Calling All Stars TODAY! by TiB! (June 7, 2012 to June 13, 2012)
(Planetary & Stellar Transit lasting from June 7, 2012 to June 13, 2012)
*This Fore-C.A.S.T. is valid for and applicable to ALL Signs & Designs in varying degrees, but specifically significant for certain Signs & Designs where noted.
*Need clarity about something that happened last week between June 1st & June 6th 2012??? Read last week's Calling All Stars ForeC.A.S.T. By TiB! here:
Dark Humor Astrological Quips for Saturday, June 9th, 2012 by TiB!
Aries "You are your own worst enemy fighting with your own best friend, yourself!"
Taurus "Use it or Lose it!"
Gemini "Go Shopping!"
Cancer "Peace Peace Be Still..."
Leo "Anything Goes!"
Virgo "You can be a wandering generality or a meaningful specific."
Libra "Look at the Big Picture."
Scorpio "Finish what you started."
Sagittarius "Don't do it now: Do it Right Now!
Capricorn "ENDURE!"
Aquarius "Even the higher-ups have higher-ups!"
Pisces "Get some rest, you're going to need it!"
TiB! on the energetic *Design of the, Sun, Moon, Earth, Planets, Stars, Nature, Man, and Creation as of June 9th, 2012, including commentary on Zodiac Signs.
*Disclaimer: In my humble opinion, nothing takes the place of a Unique Design Reading or Chart Analysis. Astrology is but a quarter of Design but it's greater within the whole of the *Synthesis than it is taken alone. If you know you're exact time of birth, date of birth, and place of birth, Congratulations! You represent the minority who actually have a fighting chance to really get to know and come to experience what you're made of, the purpose you're here to fulfill, and the decision making strategies for manifesting it! Your precise time, date, and place of birth, when represented in a chart like the one you see attached but specific to your birth data provides a map of your conscious and unconscious mind, a blueprint for navigating the path of least resistance, as well as a script for the material elements, people, and themes in the environment around you and most importantly, it reveals your unique strategy, authority, and dietary regimen! Learn More Here:
Enjoy the ForeC.A.S.T. below.
Right About Now...
FAMILY, FAMILY, FAMILY! Now more than ever, on a global, universal level, from now until September 1st, 2012, everyone is going to continue being busy, busy, busy! The questions for the next few days become for whom and for what? In all of that running around, what's being accomplished? Are you progressing or merely jogging in place? Who's materially benefitting from the busy-ness? Really though, right about now, the question is how's the family being supported by all of this mindless activity? What's being done to ensure your and their survival? Literally, what's materially being invested into YOUR gene pool to support the growth and development of your kindred, your self and kind? I'm not 'passing judgement' when I say this, but, how are the children holding together with such dysfunction and confusion in the home? All jokes aside, this is why terrorism, gangs, and corporate corruption flourishes; the break down of the 3G Family design, the decline of the Tribe, the false *I* killing the old *we*!
This energetic design offers us the strongest possibility as a whole to tune into the necessities and the material support structure of the tribal unit, also known as the Family!
Aries specifically, but certainly Virgo, and you too Pisces, but specifically Aries, easy on yourself. My heart goes out to you all! What I referenced last week regarding the relationship between confusion and mental clarity is inching toward a breaking point now, so as you 'take stock and contemplate all of your strengths and weaknesses being cast in a new light as you struggle with the restrictions and adversities, internally and externally', please, try and keep in mind that primarily in coming face to face with limitations we also happen upon the very vital realizations that make for real Clarity! The kind of Clarity that cuts clean through the cumulonimbus clouds of confusion! The Clarity you're more than likely feeling the mental pressure to realize will come out of to speak, out of the blue. That realization, the Aha! moment, is noted for coming about when you are deeply engaged in doing something that has absolutely nothing to do with what the realization will be about. Just keep that in mind and try to recall how the greatest oppressions, limitations, restrictions and so on are the ones that we, in our own not self distorted minds, heap upon ourselves. There comes these times of adversity where it's more beneficial to actively wait and intelligently respond to internal and external oppression and limitation, rather than trying to understand it.
Furthermore, what defines you will ultimately determine where you'll place the blame for the experience of lack or give the praise for having the surplus. The key to the abstract process of realization is good old fashioned PATIENCE!
*This Knowledge is much more comprehensive than your Zodiac Sign.
(Read Synthesis Transmission Here: )*
Cancer, Sagittarius born between the 3rd and 10th of December, and to a certain extent Gemini and Virgo, for crying out loud will you please JUST LET IT FLOW! Guard yourself against excessive anxiety by recognizing and consciously adapting to the extremes in your environment by understanding and balancing the extremes within your own nature. If and when you're still enough, your rhythm will find you and you will find your rhythm. Also, in that stillness, you'll know when you're holding on too tightly, jumping to conclusions, or being overly critical. Get to that place where you too can say, "I'm not doing anything, it's just happening."
Taurus and Scorpio, especially the Taurus born between the 15th and the 20th of May and the Scorpio born between the 15th and 21st of November, and again, reader keep in mind that energy and matter are synthesized, meaning, we're all influenced by these energetic configurations in one way, shape, or form.
If nothing at all, KNOW this; that where you are and where you are going, the direction you are being led in, is just as much an expression of who you are as is what you do. Read that again. You're giving people more than clues to who they are by where you're going in your life. The direction you're taking is likely empowering and inspiring a sense of identity and direction in others and vice versa. If you have nothing to give to anyone then your lasting contribution becomes where you're going and the sense of direction you're giving the people crossing your path. As a result of the way you've chosen to go or not go, you've perhaps effortlessly become an inspiring example to others in the process.
But back to this energetic design influencing the family or what is in essence the tribal unit. Slowly but surely the family structure as we've known it for hundreds of thousands of years is losing its soul so to speak. Going, going and soon to be gone are the days of the 3G family (Three Generations) in the same household. Just look around and you'll see it's disintegration. I dealt with this a little in January of last year read the article here:
The Gemini, especially the Gemini born between June 8th and June 14th, Aries born between March 29th and April 3rd, the Sagittarius born between the 9th and 15th of December, the Scorpio born between October 31st and November 5th, The Libra born October 13th to the 19th, the Capricorn born January 6th through January 12th, the Aquarius born February 8th through the 14th, and January 28th through February 5th hear me clearly. There is nothing whatsoever wrong with feeling the need to support and to be supported and for that support to be shown materially, nor is there anything inherently wrong with exercising the necessary authority by exerting the proper control and power, ego and all, to ensure that you and yours not only survive, but thrive; however, don't overlook vital support that comes in other forms such as, emotional encouragement, social access, favors etc. and it is in those where your ego and harmony in your relationship with family has to reconcile. All of it can, that is if you allow it to, contribute to the overall well being of you and your family unit. How easy it to prefer quantity for quality when it comes to support?
Also, this planetary transit makes for a great deal of possessiveness and aggressiveness, so touching and sharing is the way to offset the inherent control-based tension within this design. Leo, we can all use a bit of your leadership and creativity, so, when you find the time to make the time, do some reflecting, make sense out of as much as you can before you make your next move. When you do this you become grounded in your emotions and we're more apt to believe you when you say that what you want is the best for all of us.
This is a precursor of what's to come. The governments of the world are fractals of the tribal family nucleus and as such are undergoing the same undoing and suffering a similar fate as the state of the family. When it comes to the tribe, sacrifices have to be made because needs have to be met. The children we create need be provided for, longer now than in the past; while the frequency of the tribal support system is sort of fading. There is this widening gap between the haves and the have nots. There's this gaping and growing discrepancy between those with access to food and resources versus those without access. The family dysfunction is the propelling force behind the proliferation of urban wars, militias, gangs, terrorism etc,. We exist to do more than just survive, but if we don't procreate, biologically and materially, and if we fail to be dedicated custodians of the "babies" we help bring into this world, then we die off.
If you care to, you can save yourself, your family, and the ones you love a great deal of frustration, anger, bitterness, heartache, failure, and suffering by aiding them, especially the children, into a greater awareness of themselves, assisting them in learning the tools of correct decision making by knowing your and their unique design.
Aquarius, Aries, and Cancer, Sagittarius again here too, but All of us, study 'the lessons of history' and you'll see that the Greatest Rulers are the Greatest Servants, the Greatest Followers were the Greatest Leaders, and the Greatest Students were and still are the Greatest Teachers!
Take inventory of what's important, stay mentally active and the clarity will come. Chart Analysis is invaluable! Knowing your design is priceless, but living your design is ever fulfilling! Learn all about your Unique Design in a Reading from TiB! Learn more about your Reading here:
"I want to Order my Reading Now." go here:
Need clarity about something that happened last week between June 1st & June 6th 2012? Read last week's Calling All Stars ForeC.A.S.T. By TiB! here:
Brian Holiday-El aka TiB!
True Guide
"All of the Suffering and Evil in this world come from one thing and one thing only; IGNORANCE! Finding Purpose, Meaning, and Fulfillment within yourself, and experiencing a life complete with Strength, Wisdom, and Beauty begin with one thing and one thing only; AWARENESS!" ~ TiB! My name is Brian aka TiB! and I am a Guide by Birth, a Guardian by Design, and an Independent Rave Psychology Practitioner by Profession. The Intelligent Brother©
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Calling All Stars TODAY! by TiB! (June 7, 2012 to June 13, 2012)
9 chakras,
astrological forecast,
changes zen,
inner authority,
KaKaballah direction,
mechanical strategies for correct living,
Friday, June 1, 2012
Calling All Stars by TiB! 6 Day Transit (Solar Forecast) 5/1/2012 - 5/6/2012
Calling All Stars by TiB!
Design Based Dark Humor Astrological Quotes from TiB!
Aries ..."You'll always have to answer to someone."
Taurus..."You gotta give a little to get a little."
Gemini..."Sometimes you have it and sometimes you don't."
Cancer..."It's not the end of the world."
Leo..."Wait your turn."
Virgo..."What's most important for YOU right now?
Libra..."Get in the far right lane if you're going to keep riding with your foot on the brake."
Scorpio..."Believe me, it really is deep enough to drown in."
Sagittarius..."Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Capricorn..."Get it Right."
Aquarius..."It's wide open."
Pisces..."It depends on how you look at it."
TiB! on the energetic *Design of the, Sun, Moon, Earth, Planets, Stars, Nature, Man, and Creation as of June 1, 2012, including commentary on Zodiac Signs.
