Be still and listen! Of all the trees on this beautiful but fading Earth from the smallest and frailest to the tallest, biggest, and broadest...all of them began as a seed that, in order to grow apace, needed perennial nourishment from Father Sky/Grandfather Sun and Mother Earth/Grandmother Moon. They are unquestionably the eldest! Once the Trees have reached full maturity after centuries of blossoming, withering, and blossoming again, yielding its finest fruits, and begins to deteriorate back to the soil about its root, does the Sun, Moon, Sky, and Earth cease supporting their complete transition back to its essence? NO! They continue to support life, nourish life, feed life like and as if there is no such thing as dying, no such thing as an ending to the carrying out of an eternal duty, and no such concept as a final contribution. Some trees have lived to see the rise and fall of many empires because of the unwavering carrying out of the universal principle of perpetual support. These Trees are the Families of Man! “I'm done being a mother or a father to my children: I'm no longer anyone's child:my child doesn't need a Father!” There's no such thing and this foolishness is unthinkable and a sure recipe to the youth's undoing! The same participants in the civil rights movement who championed the cause of human rights, often cast an indignant eye toward the younger generation and say, “you all just don't know how good you have it, you all have no clue, you all have it so easy, you all are tarnishing our legacy, wasting our accomplishments.” Well now, what would the enslaved African, back bent, laboring in the scorching sun, still cognizant of his regal heritage, growing weary from but fighting to stave off the yoke of the slave-master trying to tear his ancestral knowledge from his soul at the point of the bamboo, salt wrapped whip...what would he say to the arrogant, pompous heirs of civil liberties disguised as rights begrudgingly bestowed upon the recently freed slave? The same civic milestones of the 1960's held out to the younger generation today as evidence of having 'arrived' are the same vestiges of which Dr. King was referring to when he lamented, “I fear I may have integrated my people into a burning house.” Not only does a person make mistakes, whole peoples make mistakes, especially those up from slavery and alien oppression. Oh! The young still need the old...need the old to come down from that dinner table in the heavens, stop feasting on that pie in the sky, and start keeping it real with the youth, not only about what's right, but about how wrong they were and how far left they went before they regained their sensibilities thanks to someone older or younger than they! Oh! These are the last days and times alright! The last days we're going to pretend children don't need a mother AND a father! The last days we're going to perpetrate as if we're working as hard and as intelligently and as together as we could be to bridge this familial chasm and generational divide that keeps our families hovering on the brink of total insolvency. The last time we're going to look somewhere else for the authority of self-determination other than right in our own chest and within our own souls and within our own minds. Whose to blame? The Oppressor! Whose fault is it? The elders! Whose responsibility is it? The responsibility is OURS! If you're a teacher then TEACH! Stop sitting behind the desk pushing rote, outdated, irrelevant lesson plans that have no bearing on the child's immediate reality...get creative and quit milking the clock for a pay check while doing a double disservice; dulling the youth's most supple and ideal years for learning and squandering the tax payers dollars! If you're a doctor or physician or nurse, HEAL, and quit allowing the bureaucratic red tape to prevent you from upholding the Hippocratic oath! If you're a statesman or elected official, SERVE! Bravely, do the bidding of We The People's collective will and stop filibustering, philandering, and political posturing...push the necessary agendas to re institute sound faith in the political process by enforcing the Constitution! If you're a mother then NURTURE, and stop allowing television, the internet, and people off the streets to rear your children...get out of the mirror and get in front of the real mirror...your children! If you're a father, then GUIDE and SUPPORT your progeny, be it phone calls, letters, quality time, money, supplies, advice or what have you. Single parents, get out of the way of the other half, release the grudges of divorce and separation and wake up to the reality that no one will love the child like the flesh from whence he or she came. Obama being in office has not stopped the crime rate from escalating, unemployment from sprawling, profiling from terrorizing, or you from getting out of your own way to make a difference in this crumbling world most of us struggle to eke out a living in! The, “I got mine, now you get yours” mentality is debilitating at best. WE NEED EACH OTHER!!!! The old needs the young and the young needs the old, but it's incumbent upon those that know better and are capable of doing better to make the first move. Otherwise, the worst is yet to come! Most of the older generation got their 'rights', their pensions, their tenure, and comfy positions within this faltering establishment and fell back, as if the coast was clear. But lo! Just over the horizon came this teetering economy that unmistakably showed people the world over just how fragile that nest egg really was without investing in the hearts and minds of the youth! If the older generation is going to stand on our shoulders their going to have to lighten the load by giving back a whole lot more. I'm just saying.....
If you can help yourself, don't just read this...join this great debate, respond, re-post, and pass this on...add on!
Why did the emancipation proclamation only out law 'involuntary servitude' and not voluntary servitude as well?
Let's make this a viral debate!
B. Holi
4:11 pm
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
What About The Children? By Brian Holiday-El
Let's Go!
The following is inspired by Marvin Gaye's, "What About The Children?"