By the time you read this message we'll have entered into a new 6 day transit and here's what to look out for:
If, for this passed week it seemed like people were all talk, extra busy going nowhere fast, well, from Friday till the middle of next week, it's highly unlikely that the lip service will continue without, lights, cameras, ACTION! The Gemini isn't the only one feeling it, though they tend to catch the brunt of it with the Sun in the House of the Twins. I've seen you Gemini's and to a measurable degree, you too Sagittarius, Pisces, and Virgo, caught up in a love triangle; either entertaining two intimate interests at the same time, or harboring conflicting sentiments regarding material support and egotistical possessiveness. Careful there, more than immediate pleasures can end up being sacrificed when it comes to disloyalty! I'm just long can you hold certain things back before you either snap or pop off?
However, for every tribe in the Zodiac...I mean all of those in relationships with significant others, if the bond is really that strong and there is a mutual commitment to the reciprocal well being of one another, I strongly recommend patiently communicating through sharing and warmly touching a little more when the air thickens and the vibe gets tense, rather than arguing about who is supporting who more than the other. Regardless of how Right you swear you are only one person can talk at a time, and what's being spoken of needs to be more than just who has what or who's trying to control who: That's counterproductive at best and completely out of Harmony with what this weekend and the first half of next week is really all about; the Rhythm & Flow of Progressive Change!
For all of us now the pace of things intensifies, running the gamut of extremes from frenetic to painstakingly slow. All of us now do more than just Contemplate Change and Progress. We look now to apply our Understanding, to Actualize our potential Individual Power for Metamorphosis!
That's a mouth full: let me break it down.
We all feel, to one degree or another, the deepening emotional need to change, but we'd be wise not to change for change's change just to change isn't based on anything sustainable and will fade with the fads, dragging your self-esteem right along with it, causing your hopes to fall like London Bridges. It has to be inspired from within and what we commit ourselves to, the experiences that we resolve ourselves to... we must enter in to those experiences correctly. That means entering into them as ourselves, for how we enter into the experience has everything to do with the quality of experience we're going to have; be it painful or pleasant, empowering or destabilizing.
Keep in mind, progress is a process and the change that progress produces is not at all something that most people are comfortable with, let alone open to or ready for when it comes and Ohh is it coming! Remember, energy is one coin, but it has two sides so to speak, thus Change can be experienced as something "good" or something "bad." One person's loss is another person's gain, so change is also a harbinger of Crisis; therefore, be prepared to rise to the occasion by Surrendering to the timeless wisdom, "and this too shall pass." Whatever type of crisis the coming changes will produce, be they large or small, recall that there is always, always, always, some sort of opportunity in crisis and just like all opportunities, a crisis does not last: it too changes with the changes! Remembering that will give you the needed relief during the ups and downs.
Likewise... and you Capricorn and Libra might be able to attest to this the most right about now, THE ONLY THING CONSTANT IS CHANGE, and those that know how, when, and even why to adapt to change are the ones who Endure. Transform your fear of failure into ambition fueled success by changing with the changes but not for the changes. The coming changes directly impacts that rhythm of our lives, challenging you to find or maintain your get into or stay in the Flow and one thing is for certain, you benefit greatly by tuning in and waiting for it. This is not a passive kind of's a hungry, hunting, vigilant, and Active waiting! There are moments like the one's steadily approaching where everything and everyone either seems to rapidly come together or suddenly fall completely apart. We'll just have to Wait and See.
Furthermore, all of us, the Taurus especially, we're inspired by the direction and moves being made by others around us to make an individual contribution; even if it means simply leading by example. Scorpios are feeling that, as are all of us...that is we have to not only love ourselves...we need to also love the direction that our lives are moving in as a result of our decision making process. Everything we do is an expression of who we are, including the life we lead, and with that direction, you either leave the people you encounter inspired or uninspired because where you're going in life is a gift to the people you meet as they cross your path.
Aquarius, Virgo, and Aries, and again...all of us to a certain extent are not more than ever, coming up with, original, unconventional, creative, and unique ways to bring organization to our lives helps us to also realize clarity amidst the confusion. An aggressive and demanding type of mental pressure is there to make sense out of our past experiences. The inability to come to the necessary realizations to move onward to new beginnings can bring about an oppressive kind of confusion. I suggest you do what you may hate to do, Be Patient! You may be in a process that's not yet finished, so there may not be a complete picture to look back upon and make sense out of as of yet with all the scenes racing through your head. Trying to draw conclusions about a process that has not yet run it's course is an open invitation to confusion. Be involved and immersed in the experience, be present in the present and seemingly out of nowhere, AHA! The Clarity emerges like sunshine parting the clouds of Confusion resulting in relief and the release and conversion of pressure into what we commonly refer to as INSPIRATION!
Lastly, but not least of all, Cancer and Leo, and again, this really relates to all of us, there's broad openness for change. Will you receptively embrace it or will you stubbornly struggle with it? The bottom-line is, you're going to have to interact, communicate, exchange, relate, commune, and so on, in order for any real progress to take place.
Even more so, in that interaction there's a Flow that is all based upon Rhythm and a Rhythm that has everything to do with Timing! Timing is the servant of Waiting and the Value of Waiting is based upon Positioning! Positioning is crucial because Change transpires in a Wave! Where you are in relation to the Wave of Change, how you're positioned in relationship to, the Change, who's changing, what's changing, who or what is bringing a out the change...your relationship to Change will determine if it is experienced as a Crisis or not. You'll only be in your correct position by being in your correct place and only you know where that is or don't. Like it or not, change is coming. You can be one of those people who totally miss it and the next thing you know you're carrying on as if nothing has changed, completely out of the flow, just waiting for something to knock some sense into you and show you where and how far off you are, OR, you can be the one waiting and wading in the water, feeling the tides shifting and the winds blowing, aware of the direction they're rising and blowing towards, so aware that you not only feel the change, you harness it by channelling it into your own process of self empowerment! If that is you then you are not simply living, you are alive and you are not just moving around or being moved, you are Navigating!
I'd be remiss if I didn't make at least one comment about the sexual design of energy during this 6 day transit. It is the middle of the day so, to keep it PG 13: Lights off, Lights down low, or the lights on are, shall we say, the preferences for intimately entering and exiting, but believe you me, once those emotions get rolling, how did Janet Jackson say it, "Anytime, Anyplace, I don't care who's around."
Let's go!
Enjoy and Share!
What's your Unique Design? The Knowledge of your Design is far more accurate, precise, practical, and descriptive than Your Zodiac Sign by itself.
Your time, date, and place of birth is used to generate what is called a *Body Graph (Birth Chart) which represents your Unique Design. The best beginning in discovering your design is in a Reading.
Invite me to do a Reading for you here:
*A Chart like the one attached, but specific to your Vital Data (*Time of Birth, Date of Birth, and Place of Birth) are the key fundamental ingredients that make up your Formula for No Fault Living! Your Chart is the visual science of your unique design and is the complete blueprint to your conscious and your unconscious mind, your immediate environment and environmental themes as well as the circumstances, situations, events, personalities and people populating your surroundings. It is the script containing your true identity and roles as well as the storyline, plot, and themes of all of what you've experienced, what you are potentially experiencing right now, and what you'll potentially experience moving forward, on a conscious and an unconscious level. On a deeper level, your chart is the mapping out of your exact natal and prenatal genetic sequences and combinations that unlocks your fortune in this your life.
In my Reading of your chart and in my revealing to you your unique design, I'll also be guiding you in looking into and seeing clearly the strength, wisdom, and beauty that comes inborn with your profile and form, showing you the way to unlocking your unique potentials and guiding you towards what you are here to do naturally, all the while clarifying and distinguishing the crucial connections between what you are consciously and unconsciously designed to do on a personality and genetic level, versus what you're not.
Learn all about your Reading from me here...
Learn more about the Synthesis here...
Design Based Dark Humor Astrological Quotes from TiB!
Aries ..."You'll always have to answer to someone."
Taurus..."You gotta give a little to get a little."
Gemini..."Sometimes you have it and sometimes you don't."
Cancer..."It's not the end of the world."
Leo..."Wait your turn."
Virgo..."What's most important for YOU right now?
Libra..."Get in the far right lane if you're going to keep riding with your foot on the brake."
Scorpio..."Believe me, it really is deep enough to drown in."
Sagittarius..."Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Capricorn..."Get it Right."
Aquarius..."It's wide open."
Pisces..."It depends on how you look at it."
TiB! on the energetic *Design of the, Sun, Moon, Earth, Planets, Stars, Nature, Man, and Creation as of June 1, 2012, including commentary on Zodiac Signs.
By the time you read this message we'll have entered into a new 6 day transit and here's what to look out for:
If, for this passed week it seemed like people were all talk, extra busy going nowhere fast, well, from Friday till the middle of next week, it's highly unlikely that the lip service will continue without, lights, cameras, ACTION! The Gemini isn't the only one feeling it, though they tend to catch the brunt of it with the Sun in the House of the Twins. I've seen you Gemini's and to a measurable degree, you too Sagittarius, Pisces, and Virgo, caught up in a love triangle; either entertaining two intimate interests at the same time, or harboring conflicting sentiments regarding material support and egotistical possessiveness. Careful there, more than immediate pleasures can end up being sacrificed when it comes to disloyalty! I'm just long can you hold certain things back before you either snap or pop off?
However, for every tribe in the Zodiac...I mean all of those in relationships with significant others, if the bond is really that strong and there is a mutual commitment to the reciprocal well being of one another, I strongly recommend patiently communicating through sharing and warmly touching a little more when the air thickens and the vibe gets tense, rather than arguing about who is supporting who more than the other. Regardless of how Right you swear you are only one person can talk at a time, and what's being spoken of needs to be more than just who has what or who's trying to control who: That's counterproductive at best and completely out of Harmony with what this weekend and the first half of next week is really all about; the Rhythm & Flow of Progressive Change!
For all of us now the pace of things intensifies, running the gamut of extremes from frenetic to painstakingly slow. All of us now do more than just Contemplate Change and Progress. We look now to apply our Understanding, to Actualize our potential Individual Power for Metamorphosis!
That's a mouth full: let me break it down.
We all feel, to one degree or another, the deepening emotional need to change, but we'd be wise not to change for change's change just to change isn't based on anything sustainable and will fade with the fads, dragging your self-esteem right along with it, causing your hopes to fall like London Bridges. It has to be inspired from within and what we commit ourselves to, the experiences that we resolve ourselves to... we must enter in to those experiences correctly. That means entering into them as ourselves, for how we enter into the experience has everything to do with the quality of experience we're going to have; be it painful or pleasant, empowering or destabilizing.
Keep in mind, progress is a process and the change that progress produces is not at all something that most people are comfortable with, let alone open to or ready for when it comes and Ohh is it coming! Remember, energy is one coin, but it has two sides so to speak, thus Change can be experienced as something "good" or something "bad." One person's loss is another person's gain, so change is also a harbinger of Crisis; therefore, be prepared to rise to the occasion by Surrendering to the timeless wisdom, "and this too shall pass." Whatever type of crisis the coming changes will produce, be they large or small, recall that there is always, always, always, some sort of opportunity in crisis and just like all opportunities, a crisis does not last: it too changes with the changes! Remembering that will give you the needed relief during the ups and downs.
Likewise... and you Capricorn and Libra might be able to attest to this the most right about now, THE ONLY THING CONSTANT IS CHANGE, and those that know how, when, and even why to adapt to change are the ones who Endure. Transform your fear of failure into ambition fueled success by changing with the changes but not for the changes. The coming changes directly impacts that rhythm of our lives, challenging you to find or maintain your get into or stay in the Flow and one thing is for certain, you benefit greatly by tuning in and waiting for it. This is not a passive kind of's a hungry, hunting, vigilant, and Active waiting! There are moments like the one's steadily approaching where everything and everyone either seems to rapidly come together or suddenly fall completely apart. We'll just have to Wait and See.
Furthermore, all of us, the Taurus especially, we're inspired by the direction and moves being made by others around us to make an individual contribution; even if it means simply leading by example. Scorpios are feeling that, as are all of us...that is we have to not only love ourselves...we need to also love the direction that our lives are moving in as a result of our decision making process. Everything we do is an expression of who we are, including the life we lead, and with that direction, you either leave the people you encounter inspired or uninspired because where you're going in life is a gift to the people you meet as they cross your path.
Aquarius, Virgo, and Aries, and again...all of us to a certain extent are not more than ever, coming up with, original, unconventional, creative, and unique ways to bring organization to our lives helps us to also realize clarity amidst the confusion. An aggressive and demanding type of mental pressure is there to make sense out of our past experiences. The inability to come to the necessary realizations to move onward to new beginnings can bring about an oppressive kind of confusion. I suggest you do what you may hate to do, Be Patient! You may be in a process that's not yet finished, so there may not be a complete picture to look back upon and make sense out of as of yet with all the scenes racing through your head. Trying to draw conclusions about a process that has not yet run it's course is an open invitation to confusion. Be involved and immersed in the experience, be present in the present and seemingly out of nowhere, AHA! The Clarity emerges like sunshine parting the clouds of Confusion resulting in relief and the release and conversion of pressure into what we commonly refer to as INSPIRATION!
Lastly, but not least of all, Cancer and Leo, and again, this really relates to all of us, there's broad openness for change. Will you receptively embrace it or will you stubbornly struggle with it? The bottom-line is, you're going to have to interact, communicate, exchange, relate, commune, and so on, in order for any real progress to take place.
Even more so, in that interaction there's a Flow that is all based upon Rhythm and a Rhythm that has everything to do with Timing! Timing is the servant of Waiting and the Value of Waiting is based upon Positioning! Positioning is crucial because Change transpires in a Wave! Where you are in relation to the Wave of Change, how you're positioned in relationship to, the Change, who's changing, what's changing, who or what is bringing a out the change...your relationship to Change will determine if it is experienced as a Crisis or not. You'll only be in your correct position by being in your correct place and only you know where that is or don't. Like it or not, change is coming. You can be one of those people who totally miss it and the next thing you know you're carrying on as if nothing has changed, completely out of the flow, just waiting for something to knock some sense into you and show you where and how far off you are, OR, you can be the one waiting and wading in the water, feeling the tides shifting and the winds blowing, aware of the direction they're rising and blowing towards, so aware that you not only feel the change, you harness it by channelling it into your own process of self empowerment! If that is you then you are not simply living, you are alive and you are not just moving around or being moved, you are Navigating!
I'd be remiss if I didn't make at least one comment about the sexual design of energy during this 6 day transit. It is the middle of the day so, to keep it PG 13: Lights off, Lights down low, or the lights on are, shall we say, the preferences for intimately entering and exiting, but believe you me, once those emotions get rolling, how did Janet Jackson say it, "Anytime, Anyplace, I don't care who's around."
Let's go!
Enjoy and Share!
What's your Unique Design? The Knowledge of your Design is far more accurate, precise, practical, and descriptive than Your Zodiac Sign by itself.
Your time, date, and place of birth is used to generate what is called a *Body Graph (Birth Chart) which represents your Unique Design. The best beginning in discovering your design is in a Reading.
Invite me to do a Reading for you here:
*A Chart like the one attached, but specific to your Vital Data (*Time of Birth, Date of Birth, and Place of Birth) are the key fundamental ingredients that make up your Formula for No Fault Living! Your Chart is the visual science of your unique design and is the complete blueprint to your conscious and your unconscious mind, your immediate environment and environmental themes as well as the circumstances, situations, events, personalities and people populating your surroundings. It is the script containing your true identity and roles as well as the storyline, plot, and themes of all of what you've experienced, what you are potentially experiencing right now, and what you'll potentially experience moving forward, on a conscious and an unconscious level. On a deeper level, your chart is the mapping out of your exact natal and prenatal genetic sequences and combinations that unlocks your fortune in this your life.
In my Reading of your chart and in my revealing to you your unique design, I'll also be guiding you in looking into and seeing clearly the strength, wisdom, and beauty that comes inborn with your profile and form, showing you the way to unlocking your unique potentials and guiding you towards what you are here to do naturally, all the while clarifying and distinguishing the crucial connections between what you are consciously and unconsciously designed to do on a personality and genetic level, versus what you're not.
Learn all about your Reading from me here...
Learn more about the Synthesis here...
empowerment food-for-thought guidance informative inspiration motivation nourishment purpose wisdom,
Kaballah designs human designs,
stars alignment,
stellar forecasts
Your Reading From Me...
Your Reading from me...
A Reading from me...
Is unfailingly showing and proving to be one of, if not the, single most profoundly empowering, enlightening, liberating, transformational, and life-enhancing communications people have ever received, and, most importantly, your Reading from me IS ALL ABOUT YOU!
On a Personal, Psychological, and Emotional/Spiritual level...
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, what your unique roles are in this life, what makes you different, what makes you uniquely and distinctly original, the secrets to becoming self-aware of and accessing your own personal power, how to correctly express your inner and outer authority in your life right now, what your hidden potentials are, what defines you, where the greatest meaning is to be found in your life, what your purpose is in this life, your correct way of going directly into expressing what your true identity is, the sources of as well as what are your correct strategies for eliminating the unnecessary stress and resistance in your life; the unique design of your brain, body, and mind, your particular cognition, and the reasons why you think, speak, behave, and react the way you do in response to the triggers of different pressures, stresses, people, circumstances, and settings; the sources and solutions of and for your inner and outer conflicts; what your specific fears are and how to make them your allies, your correct strategies for effectively and successfully navigating emotional conditions and situations; the root causes of, confusion, frustration, anger and/or bitterness and the proper strategies for you to personally both decondition and free yourself from the harmful effects of these.
In addition to making clear where and what your vulnerability, inconsistencies, weaknesses, and hidden strengths are, your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, the heart, soul, and mechanics of your inner and outer authority in this life as well as where you'll always find grounding and stability; at the deepest levels of your vehicle, what truly drives you, the message you're here to communicate in this life, the keys to unlocking the potential of your, DNA, personality, spirituality, your deepest truths, and what fundamentally balances you and how you gain and establish structure in any area of your life.
On an Intimacy & Nurturing level
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, the mechanics of your unique sexuality, your genetic bonding strategies, your correct quality of companionship, the personality and genetic attributes of you and your current or ideal lover, mate, companion, confidant, spouse, business partner, personal assistant, employee(s) etc.; the correct time for you to end, begin, or renew relationships; for aspiring or soon to be parents, the most opportune time for you to conceive children as well as key insights into what mental, physical, and spiritual qualities your children will potentially or currently have and bring out of you, or are already bringing out of you, what kind of children yours may potentially grow up to become, as well as knowledge and clarity regarding the stage of development you all are maturing through in your respective current seven year cycles.
If you are in a relationship or not, and you want a more in-depth analysis and explanation of your design, or the composite of you and your partners' design, or you're interested in knowing, based upon your own design, what type of profile and design will compliment your own, or you simply want to know what your chart says about you, call or email 908.502.1033 to schedule an appointment for a rave analysis or reading.
On a Physical & Environmental level...
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, your unique dietary regimen, the mechanics and inner-workings of your conscious and unconscious mind, how to heal the issues in your tissues, the means and methods of accessing your three streams of awareness; your genetic, bonding strategies, inheritances, predispositions, and much much more.
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, the Knowledge of, where you are most open and susceptible to being conditioned by others, the themes of the first and second half of your life, what has occurred in your past, what you're faced with navigating through at the present moment as well as what events are coming and what circumstances you're being moved toward in the immediate days ahead; the most opportune time for you to travel, change schools, relocate, switch disciplines, careers etc.; the correct times, means, and strategies for you to take on new risks such as investments, starting a business, gambling, etc.; where your luck, fortune, and possibilities of expansion reside within and around you, and the correct environments for you to live, work, excel, and prosper in!
On a Transpersonal level...
Perhaps you want or need clarity on or for yourself in relation to another or others such as, your child or children, guardians, siblings or relative(s), lover, partner, spouse, friend, or associate, a missing or deceased loved one, a superior, competitor, adversary or foe. Your Reading from me can and does explore, in-depth, any and all of the areas mentioned above and more!
How do I get my Reading?
Obtain your Reading by following 2 simple steps.
Step One ~
Email or text your: Name, Exact Birth Time, Birth Place, and Birth Date to ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
Your time, date, and place of birth is used to generate what is called a *Body Graph (Birth Chart) which represents your Unique Design. (see sample attachment)
*A Chart like the one attached, but specific to your Vital Data (*Time of Birth, Date of Birth, and Place of Birth) are the key fundamental ingredients that make up your Formula for No Fault Living! Your Chart is the visual science of your unique design and is the complete blueprint to your conscious and your unconscious mind, your immediate environment and environmental themes as well as the circumstances, situations, events, personalities and people populating your surroundings. It is the script containing your true identity and roles as well as the storyline, plot, and themes of all of what you've experienced, what you are potentially experiencing right now, and what you'll potentially experience moving forward, on a conscious and an unconscious level. On a deeper level, your chart is the mapping out of your exact natal and prenatal genetic sequences and combinations that unlocks your fortune in this your life.