The following is inspired by Marvin Gaye's, "What About The Children?"
As a whole, my beloved brothers and sisters, we are squandering our greatest and most sacred investment! As valuable and uncertain as Time is, it is not Humanity's most priceless possession. Though vital and necessary it may be, Riches aught never be Man's most cherished treasure. Your house will be bought and sold a hundred times or raised to the ground the moment you leave this world. Gold and precious metals have filled the tombs of deceased nobility only to be emptied the very moment the sky bats an eye. Time and riches could not be enjoyed without the soundness of good health, but even well-being is dependent on somewhat else, and all of these perish in the grave. In vain, men and women hoard material and watch it like predators do their prey, so obsessed with accumulation that their lives are over before the trappings have been made truly useful to anyone, including themselves. The ever crucial resource of attention is splurged on matters and concerns that return nothing but an even greater demand for more and more of it. And lo! They, who are destined to be be here long after you, them, the very reflections of all that you are made of, those, the truest representations of your own net worth, are placed, by far and large, toward the very least of considerations. People soon forget most, if not all, of what you do for yourself, but honor and exalt, for many life times, what you do for others. When all that you have amassed has been reclaimed by the source from which it sprung...once all that you did, by time, has been undone, the Children are the Earth's final judges as to whether you as a legacy are remembered or forgotten, esteemed or cursed, respected and loved, or scorned and hated. Guide them because they need it and afford them the good that was or was not extended to you. When they stray, know that they are taking the long way home, and Creative Fate, one way or another, will show them the straight way. They have but One mother and One father; to the deepest measure, include them BOTH! They have but one first impression, make yours the most noble. If you have many, love them equally. If you have few, love them wholly. If you have one, love one totally. If you have none then love those that are closest. But love them all unconditionally. And before you have well considered all of your ends, means, and aims, answer thoroughly the question, “What about the children?”
Sunday, January 16, 2011
In The Memory Of King by Brian Holiday-El
Let's Go!
The following is inspired by a posted picture of and a question posed by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. put forth by Heru G. Duenas of Positive Black Stories.
The question is, "Life's most urgent question.......what are you doing for others?"
The following is inspired by a posted picture of and a question posed by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. put forth by Heru G. Duenas of Positive Black Stories.
The question is, "Life's most urgent question.......what are you doing for others?"
Peace and Love Brothers and Sisters! You know, in some circles King's teachings and civic efforts catch a
bad rap...some of our most prominent thinkers, teachers, scholars etc. see Affirmative Action as a step
backwards, citing the precipitous decline in African American business and property ownership following the
advent of integration as evidence of a misdirected mass of people upon the path to empowerment through
polity. The question was once posed to me by one of my first REAL teachers during my Junior year in high-
school back in the late 90's, “what's more debilitating, Economic discrimination or Social discrimination?”
What a cognitive quagmire! Here we are nearly a half-century removed from the onset of the Civil Rights
Movement and the Afro-Asiatic peoples inhabiting the Americas are still an underclass whether viewed
through the lens of Economy or Polity. The mitigates, detractors, and opponents of King's social thesis extol
'Black Wall Street' as the model for self-determination for those up from slavery, as opposed to an
acclamation of Jesus' gospel of love to all man and Gandhi’s non-violence and peaceful protest to the
struggle of the children of the Maafa. They say we traded the bank for the bus. The leveling of these retorts
are not wholly invalid or without merit and they do warrant critical consideration, but they can never negate
the resonance of King's visionary reach! His contemporary was Brother Malcolm, who began his ministry as
a staunch proponent of Separation, but later grew in thought and mind to extend his thesis for self-
determination to moderate inclusion of all peoples regardless of race, creed etc. Deserving of mention is
Cleaver with his disciplined and armed militancy by the arm of the Black Panthers. The inextricable
connectedness of our plight and the inevitable necessity of unity to unearth ourselves from the muck and mire
of social marginalization, national and international, economic insolvency and disenfranchisement from the
body-politic brought these leaders of their day together, yet shortly thereafter they all were taken out,
methodically, systematically, one by one. What world would we live in now had these kings among kings met
again? What would have been the synthesis of their converged thinking? Is it a fair deduction to conclude that
the 'powers that be' also pondered the trajectory of one such meeting of the minds? King was still a fairly
young man! He was growing leery of the gradualist on capitol hill during the days preceding his assassination.
A meeting of the minds, a consensus and subsequent handshake was clearly in the offing. King's words and
the impact of his life are nothing short of magnanimous, but it must be remembered that as impacting as he
was, he was still a work in progress that was cut down before his full maturation. So, what are we doing for
others??? I know what were not doing! We're not honoring the legacy and the struggle of our ancestors,
ancient and recent by focusing more on what unites us than what divides us, accentuating the positive more
than the negative, magnifying the similarities over the differences, reconciling the disparities more than
aggravating them. Positive Black Stories has the formula my brother! King would be proud!
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