In my Reading of your chart and in my revealing to you your unique design, I'll also be guiding you in looking into and seeing clearly the strength, wisdom, and beauty that comes inborn with your profile and form, showing you the way to unlocking your unique potentials and guiding you towards what you are here to do naturally, all the while clarifying and distinguishing the crucial connections between what you are consciously and unconsciously designed to do on a personality and genetic level, versus what you're not.
Email or text your: Name, Exact Birth Time, Birth Place, and Birth Date to ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
Step Two ~
Order your Reading today by depositing a minimum of half the fee of the Reading you've chosen.
Readings from me are given on a first-come-first-serve basis. To schedule your Reading today, using a, bank, debit, or credit card, simply order half the amount of the type of Reading you've decided to receive by:
A.) clicking the link to the "Order My Reading" blog post
B.) beneath the "Order My Reading" post is a tab to my Pay Pal Business Account labelled, "Order My Reading" where you'll tap 'Order My Reading'.
C.) using a bank, debit, or credit card, donate/order/pay half the amount of the Reading you've decided to receive.
Your order is processed within seconds and Pay Pal sends us both a Notification of Payment containing your Name, Email, and Contact Information. You will then call me directly to schedule a time for you to receive your Reading.
Readings & Fees
A.) A live Reading from me, for a single individual, lasts approximately one hour, and comes with Charts and E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $60 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $60 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your Individual Reading)
B.) A pre-recorded Reading from me, for a single individual, lasts approximately one hour and thirty minutes, and comes with, Charts, an MP3 file compatible with your iDevice, PC, or Desk Top as well as E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $90 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $60 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your prerecorded Individual Reading)
C.) A Family, Couple, or Group Reading for two to five people from me, lasts approximately two to three hours, and comes with, Charts, an MP3 file compatible with your iDevice, PC, or Desk Top as well as E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $180 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $90 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your Penta Reading)
Scroll below and Order Your Reading Today!
A Reading from me...
Is unfailingly showing and proving to be one of, if not the, single most profoundly empowering, enlightening, liberating, transformational, and life-enhancing communications people have ever received, and, most importantly, your Reading from me IS ALL ABOUT YOU!
On a Personal, Psychological, and Emotional/Spiritual level...
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, what your unique roles are in this life, what makes you different, what makes you uniquely and distinctly original, the secrets to becoming self-aware of and accessing your own personal power, how to correctly express your inner and outer authority in your life right now, what your hidden potentials are, what defines you, where the greatest meaning is to be found in your life, what your purpose is in this life, your correct way of going directly into expressing what your true identity is, the sources of as well as what are your correct strategies for eliminating the unnecessary stress and resistance in your life; the unique design of your brain, body, and mind, your particular cognition, and the reasons why you think, speak, behave, and react the way you do in response to the triggers of different pressures, stresses, people, circumstances, and settings; the sources and solutions of and for your inner and outer conflicts; what your specific fears are and how to make them your allies, your correct strategies for effectively and successfully navigating emotional conditions and situations; the root causes of, confusion, frustration, anger and/or bitterness and the proper strategies for you to personally both decondition and free yourself from the harmful effects of these.
In addition to making clear where and what your vulnerability, inconsistencies, weaknesses, and hidden strengths are, your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, the heart, soul, and mechanics of your inner and outer authority in this life as well as where you'll always find grounding and stability; at the deepest levels of your vehicle, what truly drives you, the message you're here to communicate in this life, the keys to unlocking the potential of your, DNA, personality, spirituality, your deepest truths, and what fundamentally balances you and how you gain and establish structure in any area of your life.
On an Intimacy & Nurturing level
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, the mechanics of your unique sexuality, your genetic bonding strategies, your correct quality of companionship, the personality and genetic attributes of you and your current or ideal lover, mate, companion, confidant, spouse, business partner, personal assistant, employee(s) etc.; the correct time for you to end, begin, or renew relationships; for aspiring or soon to be parents, the most opportune time for you to conceive children as well as key insights into what mental, physical, and spiritual qualities your children will potentially or currently have and bring out of you, or are already bringing out of you, what kind of children yours may potentially grow up to become, as well as knowledge and clarity regarding the stage of development you all are maturing through in your respective current seven year cycles.
If you are in a relationship or not, and you want a more in-depth analysis and explanation of your design, or the composite of you and your partners' design, or you're interested in knowing, based upon your own design, what type of profile and design will compliment your own, or you simply want to know what your chart says about you, call or email 908.502.1033 to schedule an appointment for a rave analysis or reading.
On a Physical & Environmental level...
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, your unique dietary regimen, the mechanics and inner-workings of your conscious and unconscious mind, how to heal the issues in your tissues, the means and methods of accessing your three streams of awareness; your genetic, bonding strategies, inheritances, predispositions, and much much more.
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, the Knowledge of, where you are most open and susceptible to being conditioned by others, the themes of the first and second half of your life, what has occurred in your past, what you're faced with navigating through at the present moment as well as what events are coming and what circumstances you're being moved toward in the immediate days ahead; the most opportune time for you to travel, change schools, relocate, switch disciplines, careers etc.; the correct times, means, and strategies for you to take on new risks such as investments, starting a business, gambling, etc.; where your luck, fortune, and possibilities of expansion reside within and around you, and the correct environments for you to live, work, excel, and prosper in!
On a Transpersonal level...
Perhaps you want or need clarity on or for yourself in relation to another or others such as, your child or children, guardians, siblings or relative(s), lover, partner, spouse, friend, or associate, a missing or deceased loved one, a superior, competitor, adversary or foe. Your Reading from me can and does explore, in-depth, any and all of the areas mentioned above and more!
How do I get my Reading?
Obtain your Reading by following 2 simple steps.
Step One ~
Email or text your: Name, Exact Birth Time, Birth Place, and Birth Date to ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
Your time, date, and place of birth is used to generate what is called a *Body Graph (Birth Chart) which represents your Unique Design. (see sample attachment)
*A Chart like the one attached, but specific to your Vital Data (*Time of Birth, Date of Birth, and Place of Birth) are the key fundamental ingredients that make up your Formula for No Fault Living! Your Chart is the visual science of your unique design and is the complete blueprint to your conscious and your unconscious mind, your immediate environment and environmental themes as well as the circumstances, situations, events, personalities and people populating your surroundings. It is the script containing your true identity and roles as well as the storyline, plot, and themes of all of what you've experienced, what you are potentially experiencing right now, and what you'll potentially experience moving forward, on a conscious and an unconscious level. On a deeper level, your chart is the mapping out of your exact natal and prenatal genetic sequences and combinations that unlocks your fortune in this your life.
In my Reading of your chart and in my revealing to you your unique design, I'll also be guiding you in looking into and seeing clearly the strength, wisdom, and beauty that comes inborn with your profile and form, showing you the way to unlocking your unique potentials and guiding you towards what you are here to do naturally, all the while clarifying and distinguishing the crucial connections between what you are consciously and unconsciously designed to do on a personality and genetic level, versus what you're not.
Email or text your: Name, Exact Birth Time, Birth Place, and Birth Date to ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
Step Two ~
Order your Reading today by depositing a minimum of half the fee of the Reading you've chosen.
Readings from me are given on a first-come-first-serve basis. To schedule your Reading today, using a, bank, debit, or credit card, simply order half the amount of the type of Reading you've decided to receive by:
A.) clicking the link to the "Order My Reading" blog post
B.) beneath the "Order My Reading" post is a tab to my Pay Pal Business Account labelled, "Order My Reading" where you'll tap 'Order My Reading'.
C.) using a bank, debit, or credit card, donate/order/pay half the amount of the Reading you've decided to receive.
Your order is processed within seconds and Pay Pal sends us both a Notification of Payment containing your Name, Email, and Contact Information. You will then call me directly to schedule a time for you to receive your Reading.
Readings & Fees
A.) A live Reading from me, for a single individual, lasts approximately one hour, and comes with Charts and E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $60 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $60 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your Individual Reading)
B.) A pre-recorded Reading from me, for a single individual, lasts approximately one hour and thirty minutes, and comes with, Charts, an MP3 file compatible with your iDevice, PC, or Desk Top as well as E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $90 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $60 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your prerecorded Individual Reading)
C.) A Family, Couple, or Group Reading for two to five people from me, lasts approximately two to three hours, and comes with, Charts, an MP3 file compatible with your iDevice, PC, or Desk Top as well as E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $180 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $90 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your Penta Reading)
Scroll below and Order Your Reading Today!
"How do I order My Reading?"
In my humble opinion, nothing takes the place of a Unique Design Reading or Chart Analysis. Astrology is but a quarter of Design but it's greater within the whole of the *Synthesis than it is taken alone. If you know you're exact time of birth, date of birth, and place of birth, Congratulations! You represent the minority who actually have a fighting chance to really get to know and come to experience what you're made of, the purpose you're here to fulfill, and the decision making strategies for manifesting it! Your precise time, date, and place of birth, when represented in a chart like the one you see attached but specific to your birth data provides a map of your conscious and unconscious mind, a blueprint for navigating the path of least resistance, as well as a script for the material elements, people, and themes in the environment around you and most importantly, it reveals your unique strategy, authority, and dietary regimen!
Obtain your Reading by following 2 simple steps.
Step One ~
Email or text your: Name, Exact Birth Time, Birth Place, and Birth Date to ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
Your time, date, and place of birth is used to generate what is called a *Body Graph (Birth Chart) which represents your Unique Design. (see sample attachment)
*A Chart like the one attached, but specific to your Vital Data (*Time of Birth, Date of Birth, and Place of Birth) are the key fundamental ingredients that make up your Formula for No Fault Living! Your Chart is the visual science of your unique design and is the complete blueprint to your conscious and your unconscious mind, your immediate environment and environmental themes as well as the circumstances, situations, events, personalities and people populating your surroundings. It is the script containing your true identity and roles as well as the storyline, plot, and themes of all of what you've experienced, what you are potentially experiencing right now, and what you'll potentially experience moving forward, on a conscious and an unconscious level. On a deeper level, your chart is the mapping out of your exact natal and prenatal genetic sequences and combinations that unlocks your fortune in this your life.
In my Reading of your chart and in my revealing to you your unique design, I'll also be guiding you in looking into and seeing clearly the strength, wisdom, and beauty that comes inborn with your profile and form, showing you the way to unlocking your unique potentials and guiding you towards what you are here to do naturally, all the while clarifying and distinguishing the crucial connections between what you are consciously and unconsciously designed to do on a personality and genetic level, versus what you're not.
Email or text your: Name, Exact Birth Time, Birth Place, and Birth Date to ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
Step Two ~
Readings from me are given on a first-come-first-serve basis. To schedule your Reading today, using a, bank, debit, or credit card, simply order half the amount of the type of Reading you've decided to receive by:
A.) clicking the link to the "Order My Reading" blog post
B.) beneath the "Order My Reading" post is a tab to my Pay Pal Business Account labelled, "Order My Reading" where you'll tap 'Order My Reading'.
C.) using a bank, debit, or credit card, donate/order/pay half the amount of the Reading you've decided to receive.
Your order is processed within seconds and Pay Pal sends us both a Notification of Payment containing your Name, Email, and Contact Information. You will then call me directly to schedule a time for you to receive your Reading.
Readings & Fees
A.) A live Reading from me, for a single individual, lasts approximately one hour, and comes with Charts and E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $60 (USD)}
B.) A pre-recorded Reading from me, for a single individual, lasts approximately one hour and thirty minutes, and comes with, Charts, an MP3 file compatible with your iDevice, PC, or Desk Top as well as E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $90 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $45 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your prerecorded Individual Reading)
C.) A Family, Couple, or Group Reading for two to five people from me, lasts approximately two to three hours, and comes with, Charts, an MP3 file compatible with your iDevice, PC, or Desk Top as well as E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $180 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $90 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your Penta Reading)
Scroll below and Order Your Reading Today!
Obtain your Reading by following 2 simple steps.
Step One ~
Email or text your: Name, Exact Birth Time, Birth Place, and Birth Date to ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
Your time, date, and place of birth is used to generate what is called a *Body Graph (Birth Chart) which represents your Unique Design. (see sample attachment)
*A Chart like the one attached, but specific to your Vital Data (*Time of Birth, Date of Birth, and Place of Birth) are the key fundamental ingredients that make up your Formula for No Fault Living! Your Chart is the visual science of your unique design and is the complete blueprint to your conscious and your unconscious mind, your immediate environment and environmental themes as well as the circumstances, situations, events, personalities and people populating your surroundings. It is the script containing your true identity and roles as well as the storyline, plot, and themes of all of what you've experienced, what you are potentially experiencing right now, and what you'll potentially experience moving forward, on a conscious and an unconscious level. On a deeper level, your chart is the mapping out of your exact natal and prenatal genetic sequences and combinations that unlocks your fortune in this your life.
In my Reading of your chart and in my revealing to you your unique design, I'll also be guiding you in looking into and seeing clearly the strength, wisdom, and beauty that comes inborn with your profile and form, showing you the way to unlocking your unique potentials and guiding you towards what you are here to do naturally, all the while clarifying and distinguishing the crucial connections between what you are consciously and unconsciously designed to do on a personality and genetic level, versus what you're not.
Email or text your: Name, Exact Birth Time, Birth Place, and Birth Date to ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
Step Two ~
Readings from me are given on a first-come-first-serve basis. To schedule your Reading today, using a, bank, debit, or credit card, simply order half the amount of the type of Reading you've decided to receive by:
A.) clicking the link to the "Order My Reading" blog post
B.) beneath the "Order My Reading" post is a tab to my Pay Pal Business Account labelled, "Order My Reading" where you'll tap 'Order My Reading'.
C.) using a bank, debit, or credit card, donate/order/pay half the amount of the Reading you've decided to receive.
Your order is processed within seconds and Pay Pal sends us both a Notification of Payment containing your Name, Email, and Contact Information. You will then call me directly to schedule a time for you to receive your Reading.
Readings & Fees
A.) A live Reading from me, for a single individual, lasts approximately one hour, and comes with Charts and E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $60 (USD)}
B.) A pre-recorded Reading from me, for a single individual, lasts approximately one hour and thirty minutes, and comes with, Charts, an MP3 file compatible with your iDevice, PC, or Desk Top as well as E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $90 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $45 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your prerecorded Individual Reading)
C.) A Family, Couple, or Group Reading for two to five people from me, lasts approximately two to three hours, and comes with, Charts, an MP3 file compatible with your iDevice, PC, or Desk Top as well as E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $180 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $90 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your Penta Reading)
Scroll below and Order Your Reading Today!
aura mechanics and design guidance.,
energetic analysis,
genetic and psychological evaluation,
mechanical strategies for correct living,
personality alignment,
unique design readings
Testimonials of Readings from me...
A. Del La Costa
"Brian helped me see the impact the planets were having on my life. Once i became aware of how Rave I- Ching worked with the planets, i was able to understand why things happen the way they did and i was able to put myself as an observer and see it for what it really was. I found answers to many question i had, about myself and how certain things would happen to me. I was able to see the patterns in my life that i was drawn to repeating. With his help i was able to use the knowledge and keep myself from sabatoging my growth. As i grow stronger in my search for self, this has been life changing thing for me, and I appreciate everything that Brian has done to help me understand and get through this process and keep aware of what is happening.
It has impacted it greatly, the science came to me at the turning point in my life and relationship. Brian helped me break things down even farther by his experience showing me my expressions, how i felt and lived were all there ready for me to learn about me and learn to love me for what my mechanics.
I can lookup the planets everyday and their position, and then figure out what houses they fall under, then lookup gate that it falls into through the astrological position. Then depending on the line it wil tell me what will be playing out during the time the planet is in that position. I am using it everyday, while learning how everything else falls into place, there is so much too learn but with the little bit of information i did learn, it has made an impact and wanting to learn more on how it works. I feel alive knowing the truth."
S. Snowden
"During my session I learned things about myself that I already knew but doubted. For example: according to my BodyGraph, my spleen is an open center meaning that I don't know when "enough is enough" (which is true) and that I need to learn when to get enough of or let go of certain things. I've learned that this is a part of my make up and while I thought in certain situations I may not have had enough patience, I actually had too much. I also learned that while I should inform others before I impact them, I need to make certain moves when I'm ready and not to make big decisions or any decisions hastily.
I can't really say how it has impacted my life as it is still early BUT I can say this seems to he a tool that I can use to improve my quality of life but the life of my 2 children as well. If I can provide them with a tool that gives them a better understanding of themselves as well as the effect they have on potential relationships, then as a parent that is the greatest gift I can give them other than life itself. There are so many people who get lost trying to follow other individual it's sad. I would like for my children to find their individuality and embrace it including their flaws.
In addition to what I listed above regarding my children I'd have to say just being able to know where my "shortcomings" are and how to use that knowledge to find a partner who will compliment them as I will theirs."
C. Spencer
"Brian has helped me to see why I do the things that I do or why certain people gravitate to me. Even as far as why I get treated the way that I do or how people perceive me and how I should react to it. I've learned about what my strategy and authority is and how to implement it.
There is no "if at all" about it, this Knowledge has definitely changed my life monumentally. I have learned that being emotional is not necessarily a negative thing. Waiting to respond is a beautiful thing, its like doors opening for me without me even knocking on them. Only initiating when my gut tells me to. I've noticed ever since I've been introduced to this i've begun to study not only Human Design but other esoteric and metaphysical sciences and I've been able to better grasp the information even if I was introduced to it previously!
...besides what I stated above, this profound Knowledge has helped me to gain a better understanding of my children, which has been a tremendous help in raising them as a single parent! I was almost in tears reading about manifestors and their relationship to generator parents. I understand my son now and we have began the healing process to gaining a closer relationship!!! Again, the concept of patience and time being my friend has been working when dealing with them. I also think another reason why the information resonated so well and so quickly was due to my wonderful analyst who has an innate skill of explaining this intricate information in a way that a beginner can readily comprehend and therefore implement it in their lives."
Thank You Guiding Light TiB!
D. Middleton
"Brian has helped me to have clarity at a time in my life when I was confused and overwhelmed with uncertainties. He encouraged me to not be concerned with unnecessary things in my life, and to focus on the big picture. To step outside my box and look at the situation from above. I realized that I can't change anyone else only myself.
The knowledge that he gave is priceless and has changed my life for the better. If it wasn't for him I would not be where I am today.
I use everything I listened to and learned in our sessions every day. When something negative is going on around me, instead of allowing the negative to take hold of me, I first decide if this is something that concerns me, if not I walk away. If it concerns me I step outside of the situation to get a better look. I don't make rush decisions and I remain calm. Knowing the type of personality I have thru Brian has given me the ability to take control over my life. Understanding my graph has allowed me to make good decisions and keep pushing forward toward my goals."
E. B.
"Brian helped me to see that where I am in life is where I'm supposed to be! That I am a leader.I'm more focused on my life goals now and even more determined to accomplish what I set out to accomplish. Lastly that the science behind my rave chart tells a pretty accurate story about my life and how I view and handle things in the world. Pretty amazing stuff!
After speaking with him I feel that my life is more aligned and I now know for sure that I can trust my gut instinct. I also know how to decipher between my mind speaking and my gut speaking!
With what has been shared I have become extremely focused and aware of my environment. I am now cutting people out of my life who I can see more clearly are only out for selfish gain and are not there to encourage me in my endeavors. I now write out my plans for the day so that my frequent "running around" is more productive. AND I know how to quiet the "voices in my head" that try to interfere with my gut's decisions."
Anonymous, "...thanks again Brian for everything. I didn't expect to get what I got from you. What you do is definitely a help for the masses. Before now I don't think I've seen as clearly as I do now. It was as if you gave me some better glasses than the ones I was wearing and said " here you should be able to see better now
And for sure without question I do. You opened my eyes to see that the path was already laid out for me! Thank you thank you thank you! I would kiss you if I could! I would give you a million dollars if I could!! I mean that! You have know idea what you've done!!!! Blessings to you my brother!"
C. George
"1. My authority and recognizing the wave of hope and despair.
2. Thinking has a better understanding of life's circuitry. This lends itself to new ways to perceive experience.
3. Designs tenants take one back to a Zen like way of being. Just let it flow."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Thank you for introducing me in the manner that you did. I really appreciate the custom and personal delivery. I know that my design is MY design but your delivery helped me to glean so much more understanding. I have about 10 pages of notes for both parts. Secondly, thank you for providing me with me with so many aha moments and clarity. As I am just entering the second phase of my life, it has indeed felt like I'm recovering and licking the wounds of my adolescence and young adulthood. It is comforting and reassuring to know that those actions and consequences had a purpose. I, like so many others, have casually said "It's all in Divine order" but sometimes that statement has lacked the full faith and confidence needed to be absolutely true." M. N.
Are you ready to order now? ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
True Guide ~
A. Del La Costa
"Brian helped me see the impact the planets were having on my life. Once i became aware of how Rave I- Ching worked with the planets, i was able to understand why things happen the way they did and i was able to put myself as an observer and see it for what it really was. I found answers to many question i had, about myself and how certain things would happen to me. I was able to see the patterns in my life that i was drawn to repeating. With his help i was able to use the knowledge and keep myself from sabatoging my growth. As i grow stronger in my search for self, this has been life changing thing for me, and I appreciate everything that Brian has done to help me understand and get through this process and keep aware of what is happening.
It has impacted it greatly, the science came to me at the turning point in my life and relationship. Brian helped me break things down even farther by his experience showing me my expressions, how i felt and lived were all there ready for me to learn about me and learn to love me for what my mechanics.
I can lookup the planets everyday and their position, and then figure out what houses they fall under, then lookup gate that it falls into through the astrological position. Then depending on the line it wil tell me what will be playing out during the time the planet is in that position. I am using it everyday, while learning how everything else falls into place, there is so much too learn but with the little bit of information i did learn, it has made an impact and wanting to learn more on how it works. I feel alive knowing the truth."
S. Snowden
"During my session I learned things about myself that I already knew but doubted. For example: according to my BodyGraph, my spleen is an open center meaning that I don't know when "enough is enough" (which is true) and that I need to learn when to get enough of or let go of certain things. I've learned that this is a part of my make up and while I thought in certain situations I may not have had enough patience, I actually had too much. I also learned that while I should inform others before I impact them, I need to make certain moves when I'm ready and not to make big decisions or any decisions hastily.
I can't really say how it has impacted my life as it is still early BUT I can say this seems to he a tool that I can use to improve my quality of life but the life of my 2 children as well. If I can provide them with a tool that gives them a better understanding of themselves as well as the effect they have on potential relationships, then as a parent that is the greatest gift I can give them other than life itself. There are so many people who get lost trying to follow other individual it's sad. I would like for my children to find their individuality and embrace it including their flaws.
In addition to what I listed above regarding my children I'd have to say just being able to know where my "shortcomings" are and how to use that knowledge to find a partner who will compliment them as I will theirs."
C. Spencer
"Brian has helped me to see why I do the things that I do or why certain people gravitate to me. Even as far as why I get treated the way that I do or how people perceive me and how I should react to it. I've learned about what my strategy and authority is and how to implement it.
There is no "if at all" about it, this Knowledge has definitely changed my life monumentally. I have learned that being emotional is not necessarily a negative thing. Waiting to respond is a beautiful thing, its like doors opening for me without me even knocking on them. Only initiating when my gut tells me to. I've noticed ever since I've been introduced to this i've begun to study not only Human Design but other esoteric and metaphysical sciences and I've been able to better grasp the information even if I was introduced to it previously!
...besides what I stated above, this profound Knowledge has helped me to gain a better understanding of my children, which has been a tremendous help in raising them as a single parent! I was almost in tears reading about manifestors and their relationship to generator parents. I understand my son now and we have began the healing process to gaining a closer relationship!!! Again, the concept of patience and time being my friend has been working when dealing with them. I also think another reason why the information resonated so well and so quickly was due to my wonderful analyst who has an innate skill of explaining this intricate information in a way that a beginner can readily comprehend and therefore implement it in their lives."
Thank You Guiding Light TiB!
D. Middleton
"Brian has helped me to have clarity at a time in my life when I was confused and overwhelmed with uncertainties. He encouraged me to not be concerned with unnecessary things in my life, and to focus on the big picture. To step outside my box and look at the situation from above. I realized that I can't change anyone else only myself.
The knowledge that he gave is priceless and has changed my life for the better. If it wasn't for him I would not be where I am today.
I use everything I listened to and learned in our sessions every day. When something negative is going on around me, instead of allowing the negative to take hold of me, I first decide if this is something that concerns me, if not I walk away. If it concerns me I step outside of the situation to get a better look. I don't make rush decisions and I remain calm. Knowing the type of personality I have thru Brian has given me the ability to take control over my life. Understanding my graph has allowed me to make good decisions and keep pushing forward toward my goals."
E. B.
"Brian helped me to see that where I am in life is where I'm supposed to be! That I am a leader.I'm more focused on my life goals now and even more determined to accomplish what I set out to accomplish. Lastly that the science behind my rave chart tells a pretty accurate story about my life and how I view and handle things in the world. Pretty amazing stuff!
After speaking with him I feel that my life is more aligned and I now know for sure that I can trust my gut instinct. I also know how to decipher between my mind speaking and my gut speaking!
With what has been shared I have become extremely focused and aware of my environment. I am now cutting people out of my life who I can see more clearly are only out for selfish gain and are not there to encourage me in my endeavors. I now write out my plans for the day so that my frequent "running around" is more productive. AND I know how to quiet the "voices in my head" that try to interfere with my gut's decisions."
Anonymous, "...thanks again Brian for everything. I didn't expect to get what I got from you. What you do is definitely a help for the masses. Before now I don't think I've seen as clearly as I do now. It was as if you gave me some better glasses than the ones I was wearing and said " here you should be able to see better now
And for sure without question I do. You opened my eyes to see that the path was already laid out for me! Thank you thank you thank you! I would kiss you if I could! I would give you a million dollars if I could!! I mean that! You have know idea what you've done!!!! Blessings to you my brother!"
C. George
"1. My authority and recognizing the wave of hope and despair.
2. Thinking has a better understanding of life's circuitry. This lends itself to new ways to perceive experience.
3. Designs tenants take one back to a Zen like way of being. Just let it flow."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Thank you for introducing me in the manner that you did. I really appreciate the custom and personal delivery. I know that my design is MY design but your delivery helped me to glean so much more understanding. I have about 10 pages of notes for both parts. Secondly, thank you for providing me with me with so many aha moments and clarity. As I am just entering the second phase of my life, it has indeed felt like I'm recovering and licking the wounds of my adolescence and young adulthood. It is comforting and reassuring to know that those actions and consequences had a purpose. I, like so many others, have casually said "It's all in Divine order" but sometimes that statement has lacked the full faith and confidence needed to be absolutely true." M. N.
Are you ready to order now?
If, at this moment, you can afford an Analysis (Reading), you have the link to order, and, if not, let me know and I'll send you some free information that's available to the general public. ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
True Guide ~
affirmation empowerment enlightenment food-for-thought guidance informative inspiration motivation nourishment purpose wisdom,
change strategies,
progressive insight,
A Reading From Me...
A Reading from me...
Is unfailingly showing and proving to be one of, if not the, single most profoundly empowering, enlightening, liberating, transformational, and life-enhancing communications people have ever received, and, most importantly, your Reading from me IS ALL ABOUT YOU!
On a Personal, Psychological, and Emotional/Spiritual level...
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, what your unique roles are in this life, what makes you different, what makes you uniquely and distinctly original, the secrets to becoming self-aware of and accessing your own personal power, how to correctly express your inner and outer authority in your life right now, what your hidden potentials are, what defines you, where the greatest meaning is to be found in your life, what your purpose is in this life, your correct way of going directly into expressing what your true identity is, the sources of as well as what are your correct strategies for eliminating the unnecessary stress and resistance in your life; the unique design of your brain, body, and mind, your particular cognition, and the reasons why you think, speak, behave, and react the way you do in response to the triggers of different pressures, stresses, people, circumstances, and settings; the sources and solutions of and for your inner and outer conflicts; what your specific fears are and how to make them your allies, your correct strategies for effectively and successfully navigating emotional conditions and situations; the root causes of, confusion, frustration, anger and/or bitterness and the proper strategies for you to personally both decondition and free yourself from the harmful effects of these.
In addition to making clear where and what your vulnerability, inconsistencies, weaknesses, and hidden strengths are, your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, the heart, soul, and mechanics of your inner and outer authority in this life as well as where you'll always find grounding and stability; at the deepest levels of your vehicle, what truly drives you, the message you're here to communicate in this life, the keys to unlocking the potential of your, DNA, personality, spirituality, your deepest truths, and what fundamentally balances you and how you gain and establish structure in any area of your life.
On an Intimacy & Nurturing level
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, the mechanics of your unique sexuality, your genetic bonding strategies, your correct quality of companionship, the personality and genetic attributes of you and your current or ideal lover, mate, companion, confidant, spouse, business partner, personal assistant, employee(s) etc.; the correct time for you to end, begin, or renew relationships; for aspiring or soon to be parents, the most opportune time for you to conceive children as well as key insights into what mental, physical, and spiritual qualities your children will potentially or currently have and bring out of you, or are already bringing out of you, what kind of children yours may potentially grow up to become, as well as knowledge and clarity regarding the stage of development you all are maturing through in your respective current seven year cycles.
If you are in a relationship or not, and you want a more in-depth analysis and explanation of your design, or the composite of you and your partners' design, or you're interested in knowing, based upon your own design, what type of profile and design will compliment your own, or you simply want to know what your chart says about you, call or email 908.502.1033 number and schedule an appointment for a rave analysis or reading.
On a Physical & Environmental level...
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, your unique dietary regimen, the mechanics and inner-workings of your conscious and unconscious mind, how to heal the issues in your tissues, the means and methods of accessing your three streams of awareness; your genetic, bonding strategies, inheritances, predispositions, and much much more.
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, the Knowledge of, where you are most open and susceptible to being conditioned by others, the themes of the first and second half of your life, what has occurred in your past, what you're faced with navigating through at the present moment as well as what events are coming and what circumstances you're being moved toward in the immediate days ahead; the most opportune time for you to travel, change schools, relocate, switch disciplines, careers etc.; the correct times, means, and strategies for you to take on new risks such as investments, starting a business, gambling, etc.; where your luck, fortune, and possibilities of expansion reside within and around you, and the correct environments for you to live, work, excel, and prosper in!
On a Transpersonal level...
Perhaps you want or need clarity on or for yourself in relation to another or others such as, your child or children, guardians, siblings or relative(s), lover, partner, spouse, friend, or associate, a missing or deceased loved one, a superior, competitor, adversary or foe. Your Reading from me can and does explore, in-depth, any and all of the areas mentioned above and more!
How do I get my Reading?
Obtain your Reading by following 2 simple steps.
Step One ~
Email or text your: Name, Exact Birth Time, Birth Place, and Birth Date to ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
Your time, date, and place of birth is used to generate what is called a *Body Graph (Birth Chart) which represents your Unique Design. (see sample attachment)
*A Chart like the one attached, but specific to your Vital Data (*Time of Birth, Date of Birth, and Place of Birth) are the key fundamental ingredients that make up your Formula for No Fault Living! Your Chart is the visual science of your unique design and is the complete blueprint to your conscious and your unconscious mind, your immediate environment and environmental themes as well as the circumstances, situations, events, personalities and people populating your surroundings. It is the script containing your true identity and roles as well as the storyline, plot, and themes of all of what you've experienced, what you are potentially experiencing right now, and what you'll potentially experience moving forward, on a conscious and an unconscious level. On a deeper level, your chart is the mapping out of your exact natal and prenatal genetic sequences and combinations that unlocks your fortune in this your life.
In my Reading of your chart and in my revealing to you your unique design, I'll also be guiding you in looking into and seeing clearly the strength, wisdom, and beauty that comes inborn with your profile and form, showing you the way to unlocking your unique potentials and guiding you towards what you are here to do naturally, all the while clarifying and distinguishing the crucial connections between what you are consciously and unconsciously designed to do on a personality and genetic level, versus what you're not.
Email or text your: Name, Exact Birth Time, Birth Place, and Birth Date to ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
Step Two ~
Order your Reading today by depositing a minimum of half the fee of the Reading you've chosen.
Readings from me are given on a first-come-first-serve basis. To schedule your Reading today, using a, bank, debit, or credit card, simply order half the amount of the type of Reading you've decided to receive by:
A.) clicking the link to the "Order My Reading" blog post
B.) beneath the "Order My Reading" post is a tab to my Pay Pal Business Account labelled, "Order My Reading" where you'll tap 'Order My Reading'.
C.) using a bank, debit, or credit card, donate/order/pay half the amount of the Reading you've decided to receive.
Your order is processed within seconds and Pay Pal sends us both a Notification of Payment containing your Name, Email, and Contact Information. You will then call me directly to schedule a time for you to receive your Reading.
Readings & Fees
A.) A live Reading from me, for a single individual, lasts approximately one hour, and comes with Charts and E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $60 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $30 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your Individual Reading)
B.) A pre-recorded Reading from me, for a single individual, lasts approximately one hour and thirty minutes, and comes with, Charts, an MP3 file compatible with your iDevice, PC, or Desk Top as well as E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $90 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $45 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your prerecorded Individual Reading)
C.) A Family, Couple, or Group Reading for two to five people from me, lasts approximately two to three hours, and comes with, Charts, an MP3 file compatible with your iDevice, PC, or Desk Top as well as E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $180 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $90 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your Penta Reading)
Order Your Reading Today!
A. Del La Costa
"Brian helped me see the impact the planets were having on my life. Once i became aware of how Rave I- Ching worked with the planets, i was able to understand why things happen the way they did and i was able to put myself as an observer and see it for what it really was. I found answers to many question i had, about myself and how certain things would happen to me. I was able to see the patterns in my life that i was drawn to repeating. With his help i was able to use the knowledge and keep myself from sabatoging my growth. As i grow stronger in my search for self, this has been life changing thing for me, and I appreciate everything that Brian has done to help me understand and get through this process and keep aware of what is happening.
It has impacted it greatly, the science came to me at the turning point in my life and relationship. Brian helped me break things down even farther by his experience showing me my expressions, how i felt and lived were all there ready for me to learn about me and learn to love me for what my mechanics.
I can lookup the planets everyday and their position, and then figure out what houses they fall under, then lookup gate that it falls into through the astrological position. Then depending on the line it wil tell me what will be playing out during the time the planet is in that position. I am using it everyday, while learning how everything else falls into place, there is so much too learn but with the little bit of information i did learn, it has made an impact and wanting to learn more on how it works. I feel alive knowing the truth."
S. Snowden
"During my session I learned things about myself that I already knew but doubted. For example: according to my BodyGraph, my spleen is an open center meaning that I don't know when "enough is enough" (which is true) and that I need to learn when to get enough of or let go of certain things. I've learned that this is a part of my make up and while I thought in certain situations I may not have had enough patience, I actually had too much. I also learned that while I should inform others before I impact them, I need to make certain moves when I'm ready and not to make big decisions or any decisions hastily.
I can't really say how it has impacted my life as it is still early BUT I can say this seems to he a tool that I can use to improve my quality of life but the life of my 2 children as well. If I can provide them with a tool that gives them a better understanding of themselves as well as the effect they have on potential relationships, then as a parent that is the greatest gift I can give them other than life itself. There are so many people who get lost trying to follow other individual it's sad. I would like for my children to find their individuality and embrace it including their flaws.
In addition to what I listed above regarding my children I'd have to say just being able to know where my "shortcomings" are and how to use that knowledge to find a partner who will compliment them as I will theirs."
C. Spencer
"Brian has helped me to see why I do the things that I do or why certain people gravitate to me. Even as far as why I get treated the way that I do or how people perceive me and how I should react to it. I've learned about what my strategy and authority is and how to implement it.
There is no "if at all" about it, this Knowledge has definitely changed my life monumentally. I have learned that being emotional is not necessarily a negative thing. Waiting to respond is a beautiful thing, its like doors opening for me without me even knocking on them. Only initiating when my gut tells me to. I've noticed ever since I've been introduced to this i've begun to study not only Human Design but other esoteric and metaphysical sciences and I've been able to better grasp the information even if I was introduced to it previously!
...besides what I stated above, this profound Knowledge has helped me to gain a better understanding of my children, which has been a tremendous help in raising them as a single parent! I was almost in tears reading about manifestors and their relationship to generator parents. I understand my son now and we have began the healing process to gaining a closer relationship!!! Again, the concept of patience and time being my friend has been working when dealing with them. I also think another reason why the information resonated so well and so quickly was due to my wonderful analyst who has an innate skill of explaining this intricate information in a way that a beginner can readily comprehend and therefore implement it in their lives."
Thank You Guiding Light TiB!
D. Middleton
"Brian has helped me to have clarity at a time in my life when I was confused and overwhelmed with uncertainties. He encouraged me to not be concerned with unnecessary things in my life, and to focus on the big picture. To step outside my box and look at the situation from above. I realized that I can't change anyone else only myself.
The knowledge that he gave is priceless and has changed my life for the better. If it wasn't for him I would not be where I am today.
I use everything I listened to and learned in our sessions every day. When something negative is going on around me, instead of allowing the negative to take hold of me, I first decide if this is something that concerns me, if not I walk away. If it concerns me I step outside of the situation to get a better look. I don't make rush decisions and I remain calm. Knowing the type of personality I have thru Brian has given me the ability to take control over my life. Understanding my graph has allowed me to make good decisions and keep pushing forward toward my goals."
E. B.
"Brian helped me to see that where I am in life is where I'm supposed to be! That I am a leader.I'm more focused on my life goals now and even more determined to accomplish what I set out to accomplish. Lastly that the science behind my rave chart tells a pretty accurate story about my life and how I view and handle things in the world. Pretty amazing stuff!
After speaking with him I feel that my life is more aligned and I now know for sure that I can trust my gut instinct. I also know how to decipher between my mind speaking and my gut speaking!
With what has been shared I have become extremely focused and aware of my environment. I am now cutting people out of my life who I can see more clearly are only out for selfish gain and are not there to encourage me in my endeavors. I now write out my plans for the day so that my frequent "running around" is more productive. AND I know how to quiet the "voices in my head" that try to interfere with my gut's decisions."
Anonymous, "...thanks again Brian for everything. I didn't expect to get what I got from you. What you do is definitely a help for the masses. Before now I don't think I've seen as clearly as I do now. It was as if you gave me some better glasses than the ones I was wearing and said " here you should be able to see better now
And for sure without question I do. You opened my eyes to see that the path was already laid out for me! Thank you thank you thank you! I would kiss you if I could! I would give you a million dollars if I could!! I mean that! You have know idea what you've done!!!! Blessings to you my brother!"
C. George
"1. My authority and recognizing the wave of hope and despair.
2. Thinking has a better understanding of life's circuitry. This lends itself to new ways to perceive experience.
3. Designs tenants take one back to a Zen like way of being. Just let it flow."
Make the deposit for your Reading then text, email, or call me today! ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
True Guide ~
Is unfailingly showing and proving to be one of, if not the, single most profoundly empowering, enlightening, liberating, transformational, and life-enhancing communications people have ever received, and, most importantly, your Reading from me IS ALL ABOUT YOU!
On a Personal, Psychological, and Emotional/Spiritual level...
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, what your unique roles are in this life, what makes you different, what makes you uniquely and distinctly original, the secrets to becoming self-aware of and accessing your own personal power, how to correctly express your inner and outer authority in your life right now, what your hidden potentials are, what defines you, where the greatest meaning is to be found in your life, what your purpose is in this life, your correct way of going directly into expressing what your true identity is, the sources of as well as what are your correct strategies for eliminating the unnecessary stress and resistance in your life; the unique design of your brain, body, and mind, your particular cognition, and the reasons why you think, speak, behave, and react the way you do in response to the triggers of different pressures, stresses, people, circumstances, and settings; the sources and solutions of and for your inner and outer conflicts; what your specific fears are and how to make them your allies, your correct strategies for effectively and successfully navigating emotional conditions and situations; the root causes of, confusion, frustration, anger and/or bitterness and the proper strategies for you to personally both decondition and free yourself from the harmful effects of these.
In addition to making clear where and what your vulnerability, inconsistencies, weaknesses, and hidden strengths are, your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, the heart, soul, and mechanics of your inner and outer authority in this life as well as where you'll always find grounding and stability; at the deepest levels of your vehicle, what truly drives you, the message you're here to communicate in this life, the keys to unlocking the potential of your, DNA, personality, spirituality, your deepest truths, and what fundamentally balances you and how you gain and establish structure in any area of your life.
On an Intimacy & Nurturing level
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, the mechanics of your unique sexuality, your genetic bonding strategies, your correct quality of companionship, the personality and genetic attributes of you and your current or ideal lover, mate, companion, confidant, spouse, business partner, personal assistant, employee(s) etc.; the correct time for you to end, begin, or renew relationships; for aspiring or soon to be parents, the most opportune time for you to conceive children as well as key insights into what mental, physical, and spiritual qualities your children will potentially or currently have and bring out of you, or are already bringing out of you, what kind of children yours may potentially grow up to become, as well as knowledge and clarity regarding the stage of development you all are maturing through in your respective current seven year cycles.
If you are in a relationship or not, and you want a more in-depth analysis and explanation of your design, or the composite of you and your partners' design, or you're interested in knowing, based upon your own design, what type of profile and design will compliment your own, or you simply want to know what your chart says about you, call or email 908.502.1033 number and schedule an appointment for a rave analysis or reading.
On a Physical & Environmental level...
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, your unique dietary regimen, the mechanics and inner-workings of your conscious and unconscious mind, how to heal the issues in your tissues, the means and methods of accessing your three streams of awareness; your genetic, bonding strategies, inheritances, predispositions, and much much more.
Your Reading from me reveals, with crystal clear clarity, the Knowledge of, where you are most open and susceptible to being conditioned by others, the themes of the first and second half of your life, what has occurred in your past, what you're faced with navigating through at the present moment as well as what events are coming and what circumstances you're being moved toward in the immediate days ahead; the most opportune time for you to travel, change schools, relocate, switch disciplines, careers etc.; the correct times, means, and strategies for you to take on new risks such as investments, starting a business, gambling, etc.; where your luck, fortune, and possibilities of expansion reside within and around you, and the correct environments for you to live, work, excel, and prosper in!
On a Transpersonal level...
Perhaps you want or need clarity on or for yourself in relation to another or others such as, your child or children, guardians, siblings or relative(s), lover, partner, spouse, friend, or associate, a missing or deceased loved one, a superior, competitor, adversary or foe. Your Reading from me can and does explore, in-depth, any and all of the areas mentioned above and more!
How do I get my Reading?
Obtain your Reading by following 2 simple steps.
Step One ~
Email or text your: Name, Exact Birth Time, Birth Place, and Birth Date to ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
Your time, date, and place of birth is used to generate what is called a *Body Graph (Birth Chart) which represents your Unique Design. (see sample attachment)
*A Chart like the one attached, but specific to your Vital Data (*Time of Birth, Date of Birth, and Place of Birth) are the key fundamental ingredients that make up your Formula for No Fault Living! Your Chart is the visual science of your unique design and is the complete blueprint to your conscious and your unconscious mind, your immediate environment and environmental themes as well as the circumstances, situations, events, personalities and people populating your surroundings. It is the script containing your true identity and roles as well as the storyline, plot, and themes of all of what you've experienced, what you are potentially experiencing right now, and what you'll potentially experience moving forward, on a conscious and an unconscious level. On a deeper level, your chart is the mapping out of your exact natal and prenatal genetic sequences and combinations that unlocks your fortune in this your life.
In my Reading of your chart and in my revealing to you your unique design, I'll also be guiding you in looking into and seeing clearly the strength, wisdom, and beauty that comes inborn with your profile and form, showing you the way to unlocking your unique potentials and guiding you towards what you are here to do naturally, all the while clarifying and distinguishing the crucial connections between what you are consciously and unconsciously designed to do on a personality and genetic level, versus what you're not.
Email or text your: Name, Exact Birth Time, Birth Place, and Birth Date to ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
Step Two ~
Order your Reading today by depositing a minimum of half the fee of the Reading you've chosen.
Readings from me are given on a first-come-first-serve basis. To schedule your Reading today, using a, bank, debit, or credit card, simply order half the amount of the type of Reading you've decided to receive by:
A.) clicking the link to the "Order My Reading" blog post
B.) beneath the "Order My Reading" post is a tab to my Pay Pal Business Account labelled, "Order My Reading" where you'll tap 'Order My Reading'.
C.) using a bank, debit, or credit card, donate/order/pay half the amount of the Reading you've decided to receive.
Your order is processed within seconds and Pay Pal sends us both a Notification of Payment containing your Name, Email, and Contact Information. You will then call me directly to schedule a time for you to receive your Reading.
Readings & Fees
A.) A live Reading from me, for a single individual, lasts approximately one hour, and comes with Charts and E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $60 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $30 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your Individual Reading)
B.) A pre-recorded Reading from me, for a single individual, lasts approximately one hour and thirty minutes, and comes with, Charts, an MP3 file compatible with your iDevice, PC, or Desk Top as well as E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $90 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $45 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your prerecorded Individual Reading)
C.) A Family, Couple, or Group Reading for two to five people from me, lasts approximately two to three hours, and comes with, Charts, an MP3 file compatible with your iDevice, PC, or Desk Top as well as E-Manuals for your continued self-study, self-discovery, experimentation, and living out of your unique design.
{Fee ~ $180 (USD)}
~ (Here, a $90 (USD) deposit is required to schedule your Penta Reading)
Order Your Reading Today!
A. Del La Costa
"Brian helped me see the impact the planets were having on my life. Once i became aware of how Rave I- Ching worked with the planets, i was able to understand why things happen the way they did and i was able to put myself as an observer and see it for what it really was. I found answers to many question i had, about myself and how certain things would happen to me. I was able to see the patterns in my life that i was drawn to repeating. With his help i was able to use the knowledge and keep myself from sabatoging my growth. As i grow stronger in my search for self, this has been life changing thing for me, and I appreciate everything that Brian has done to help me understand and get through this process and keep aware of what is happening.
It has impacted it greatly, the science came to me at the turning point in my life and relationship. Brian helped me break things down even farther by his experience showing me my expressions, how i felt and lived were all there ready for me to learn about me and learn to love me for what my mechanics.
I can lookup the planets everyday and their position, and then figure out what houses they fall under, then lookup gate that it falls into through the astrological position. Then depending on the line it wil tell me what will be playing out during the time the planet is in that position. I am using it everyday, while learning how everything else falls into place, there is so much too learn but with the little bit of information i did learn, it has made an impact and wanting to learn more on how it works. I feel alive knowing the truth."
S. Snowden
"During my session I learned things about myself that I already knew but doubted. For example: according to my BodyGraph, my spleen is an open center meaning that I don't know when "enough is enough" (which is true) and that I need to learn when to get enough of or let go of certain things. I've learned that this is a part of my make up and while I thought in certain situations I may not have had enough patience, I actually had too much. I also learned that while I should inform others before I impact them, I need to make certain moves when I'm ready and not to make big decisions or any decisions hastily.
I can't really say how it has impacted my life as it is still early BUT I can say this seems to he a tool that I can use to improve my quality of life but the life of my 2 children as well. If I can provide them with a tool that gives them a better understanding of themselves as well as the effect they have on potential relationships, then as a parent that is the greatest gift I can give them other than life itself. There are so many people who get lost trying to follow other individual it's sad. I would like for my children to find their individuality and embrace it including their flaws.
In addition to what I listed above regarding my children I'd have to say just being able to know where my "shortcomings" are and how to use that knowledge to find a partner who will compliment them as I will theirs."
C. Spencer
"Brian has helped me to see why I do the things that I do or why certain people gravitate to me. Even as far as why I get treated the way that I do or how people perceive me and how I should react to it. I've learned about what my strategy and authority is and how to implement it.
There is no "if at all" about it, this Knowledge has definitely changed my life monumentally. I have learned that being emotional is not necessarily a negative thing. Waiting to respond is a beautiful thing, its like doors opening for me without me even knocking on them. Only initiating when my gut tells me to. I've noticed ever since I've been introduced to this i've begun to study not only Human Design but other esoteric and metaphysical sciences and I've been able to better grasp the information even if I was introduced to it previously!
...besides what I stated above, this profound Knowledge has helped me to gain a better understanding of my children, which has been a tremendous help in raising them as a single parent! I was almost in tears reading about manifestors and their relationship to generator parents. I understand my son now and we have began the healing process to gaining a closer relationship!!! Again, the concept of patience and time being my friend has been working when dealing with them. I also think another reason why the information resonated so well and so quickly was due to my wonderful analyst who has an innate skill of explaining this intricate information in a way that a beginner can readily comprehend and therefore implement it in their lives."
Thank You Guiding Light TiB!
D. Middleton
"Brian has helped me to have clarity at a time in my life when I was confused and overwhelmed with uncertainties. He encouraged me to not be concerned with unnecessary things in my life, and to focus on the big picture. To step outside my box and look at the situation from above. I realized that I can't change anyone else only myself.
The knowledge that he gave is priceless and has changed my life for the better. If it wasn't for him I would not be where I am today.
I use everything I listened to and learned in our sessions every day. When something negative is going on around me, instead of allowing the negative to take hold of me, I first decide if this is something that concerns me, if not I walk away. If it concerns me I step outside of the situation to get a better look. I don't make rush decisions and I remain calm. Knowing the type of personality I have thru Brian has given me the ability to take control over my life. Understanding my graph has allowed me to make good decisions and keep pushing forward toward my goals."
E. B.
"Brian helped me to see that where I am in life is where I'm supposed to be! That I am a leader.I'm more focused on my life goals now and even more determined to accomplish what I set out to accomplish. Lastly that the science behind my rave chart tells a pretty accurate story about my life and how I view and handle things in the world. Pretty amazing stuff!
After speaking with him I feel that my life is more aligned and I now know for sure that I can trust my gut instinct. I also know how to decipher between my mind speaking and my gut speaking!
With what has been shared I have become extremely focused and aware of my environment. I am now cutting people out of my life who I can see more clearly are only out for selfish gain and are not there to encourage me in my endeavors. I now write out my plans for the day so that my frequent "running around" is more productive. AND I know how to quiet the "voices in my head" that try to interfere with my gut's decisions."
Anonymous, "...thanks again Brian for everything. I didn't expect to get what I got from you. What you do is definitely a help for the masses. Before now I don't think I've seen as clearly as I do now. It was as if you gave me some better glasses than the ones I was wearing and said " here you should be able to see better now
And for sure without question I do. You opened my eyes to see that the path was already laid out for me! Thank you thank you thank you! I would kiss you if I could! I would give you a million dollars if I could!! I mean that! You have know idea what you've done!!!! Blessings to you my brother!"
C. George
"1. My authority and recognizing the wave of hope and despair.
2. Thinking has a better understanding of life's circuitry. This lends itself to new ways to perceive experience.
3. Designs tenants take one back to a Zen like way of being. Just let it flow."
Make the deposit for your Reading then text, email, or call me today! ~ Brian ~ 908.502.1033
True Guide ~
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